Hercules 海格力斯(下)| 原版英语童话故事

Hercules 海格力斯(下)| 原版英语童话故事


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Chapter 5: Dangerous animals


「Hercules was feeling stronger and more heroic with each task. 」

「But because two didn’t count, he still had another seven to do. Eurhstheus quickly thought up three more tasks for Hercules.」


「First, he had to shoot down a flock of deadly birds in the forest of Stymphalia. They tried to scratch Hercules with their feathers and claws, which were made of sharp bronze. Luckily, he was protected by the skin of the Nemean Lion.」


Oh dear, these birds don’t sound very nice, do they?


「Then, he went to the island of Crete to tame a fire-breathing bull. Throwing a lasso, he snagged its neck and held on tight. Hercules leaped up into the air, and landed with a thump on the bull’s back.」

「After that trick, he captured five fearsome man-eating mares, which belonged to the wicked King Diomedes. Diomedes tried to feed Hercules to his mares, but Hercules outwitted him. 」

「He trapped the king in his own stables. The hungry mares ate Diomedes and fell asleep. Hercules tied them up and dragged them to Tiryns.」


「“These task are too easy!” Hercules thought.」

「“这些任务太容易了!” 海格力斯想道。」

「Hera had been watching Hercules complete his tasks. She was not at all happy, and spoke angrily to Eurystheus. “Hercules must not finish all his tasks,”said Hera. “I don’t want him to become a hero.”」

「“But he’s so brave and strong,”replied Eurystheus. “I can’t think of any harder tasks to set him.”」

「“As usual, it’s all up to me.”」

「“Hmm,”said Hera. “He’s hunted all sorts of animals, and outwitted a man, but let’s see how well he does against a new kind of enemy - a woman!”」

Chapter 6: Hercules and the women

「Eurystheus summoned Hercules to his court. 」


「“For your ninth task, go to the island of the Amazons, where only women are allowed, and steal the belt worn by Hippolyta, their queen.”」

「Hercules set off for the island, watched by Hera. As he rowed, he tried to think of a clever way to sneak onto the island, but he had no ideas.」

「When he arrived, he found Queen Hippolyta herself, waiting for him on the shore.」


「“Are you the famous Hercules, who killed the lion and the hydra?”she asked. “Most men are weak, but you must be strong. We want to hear all about your tasks. Come onto our island and eat dinner with us.””」

「“He’s very handsome…” Hippolyta thought.」


「At dinner, Hercules soon charmed Hippolyta with his tales of bravery, strength and cunning. She was so impressed that she gave him her belt to take home.」


「This made one of the dinner guests furious. It was Hera, disguised as an Amazon warrior.」


「Hera whispered into the ear of the woman next to her. “See how close he is to our queen. He doesn’t want her belt - he wants to kidnap her!”」

「Very quickly, the lie spread around the room. Hercules looked up from his food to see a crowd of angry faces.」


「Hercules charged out of the room. Fighting his way to the beach, he managed to jump back into his boat - just in time.」

Chapter 7: Far off lands

「Hercules was exhausted. He had hoped to rest before his tenth task began, but Eurystheus didn’t want to wait.」


「“Go to the island where the monster Geryon lives,” he said. “And bring me his cows.”

「Wearily, Hercules got back into his boat. It was a blazing hot day and Hercules shouted angrily at Helios, the god of the sun. He was so angry, he took out an arrow and shot it at him. “Why are you making this task harder for me?”」

「Helios caught the arrow. He felt sorry for Hercules. 」

「“Take my golden boat,”he said. “It’s strong enough to carry the sun, and it will help you cross the ocean.”」


「“Thank you!”」

「Even in Helio’s boat, it took Hercules months to reach Geryon’s island. By the time he arrived, he was rested and ready to fight.」

「He first challenge was Geryon’s two-headed dog. Hercules struck the beast with his wooden club and the dog flew into the sea.」


「With the same club, he knocked Geryon’s servant into the ground. Then a huge shadow fell over Hercules.」


「He looked up and saw Geryon for the first time. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Geryon had three ugly heads and six bulging arms on one body.」


「It was as if three ogres had become one gigantic, hideous monster…」

「Geryon roared at Hercules with his three mouths, and pointed three swords at him. Hercules ran away.」

「As Geryon chased after him, Hercules reached behind his back and pulled out a special arrow. It was one of the arrows he had dipped into the hydra’s venom. Hercules fired a single shoot. He watched as the arrow pierced Geryon through one neck, then another, then a third. 」

「The monster was dead. But the task wasn’t over. Hercules arrived back in Tiryns with all Geryon’s cows…only to fin Hera waiting for him. She was disguised as a mosquito, and she stung the cows so hard, they panicked and ran away.」

