【英文听力原声】夏洛克福尔摩斯:四签名 Chapter 15 第十五章

【英文听力原声】夏洛克福尔摩斯:四签名 Chapter 15 第十五章


Day 15

'Oh no, sir,' the woman replied. 'The Aurora isn't wide, and she's black, not green.'

'Of course,' Holmes agreed. 'Black, not green. We must go, Mrs Smith. I hope that you´ll have news of your husband soon. If I see him along the river, I'll tell him that you're worried. Goodbye.'

My friend and I then found a man with a boat, who took us across the river. When we reached the other side, Holmes turned to me.

'Well, Watson,' he asked. 'what should we do now?'

'I think we should hire another launch and go after the Aurora.' I suggested.

Holmes shook his head.

'There are too many places along the river for the Aurora to hide.' he said. 'We might spend days looking for her.'

'Then perhaps we should ask Inspector Lestrade for some help from Scotland Yard,' I replied.

'Not yet, Watson,' said my friend. 'I'd like to find Mr Jonathan Small for myself, if I can. No, let's take this cab here back to Baker Street and have some breakfast. We should also sleep for an hour or two.'

We got into the cab and were soon travelling north to Baker Street with the dog, Toby.

On the way, Holmes asked the driver to stop at a post office. There he got down from the cab and, when he came back, he told me that he had sent a telegram.

'Do you remember the group of street boys who helped us once before, Watson?' he asked. 'I've sent a telegram to their leader. I'm sure he and the boys will be with us before we've finished breakfast.'

It was after eight o'clock when we arrived at 221B Baker Street. I was exhausted and went to have a bath. After this, and an excellent breakfast of coffee, toast and eggs, I felt better. Holmes drank only a cup of coffee and smoked a cigarette before showing me the morning newspaper.

'Look at this, Watson,' he smiled. 'Inspector Lestrade has been speaking to the reporters, I think.'

I took the newspaper from my friend and read the story.


At about midnight last night Mr Bartholomew Sholto of Pondicherry Lodge, Norwood, was found dead in his room. The police think that he was murdered. We understand that some valuable treasure was stolen from the house. Mr Sholto's father, an army officer, had brought the treasure back from India.

Mr Sholto's body was found by Mr Sherlock Holmes, the detective, and his associate, Dr John Watson. They had come to Pondicherry Lodge with the dead man's brother, Mr Thaddeus Sholto.

By chance, Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard was at the police station in Norwood and he immediately went to the house. The Inspector quickly realized that someone had committed a serious crime and arrested Mr Thaddeus Sholto and three servants from the house. He saw that the murderer had entered the dead man's room from a secret space under the roof and not by the door or window, and understood that the murderer must be someone who knew Pondicherry Lodge very well. This newspaper feels that the people of London should again be grateful to Inspector Lestrade for his excellent work in arresting criminals so quickly.

I put down the newspaper.

'But this is stupid, Holmes!' I said.

'Of course,' my friend agreed, 'but it makes me smile.'

Just then we heard lots of high voices at our door.

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