The Frog Prince 青蛙王子(下)| 原版英语童话故事

The Frog Prince 青蛙王子(下)| 原版英语童话故事


Chapter 4: Into the palace

Poppy arrived back just in time to change for dinner.

“Hurry up, Poppy!” “Oh, I’m coming.” She had to sit next to Prince Humperdink, who smelled of cabbage. “Greetings, Princess Poppy.”
“快点,波比!” “哦,我来了。” 她不得不坐在身上有一股卷心菜味道的汉普汀克王子旁边。“您好,波比公主。”

Just then, there was a faint tapping sound. “Is someone at the door?” asked the Queen. Poppy had a sinking feeling. She rushed to the door, opened it and peered outside.

“Hello,” said the frog. Poppy slammed the door in his face.

“Who was that?” said the King. “No one,” Poppy said quickly.

“That’s funny,” said Prince Humperdink. “I was sure I heard someone.” “Sshh!”

“这就怪了,”汉普汀克王子说,“我确信我听到了什么。” “嘘!”

The tapping noise came again. “Poppy, I really do think someone’s there,” said the Queen.


“I’ll ask the footman to look,” said the King. “No, Daddy don’t!” cried Poppy. “It’s only a frog.”

“Ugh, how horrible!” said Humperdink.

“He rescued my golden ball from the pond,” Poppy added, “and…I…sort of said he could stay with me.”


“Then you must keep your word,” bellowed the King. “Let the frog in.”

“I’d really rather you didn’t” said Humperdink.

“Oh Daddy, I can’t,” said Poppy. “He’s so wet and warty…”

“Poppy!” said her father, furiously」 - that means angrily - “Let that frog in right now.”

Poppy dragged her feet to the door, praying that the frog had gone. But as soon as she opened the door, the frog shot inside.


「So, the Princess says “he’s wet and warty”, that means his skin look lots of horrible, sort of spots on them that grow lumps warty.
「公主说“he’s wet and warty”,这意味着青蛙的皮肤看起来很多可怕、上面长满疙瘩。」

He followed Poppy all the way back to her chair. She could hear his wet feet going splat, splat, splat, on the floor behind her. “Poor you. He’s the slimiest frog I’ve ever seen.”
他跟着波比回到她的椅子上。她可以听到他的脚在身后的地板上“啪啪 ”作响。“可怜的小东西。他是我见过的最粘稠的青蛙。”

“Oh, I thought I’d never make it.” said the frog.

“Oh dear!” said Prince Humperdink. “Suddenly, I’m not very hungry. I think I might be allergic to frogs.”


“Excuse me,” said the frog, “but Princess Poppy did promise that I could eat from her plate. May I sit at the table too?”

“Certainly not,” snapped Poppy, crossly.

“Don’t be so rude,” said the King. “The frog is our guest.”

“Oh, I’m starving,” said the frog. “What’s the first course?”

“Cold watercress soup, ”said the King, smiling at him. “Help yourself!”

The frog dived into Poppy’s bowl. “This is delicious!” he cried, between mouthfuls, “This is the life!”

「Do you see he’s swimming in the soup? Oh that would be like jumping into a hot pot, It would be a bit too hot. I don’t think you’d want to eat the soup after you’ve seen a frog swimming in it.

“I don’t think I’m hungry anymore,” said Poppy, as the frog slurped up the last of her soup.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” said Humperdink.

“Right,” said the frog cheerfully. “What’s next?”

Poppy sighed miserably. “What is the second course?” she asked a maid.

“Um…er,” the maid began nervously. “Come on!” said the King. “You must know what’s for supper.”

Well you see, your highness,” the maid went on, “Cook didn’t know about our extra guest…I’m afraid…it’s frogs’ legs.”

「What do you think the frog is gonna think about?」


Frogs’ legs being served. The frog gulped.


“I think I might skip this course,” he said, weakly.


Poppy didn’t usually like frogs’ legs, but that night she had seconds.


“You must be full now. Isn’t it time for bed, Princess?” said the frog.

“Oh no!” cried Poppy. “You’re not coming anywhere near my bedroom.”

“But you promised…” said the frog. “You can carry me on a cushion.

Poppy looked at her father pleadingly.

“Come on, dear,”said the Queen.“Don’t make Poppy touch that green, slimy…”

“Princesses don’t break promises,” interrupted the King, sternly.

Poppy took a deep breath. Then stretching out her arm, she picked up the frog by one foot. Her sisters gasped.

“She touched him!” moaned Prince Humperdink, and fainted.

Chapter 5: The frog prince

Poppy dropped the frog in the darkest, most distant corner of her room, before climbing into bed.


「So, she’s not being very nice to the frog, is she?

“But Princess Poppy,” said the frog. “You promised I could sleep on your silken pillow.” Poppy didn’t answer.

“波比公主,”青蛙说,"你答应我可以睡在你的丝质枕头上的。” 波比没有回答。

“If you don’t let me,” the frog threatened, “I’ll tell your father.”

“I’ve had enough!” snapped Poppy. “You’re the meanest, ugliest, most horrible frog I’ve ever met. What’s more,” she added, “if you mention my promise one more time, I’ll throw you out of the window.”

“No, you won’t,” said the frog. “You wouldn’t dare. Your promise!”

“I do dare,” said Poppy. In a fury, she strode over to the frog, picked him up and threw him out of her window.

There was a long silence, followed by a loud splat. Poppy suddenly realized what she’d done. She was horrified.

“Frog? Say something!”

“I hoped I haven’t killed him,” she prayed, and raced down the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her.

Outside, the frog was lying sprawled on the palace lawn. Poppy picked him up as gently as she could.


“Are you all right?” she whispered. “Yes,” croaked the frog, carefully feeling his head.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” said Poppy. “I’m so sorry.” And she bent down and kissed him.
“我不是故意伤害你的。”波比说,“我很抱歉。” 她弯下腰,亲吻了他。

There was a loud crush of thunder, followed by a shower of sparks. The frog had vanished. In his place stood a handsome young prince.


“At last!” shouted the Prince. “I’m human again. No more slimy skin, no more webbed feet, no more flies…”


One by one, the palace windows flew open and everybody looked out.


“What’s going on?” yelled the King. “I’m coming down.”


“What happened to you?” Poppy asked the Prince.

“A wicked witch cast an evil spell on me,” he said. “I could only become human again if a princess kiss me.”

“So, it's because of me that you're a prince again?” said Poppy, feeling rather proud.

“Well, yes,” said the Prince, “But you did throw me out of the window first.

“Still,” said Poppy, “There aren't many princesses who would kiss a frog.”

“That's true. How can I make it up to you?” “Well…you could marry me.”

“那倒是。我该怎样答谢您呢?” “嗯……你可以娶我。”

“Excuse me,” said Prince Humperdink, “but Poppy is going to marry ME.”

“No I’m not,” said Poppy. “It hasn't been arranged yet. And Daddy, you did say I could find my own prince.”


“That’s true,” said the King, with a sigh.


“In that case,” said the Prince, getting down on one knee. “If you promise not to throw me out of the window again…”

“I promise.” said Poppy. “…Princess Poppy, will you marry me?”

“I will,” said Poppy. And she did.

The tale of The Frog Prince has been around since the thirteenth century. It was wold by storytellers all over Europe. This version is from the retelling by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, two brothers who lived in Germany in the early 1800s. Well, I hope you enjoyed that story.