「It took Hercules nearly a year to round them all up again.」

「“I told you!” said Eurystheus to Hera. “Hercules really is too strong, and too determined.”」

「“You’re right,”said Hera, grudgingly. “But he still has to complete two more tasks. Let’s give him something impossible to do.”」

「“Send him to pick an apple from the tree of the Hesperides.”」

「Hercules didn’t even know where to start. The Hesperides were magical women who tended the garden of the gods.」


「But only the gods knew where the garden was. Hercules knew of just one person who had dared to share the secrets of the god - a giant, named Prometheus.」

「Long ago, Prometheus had told humans the secret of making fire. But Zeus had punished him by chaining him to a mountain and sending vultures to attack him.」

「Hercules found Prometheus, shot the vultures, and cut off his chains - and the giant was happy to help. “I don’t know where the garden is, but my brother, Atlas, does,”he said.」

「Everyone knew Atlas. He lived at the top of the tallest mountain on earth, holding up the sky. Hercules made the long journey to find him. “Oh, I know where the garden of the gods is,”said Atlas. “But I can’t tell you.”」

「“I’ll make you a deal,” said Hercules. “If you go to the garden yourself, and fetch me and apple, I’ll stay here and hold up the sky for you.”」

「Atlas agreed. He was desperate to stand up straight and stretch his aching muscles. Meanwhile, Hercules heaved and groaned under the weight of the sky. He couldn’t believe how heavy it was. But he didn’t dare dare drop it.」

「At last, Atlas returned with an apple. “Hercules,”he said, “you’re doing such a good job I think you should stay. Just for a year or so.”」

「“Of course,” said Hercules. “But the sky keeps slipping. Would you show me the best way to hold it?”」

「As soon as Atlas took hold of the sky, Hercules grabbed the apple and ran down the mountain.」

Chapter 8: The final task

「Eurystheus was flabbergasted」 - that means shocked.

「Not only was Hercules strong enough to hold up the sky, he was cunning enough to outwit Atlas.」

「But even Hercules couldn’t go to the underworld and back, could he? For the final task, Eurystheus sent Hercules down into Hades, the land of the dead.」


「To prove he’d been, he had to bring back Cerberus, a three-headed guard dog who kept the dead from leaving.」

「First, Hercules had to cross the murky River Styx, but Charon, the ferryman, wouldn’t take him.」

「“I am Hercules, slayer of beasts and men,” boasted Hercules. “I go where I choose. Now take me across into Hades!”」

「Charon was so scared that he didn’t argue.」

「No sooner had Hercules jumped out of the boat on the other side, than a spooky figure appeared in front of him. It was Persephone, the queen of Hades.」


「“I’ve only come for Cerberus,” said Hercules with a friendly grin. “I won’t stay,”」


「“Stop! You do not belong here.”」

「“If you can defeat Cerberus with your bare hands. I will let you borrow him. But you must let him go afterwards,” said Persephone. It was the fight of Hercules’s life…but he won.」

「“Well done, Hercules,” said King Eurystheus. “You have proved that you are a mighty hero, the strongest, bravest man on earth!”」

「“Now go out into the world,” bellowed Zeus. “You are forgiven.”」


Even when he was a tiny baby, Hera plotted to kill Hercules. She dropped a snake into his crib one night…but Hercules strangled it with his bare hands.

Before he began his twelve tasks, Hercules had already killed giants and sea monsters.

It took him ten years to complete all the tasks. Afterwards, he went on a long adventure with his friends Jason and the Argonauts. Legend says that when Hercules died, he became a god.

Well, that was a difficult story. I wonder if you can remember all the different things that Hercules had to do. There was ever such a lot of them.


And as I told you, this story is thousands of years old, so it’s got some really hard words, and sometimes I had to stop - even though I know this story really well, I had to stop and think how to pronounce these words.

It’s really interesting because when we learn English, we normally have a like “ch” - is a “tʃ” sound, like “cherry”, “chimpanzee”. But in the Greek, we often have a “c” sound as a “k”, so we get people like “Charon”and “Chiron”, even though it’s not a “k” letter, it’s the letter “c”.
这真的很有趣,因为当我们学习英语时,我们通常有一个像 "ch",一个 "tʃ "的音,像 "cherry"和"chimpanzee"。但是在希腊语中,我们经常把 "c "的声音当作 "k",所以我们得到了像 "Charon "和 "Chiron "这样的人名,尽管它不是一"k "字母,而是 "c "字母。

Quite hard, I hope you understood today’s story.


