


Cases of a mystery hepatitis virus in Europe and the U.S. are causing concern among international health bodies, following a sharp rise in reports of liver inflation among British children earlier in April. Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain have now all reported cases of children under 10 suffering from an uncommon hepatitis virus. In several cases, children have needed liver transplants. The European Center for Disease Control said the exact cause of hepatitis in these children remained unknown and investigations were ongoing.

①Cases of a mystery hepatitis virus in Europe and the U.S. are causing concern among international health bodies, following a sharp rise in reports of liver inflation among British children earlier in April.

主语作为第一个意群,其中mystery要强调,hepatitis virus和Europe and the US要念紧凑;第二个意群到逗号为止;第三个意群中a sharp rise in reports of liver inflation要念紧凑,sharp要强调
Cases of a MYSTERY <hepatitis virus> in <Europe and the U.S.>… are causing concern among international health bodies, … following <a SHARP rise in reports of liver inflation> … among British children earlier in April. 

②Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain have now all reported cases of children under 10 suffering from an uncommon hepatitis virus.

主语可以适当放慢速度,并注意停顿间隔;主语后第一次停顿;all要强调,cases of children under 10要念得紧凑,然后再停顿;动名词短语作为一个独立意群,其中uncommon要强调
Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain … have now ALL reported <cases of children under 10> … suffering from an UNCOMMON hepatitis virus. 

③In several cases, children have needed liver transplants.

In several cases, children have needed liver TRANSPLANTS.

④The European Center for Disease Control said the exact cause of hepatitis in these children remained unknown and investigations were ongoing. 

<The European Center for Disease Control said> … <the EXACT cause of hepatitis in these children> remained UNKNOWN … and investigations were ONGOING. 

Cases of a mystery hepatitis virus in Europe and the U.S. are causing concern among international health bodies, following a sharp rise in reports of liver inflation among British children earlier in April. Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain have now all reported cases of children under 10 suffering from an uncommon hepatitis virus. In several cases, children have needed liver transplants. The European Center for Disease Control said the exact cause of hepatitis in these children remained unknown and investigations were ongoing.

  • 亮亮读英语

    完成今日朗读打卡练习!今日内容很好理解,自己在跟读练习中,也注意个别单词着重强调及词组紧凑跟读,进行对比,反复练习。进行逐句拆分理解,并熟记某一句或通篇内容复述一下,与中文内容对比,逐步完善。学头条,好处是不仅理解所熟悉单词基本意思还有拓展意思,短语搭配,可以很好理解单词在句子中意思,掌握一些实用表达短语和句子。进行语言材料积累,熟记于心,还要温故而知新。 难点是人名和专业期刊名字和专有药品名,动物科学名等,没有具体发音音标做参照。

    英语何健说 回复 @亮亮读英语: 再次给亮亮鼓掌👏

  • 菲菲星光

    我怎么听“in these children”都是“in dis children”,这个地方卡我几十遍😭