Hansel and Gretel 韩赛尔和格蕾特 | 原版英语童话故事

Hansel and Gretel 韩赛尔和格蕾特 | 原版英语童话故事


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Well hello everyone, I hope you all well, and had a good week.

The story we're gonna look at today is called Hansel and Gretel, it's a story that some of you might know, others won’t.

Now with our books we normally read from a publisher -  that's the person that makes the books, we normally use Usborne but today I’m going to use a different version of this story.

And you might sort of think, well how can you have different versions, different parts of a story?

Well the answer is that most of these stories were folktales, they were told - they weren't written down -  people used to tell the story from grandfather to son, from son to grandchild.

And these stories were what we call an oral tradition, that means they're spoken they weren't written down. And then later on not very long ago, well actually about 200 years ago which is quite a long time, they were written down. So sometimes, these stories will be a little bit different depending which country they were told in, what language they were told in.

And sometimes, if you think about things that you don't write down, and you tell a story, normally always if we told the story made it up or a story we had heard, we change a little bit, we might make it a little bit more funny, or a little bit more scary, or we might introduce new characters.

But this version of the Ladybird which is a level three book, is actually I think a nicer one than the Usborne one. It's still the same story but it's a little bit different.

Now, as I said the brothers Grim who wrote this story, wrote it down - they didn't write the story, the story had been around for a very long time - have a part of this story are a little bit scary but not really scary, they're a little bit silly I suppose.

And what you have to try to think is that these stories were told sometimes to be a little bit scary, sometimes to be fun, sometimes to give children something to do, because when these stories were written, there was no television, no ipads, or computers.

So a lot of our entertainment was people telling stories. And the story of this one, the things that happened in this story, well, some of them are made believe, but some of them we wouldn't be like that today, so it's worth remembering that. Because part of this story, you probably - you will know straight away  - when I read it, you go “that's a bit strange” and I can talk to you a little bit about that.

So this is a story of Hansel and Gretel. Now, these names come from Germany, the country of Germany, they are what we call germanic. So we don't normally have people in England called Hansel or Gretel. It's a German name.

But the English language, it comes partly from Germany as well. So lots of the German language actually was used to make what we call English today. English is what we call a germanic language.

There we are that's a little bit of extra information. So let's look at this story today.


Well, we've got some really nice pictures in this story and some of you will like. We have our Hansel and Gretel, we have their parents, and then we have a character that's not very nice.

And normally in all the stories that we've had there's somebody that's not very nice.

Let's have a look at it today.


「Hansel and Gretel lived with their father and stepmother in a little house near a wood.」


「Their father was a woodcutter and he was very poor. They were all very hungry.」


So, looked at the word “very”, we’ve got it repeated here. “Very” means “a lot”, so they weren’t a little bit hungry, they weren’t a little bit poor. They were very poor and very hungry.
看看“very”这个词,在这里被重复使用。“very”有着 “a lot(许多)”的意思,所以他们不是有一点点饿,也不是只有一点点穷。他们非常贫穷,非常饥饿。

And you can see their father there, their father - sometimes we would call “dad”; in other languages like Chinese, we would say “baba” - it means the father.
你可以(在绘本中)看到他们的父亲在那里,他们的父亲——有时我们会把父亲叫做 “dad”;在其他语言中,比如中文里我们会称之为“baba”——都是“父亲”的意思。

But the stepmother, it’s not their real mummy. We don't know what happened to their real mummy, but this is a stepmother, so he has remarried this woman. So it's not their proper mother, she didn't give birth to them. She is the stepmother, and often in these stories, the stepmother isn’t very nice.

So we'll find out today whether the stepmother is nice or not. Because if you remember the story of Cinderella, the stepmother wasn’t very nice. So let’s find out.

And can you see his job? He's a woodcutter, he's cutting wood. So people would cut down a tree in their garden, and they need someone to come and chop the wood for them, and that man's job was a woodcutter.

「One day, Hansel and Gretel’s father said, “We have no money left. There is no more food for us to eat.”」

Have a look at the picture here, you can tell that they’re quite poor. Can you see the blue patch on the man’s arm? The father’s arm. That means his shirt has had a hole in it, and he’s repaired it.

And look at the cupboard behind, is there lots of lovely food in the cupboard? No there's very little.

