Puss in Boots 穿靴子的猫(上) | 原版英语童话故事

Puss in Boots 穿靴子的猫(上) | 原版英语童话故事


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Well, hello everyone. I hope you are all well had a good week.


It’s nice and sunny here today which is really nice. And all the flowers are coming up in the garden, so it’s a little feeling of spring.


The story we’re going to look at today is called Puss in the Boots.


A Puss is a name for a cat, little children call it a pussy cat, pussy means a cat but sometimes we shorten that to the word “puss”. A puss means a cat. It’s funny word, isn’t it?
“Puss”是我们对猫咪的称呼,小孩子通常称猫咪为“pussy cat”,"pussy"指的就是猫咪,但有些时候我们会将其简称为 "puss"。这是个很有趣的词,不是吗?

It’s quite an old story, this one, quite a famous story. I think you’ll enjoy it.

This is another chapter book, so it’s quite difficult but not really difficult. I think you’re going to enjoy it.

Just a cat? Tom’s horrified when this is a ll his father leaves him in his will. But he soon finds out that this is no ordinary cat - he wears boots for one thing, and what’s more, he talks! He also has plenty of crafty ideas up his sleeve. Soon, Tom and his cat are mixed up in an incredible adventure with an ogre, a king and a princess.

Now, the will is something that when people die, they write down “oh you can have this, and you can have my house, and you can have my books, you can have my toys”, whatever it might be.

And here, he is left tom a cat, and he thinks “oh I don’t want a cat”. But this cat can talk and he’s wearing boots, so it’s like a human being.
而在这个故事里,故事主人公汤姆的父亲为他留下了一只猫,但汤姆想的却是 "哦,我不想要一只猫"。但这只猫会说话,而且穿着靴子,所以它看起来就像一个人一样。


Chapter 1: The clever cat

「Once there was a poor miller…」

A miller is someone that grinds the wheat and corn to make flour to make bread.

「…who had three sons. When he died, he eft them all he had in the world: his mill, his donkey and his orange tabby cat.」

「Before anyone could blink, the eldest son took the mill.」

You can see the mill, and it’s a windmill. Can you see the sails on the windmill there, the wooden parts that go round.

「Then the middle brother grabbed the donkey. Tom, the youngest, was left with the cat.」

「“This isn’t fair!” He wasn’t impressed. “You two can work together and earn a living,” Tom grumbled. “What can I do with Puss? Maybe I’ll have to eat him!”」
「“这不公平!” 他不以为然。“你们两个可以一起谋生工作,”汤姆埋怨道,“我能拿这只猫怎么办呢?也许我只能把他给吃了!”」

I think he’s joking there because we don’t eat cats.

「“Help! I need a plan fast.” the cat thought.」
「“不好! 我需要赶紧想个办法。”那只猫想道。」

So, he’s thinking the others have got the donkey, which can work out in the fields. The other ones got the mill that can make flour to make bread sell it. And all he ’s got is a cat that’s not gonna do anything at all.

「Later, when they were alone, Puss jumped onto Tom’s lap.」

「“Don’t look so gloomy, Master. Things are not as bad as they seem,” he said, with a purr. “Find me a bag and a pair of boots and you’ll see.”」


「Tom was astonished. Puss could talk!」


「“Wow, I have one amazing cat!”」

「And then Tom remembered that he had often seen Puss using incredibly clever tricks to catch rats and mice.」


「So, Tom found Puss a leather bag and a shiny pair of boots. He gave him a cloak and a floppy hat too.」


Remember the word “too” like t-o-o, means “”as well.

记住"too"这个词,它和"as well"一样有着"也"的意思。

「The cat filled the bag with carrots and strutted off into the fields.」

So, he’s giving him a leather bag, and a pair of shiny boots, and a cloak, and a floppy hat.

