Susan三叶草 2022年1月22日 上午9:02

Susan三叶草 2022年1月22日 上午9:02

He was shocked.He had just done all this for her.What had he done wrong?
“How could you ignore me after I've had such a difficult day?”Barbara
“You think that I've ignored you?”Scott responded.“I finished the breakfast dishes,cleaned up the kitchen,fixed dinner, and am partway through
feeding our children. How in the world can you think I've ignored you?”
Just then, it became clear to Scott what had happened.Indeed, what he did was important to get done, and he was trying to be selfless in giving Barbara exactly what he thought she needed. Barbara explained, however, that the day hadn't been difficult because of the chores. It was difficult because she had spent hours and hours with small, demanding children, and she hadn't spoken to another adult all day. What she needed most at that time was a real conversation with an adult who cared about her. By doing what he did,he only made Barbara feel guilty and angry about her frustration.