And look at his purse, he’s got a little purse there, and he keeps his money in. Is there any money in it? No, “there is no more food for us to eat”.

How do you think he’s feeling? Do you think he’s feeling happy? What do you think he’s sad? I think he’s probably feeling sad.

And look at the stepmother, did she look happy? No, she looks a bit scary, doesn’t she?

Oh dear, let’s find out what happens next.

「“Then Hansel and Gretel cannot live here,” said their stepmother. “We must leave them in the middle of the wood.”」

「“No,” said their father.」


「But their stepmother said, “We must.”」


Well, I think you guess this is the part of the story which doesn't sound very nice.

If your mummy and daddy didn't have any money or any food, I don't think they would say “Right, we need to get rid of our children where put them in the wood.” What a silly thing to say. But remember, it's only a story.

Can you see the word “their”, which is t-h-e-i-r, “their” stepmother. The stepmother, we would say it belongs to them, you don’t belong own them, but we use the word “their”, “their stepmother”, “their father”.
你能看到“their”这个词吗,t-h-e-i-r,“他们的”继母。继母,是韩赛尔和格蕾特的继母,不是我们的继母,所以我们使用“their”这个词,“their stepmother”,“their father”。

Their stepmother again said “We must.” Oh, dear, she doesn’t look very nice, does she? Her face doesn’t look vert nice, she looks a hard woman - that means a not very nice person.

Poor father, I don’t think he wants to leave his children in the middle of the wood.

「Hansel and Gretel were listening at the door. 」


「“I have a plan” said Hansel, and he went out to get some pebbles.」


Now, I don't know if you know what a pebble is. It’s a stone which is very soft, and smooth, we call them pebbles. It’s not like a hard rock, it’s smooth to touch, and these pebbles are normally being in the sea, and the salt in the sea has made them nice and smooth.


They’re made of stone, that they’re a rock but they’re not a sharp hard rock. They’re soft, not soft to touch, it’s solid but it’s smooth. It feels nice in your hand. This is what we call a pebble and some are very small, some can be a bit bigger, but it’s still what we call a pebble.

It’s a funny word, isn’t it? Pebble.

「The next day they all went into the wood. Hansel dropped pebbles on the path.」


「“Wait here,” said their father. “We are going to collect wood.”」


「Hansel and Gretel waited all day. Then they followed the pebbles back home.」


So I think the father here is tried to trick Hansel and Gretel. He said “Wait there, we are going to collect wood.” but then he didn't come back. Does that sound like a very nice thing to do? No, it doesn’t, he is being very naughty.


But they dropped the pebbles along the path, so they know how to get back home. It's a very clever idea, isn't it? If he didn't do that, they would have been lost in the wood.

So we call it a wood or we can call it a forest. Often the forest is where the trees are very close together and it's a bit dark, but they're both woods or actually we call it woodland, it's when we have lots of trees.

I've got lots of trees in my garden, and in one part all the trees are very close together, so it's like a little woodland.

It was very clever of Hansel to remember to drop some stone, so he would know his way back.

「The woodcutter was glad to see Hansel and Gretel, but their stepmother was angry.」

「“There is not enough food for us all,” she said. “We must take Hansel and Gretel deeper into the wood.”」

Well, what a silly thing to do. You wouldn't do that today, would you?

The father I think he's quite nice, he doesn’t really want to take Hansel and Gretel, and leave them in the woods.

But the stepmother in this story is just not very nice. But remember, it's only a make believe story, it's only a fairy tale.

Can you see the moon and the stars out through the door?

Can you see what the woman’s holding? She’s holding a candle because when this book was written, people didn’t have electric lights like we have today, to show you the way you would have to use a candle.

And look at her face, she doesn't look very nice at all, does she?

「“No!” said their father, “we can’t do that.”」


「“We must,” said their stepmother. “This time they must not find their way home.”」

Oh dear, she’s not being very nice. She is only thinking of herself, so she is being selfish. “Self” means yourself, myself, me; “selfish” means that she’s only thinking about her self. She isn’t very kind, is she?

「Hansel’s stepmother locked the door so that Hansel couldn’t get out. He couldn’t collect pebbles.」


So his plan was to take the pebbles again, so Hansel and Gretel don’t get lost, but she’s locked them away. Oh dear, look at poor Hansel and Gretel. I don’t think they like their stepmother.

