Linguaphone 22.2.1 King's college

Linguaphone 22.2.1 King's college


King’s College
Jane: Tell me about your weekend. What did you do after you’d arrived at Mr. Tate’s office?
Mrs. Hunt: I spent the day with Mrs. Tate. After Dad and Mr. Tate had left for the conference, she and I went out. 
Jane: Did anyone else go with you?
Mrs. Hunt: No, no one else went with us. If anyone else had gone with us, there would have been too many people. 
Mr. Hunt: If you have a lot of women together, you’ll have trouble. 
Jane: Where did you go, Mum?
Mrs. Hunt: To King’s College.
Jane: Did you see the whole college?
Mrs. Hunt: Oh no, a lot of it’s private. 
Jane: Did you see any students?
Mrs. Hunt: Most of them were on holiday but there was a group of boys who looked like students. 
Jane: What else did you do?
Mrs. Hunt: After we’d looked round King’s, we did some shopping. 
Jane: Did you take your camera with you?
Mrs. Hunt: Yes, we took it with us. We took a lot of photos. 

