Susan三叶草 2022年1月20日 上午9:21

Susan三叶草 2022年1月20日 上午9:21

What Job Are You Being Hired For?
If you work to understand what job you are being hired to do, both professionally and in your personal life, the payoff will be enormous. In fact, it is here that this theory yields the most insight,simply because one of the most important jobs you'll ever be hired to do is to be a spouse. Getting this right I believe, is critical to sustaining a happy marriage.
Just as we learned in our research about the jobs that school students are trying to do, I'll describe in the subsequent pages how this framing can impact our marriages and relationships. To economize on words, I've framed the first person with masculine pronouns and adjectives, and used feminine words for the spouse. But they can be swapped around without changing the meaning at all-the concepts apply equally to everyone.
Like those milkshake buyers, you and your wife can't always articulate what the fundamental jobs are that you each are personally trying to do, let alone articulate the fundamental jobs that your wife has, for which she might hire a husband to get done. Understanding the job requires the critical ingredients of intuition and empathy.You have to be able to put yourself not just in her shoes,but her chair—and indeed, her life.More important,the jobs that your spouse is trying to do are often very different from the jobs that you think she should want to do.