And what’s the father doing? That’s right, he’s chopping the wood.

「The next day they all went deep into the wood. This time Hansel dropped bread crumbs on the path.」


So bread crumbs are a piece of bread, and then you rub it in your hands, and the crumbs the little bits fall off.

「“Wait here,” said their father. “We are going to collect wood.”」


Can you see the stepmother? What is she doing? That's right, she's hiding behind the tree.

「Hansel and Gretel waited all day. Then they looked for the breadcrumbs on the path. But…」


Can you guess what's happened? That’s right…

「The birds have eaten all the breadcrumbs.」


Oh dear, the birds have gobbled them up, thinking that they are food for them.

「Hansel and Gretel went deeper into the wood. They walked for a long time. In the middle of the wood, they found a house made of sweets and cakes.」

So sweets are what we call candy in England. In America, they call it candy; in england we call it sweets, we have a sweet shop. We don't use the word “candy”, that's used in America.
我们在英国称糖果为“sweets”。在美国,他们管它叫“candy”;在英国,我们叫它“sweets”,比如我们会说“we have a sweet shop(我们有一家甜食店)”。我们在英国不使用 “candy”这个词,那是在美国使用的。

And although America speaks English, they sometimes speak a different English - meaning they have different words and different spellings of words to English in England where I live.

Wow, can you imagine a house made of candy sweets and cakes? I would be running to that house and eating them all up, I think. But if you look very carefully, you might see somebody in the window of the house. I don't think she looks very nice either.

「In the house lived a witch. The witch planned to eat Hansel and Gretel.」

What a silly thing. Well, people don’t eat other people, that’s very silly but remember this is an old story, and they often had like a bad witch that would gobble you up, eat you up.

「She locked Hansel in a cage, and gave him lots of food.」

Can you see the witch? She seems to be really scary, I don’t think she looks scary, I think she looks a bit silly. And she’s got a black cat and a black hat, and a black cape and black boots.

And if you look very carefully, you might be able to see the witches broom behind her.

「“Soon he will be fat enough to eat,” said the witch. “Then I will cook him in my fire.”」

「“Where is the fire?” said Gretel.」


Silly woman - “I'll make him all fat and then I'll eat him all up” - I don’t think so.

“Where is the fire?” said Gretel - Gretel's quite clever, isn't she? I think she's trying to trick the witch.

「“Here.” said the witch, and she opened the oven door.」


「“I can’t see the fire,” said Gretel.」


「The witch opened the oven door a little wider.」


「“I still can’t see it,” said Gretel.」


I wonder if you can guess what I think's going to happen. I think the Gretel is playing a trick on the witch.

「The witch opened the oven door as wide as she could. Gretel pushed her in and locked the door.」


Well that couldn't really happen, could it? That's a very silly thing, but sometimes these stories just had silly parts to it - oh, she pushed her in the oven and that was it, that was the end of the witch.

That's a very silly thing to say, isn't it? Silly thing to do. You couldn't really do that because ovens are very hot and dangerous, you must never touch them.

We have them in my house in fact. There's one behind me, that's not lit but when it is, you have to be careful not to touch it, otherwise you would burn your fingers.

「Gretel let Hansel out of the cage.」


「“Look at all this money,” said Gretel. “We can take this home and buy food with it.”」


Can you see the different things in the jars? There's a snake some frogs, some spell books, and some cobwebs. So that's a sort of thing that we often think a witch would have.

「After a long walk, Hansel and Gretel found their way home. Their father was very glad to see them. 」


「“Your stepmother has gone,” he said.」


「So Hansel and Gretel and their father all lived happily ever after in their little house near the wood.」


And here they are in their garden, playing with a ball and everything has turned out really well. It has a happy ending.

So how much do you remember about the story of Hansel and Gretel? Answer these questions and find out:

Who do Hansel and Gretel live with at the beginning?

What does Hansel and Gretel's stepmother want to do with them?

Can you remember the two different things Hansel drops on the path?

What is the witches house made of?

How does Gretel get rid of the witch?

I wonder if you can answer those.

So that is a story of Hansel and Gretel. It’s a bit of a silly story, it could be quite a scary story, but if you think about it carefully, it’s more of a silly story. But the children in there are really lovely, but the stepmother, she’s not very nice at all.

