Linguaphone 21.2.2 the suitcases

Linguaphone 21.2.2 the suitcases


The suitcases
Mr. Blake: Let’s sit in this compartment. Girls, you sit here. Simon and I’ll put your suitcases on the rack. Whose is this one?
Simon: That’s Sheila’s.
Mr. Blake: Hers is heavy. 
Simon: Yes. She always brings a lot of things with her. She’s always changing her clothes.
Mr. Blake: Is this hers, too?
Simon: No, that’s Jane’s. 
Mr. Blake: And where’s yours?
Simon: Mine’s here. It’s this small bag. I’ve only brought my swimming trunks and a few other things. I hope we’ll be able to swim. 
Mr. Blake: Of course you will. 
Simon: Will we be able to swim when we get there?
Mr. Blake: Yes, I think so. Although the tide’ll be out, it’ll be safe. You won’t be able to dive off the rocks. When the tide’s in, you’ll be able to dive. 
Simon: That’s all right. I like diving but I prefer swimming. When’s high tide?
Mr. Blake: Low tide was at about nine o’clock this morning, so high tide’ll be at about four tomorrow afternoon.

