Linguaphone 22.2.3 Simon's wet clothes

Linguaphone 22.2.3 Simon's wet clothes


Simon’s wet clothes
Mr. Hunt: I suppose Simon’s sleeping, isn’t he?
Jane: Yes, he’d gone to sleep before you phoned. He and Ian woke up early this morning. After they’d played cricket for a couple of hours, they went out in the boat.
Mr. Hunt: But the Blakes haven’t got a boat. Whose boat was it?
Jane: A neighbour’s. Ian had borrowed it.
Mr. Hunt: That was nice. Did they have a good time?
Jane: Oh yes. It was very funny, too. They stopped to look at the engine and Simon fell out of the boat. His clothes were still wet when he came back. 
Mrs. Hunt: What did Mrs. Blake say?
Jane: Nothing; she laughed.
Mrs. Hunt: Did everyone else laugh?
Jane: Yes, we all laughed. After he’d changed his clothes, I put them on the clothes line. They’re dry now.

