Linguaphone 22.1

Linguaphone 22.1


Lesson 22     Twenty-second Lesson    Hearing about the weekend

Part 1
Jane Hunt: We’ve been back at the hotel since about ten twenty. Mum and Dad’ll probably be back by midnight. They’d hoped to get back earlier but they missed the train. They phoned us a little while ago. Mum was cross because the taxi driver had driven so slowly. The train had left when they arrived at the station. If they’d arrived five minutes earlier, they would have caught it. We’re waiting to hear about their weekend. Neither of them had visited Cambridge before they went on this visit. They were both quite excited. Dad had read a bit about the city before they left. We want to tell them about our weekend, too. If they’d caught the train, they would have been here by now. We’ll probably be awake for a long time. I hope I won’t go to sleep before they come back.