Chapter 2: Puss goes to work

「Puss headed for a field where he knew were lots of rabbits. 」


「Opening the bag, he stretched out on the ground and pretended to be dead.」

「Just as he expected, a foolish young rabbit came bouncing along and sniffed the carrots.」


「As it poked its quivering nose into the bag, Puss pounced. “Got you!”」

「Puss was delighted with his catch. He marched straight to the palace and asked to see the king.」


「In front of the throne, Puss bowed low. “Your Royal Highness, I have brought you a gift from my master, the Duke of Carabas.”」


「“How amazing! A talking cat…”」


「“How kind. Thank your master very much,” replied the king.」

「The next day, Puss went into the fields again. This time, he hid among some golden corn.」


「He held his bag wide open, and two partridges flew straight in. Puss chuckled as he pulled the drawstring tight.」


So he’s now caught some partridges, two of them. Sometimes we use the word “couple” meaning two, couple.
所以,他现在抓到了两只鹧鸪。有时我们会使用用 "couple"这个词,以表示“一对”的意思。

「Once more, Puss took his catch to the king.」


「“Take these for your master.”」

「Puss became a regular visitor to the palace. Soon, the king began to wonder who the generous Duke was.」


So, if you see here, the king has given Puss some money for all of the gifts that he has given.

Chapter 3: Princess Arabella

「One day, Puss and Tom were walking by the river.」


「Puss knew the king would be driving by with his beautiful daughter, Princess Arabella, and he had a plan.」


「When Puss spotted the royal coach in the distance, he turned to Tom.」


「Quick! Take off your clothes and jump in the river, ” he told him.」

「Oh, it’s freezing!” Tom was puzzled, but he trusted Puss, so he jumped in.」

「A minute later, Tom was even more puzzled. 」


「First, Puss hid all his clothes under a large stone. Then he started to scream. “Help! Help! Please rescue my master, the Duke of Carabas!”」


「As the royal coach came by, the king recognized Puss.”


「“Guards! Pull the duke out of the water at once,” he ordered.」


「“Dreadful thieves attacked my master and stole his clothes,” Puss explained.」


「“That’s terrible,” said the king, “but I think I can help.” He snapped his fingers and a servant ran up. “Go to the palace and fetch some clothes for the duke.”」

「All this time, Princess Arabella had been watching from the coach.」

「When she saw Tom in his fine, new clothes, she jumped from her seat. He was so handsome.」


Handsome, that means very beautiful good looking.

「Duke of Carabas, this is my daughter Princess Arabella.”」

「“Does, does he mean me?” Tom bent and kissed Princess Arabella on the hand.」

「“Oh!” She gasped and smiled.」


「The king insisted that Puss and the duke join them on their drive.」


「“You go, master,” said Puss, pushing Tom forward. “I have some errands to run.”」

“I have some errands to run” that means I have some jobs to do.
“I have some errands to run”的意思是它有一些工作要做。

Chapter 4: Forty fields


「As the coach rumbled along, Puss raced ahead. He still had lots to do.」


「Before long, he came to some men mowing a field. Puss clapped his paws.」


「“Listen to me!” he shouted. “When the king drives by, tell him this field belongs to the Duke of Carabas, or my master will chop you into mincemeat!”」

「“A talking cat - his master must be magician!” Thought the men in the field. The men didn’t dare refuse.」

「Sure enough, when the king arrived, he asked them who owned the field.」


「“The Duke of Carabas, Your highness.”」

「The men had been so frightened by Puss’s threats, they all spoke together.」


「Tom was astonished to hear them tell the king this was his land, but he decided to play along.」


「“Oh yes, this field always produces a good harvest.”」


「Puss ran ahead. In the next field he passed, some men were reaping grain.」


「“Tell the king this field belongs to the Duke of Carabas,” he snarled, “or my master will grind you into mincemeat!”」


「Horrified, the men agreed.」


「When the royal coach arrived at the next field, the king got out. This field was twice as big as the one before.」


「“Who owns this field?” he asked some workers.」


「“The Duke of Carabas, Your highness.” they replied.」


「Puss made the same threat to everyone he met. The king was astonished at how much land the duke owned.」

But he’s not really a Duke, is he? He’s just pretending to be.


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