Susan三叶草 2022年1月15日 上午8:43

Susan三叶草 2022年1月15日 上午8:43

The Job of Keeping Mom and Dad Happy
Not long ago, an inventor approached a New Hampshire company called the Big Idea Group with an idea for a card game he had created. The chief executive of BIG, Mike Collins, didn't think the game would sell. But instead of sending the inventor packing, he asked him,“What caused you to develop this game?” Rather than justifying the game he developed, the inventor's answer identified a problem that arose repeatedly in his life:“I have three young children and a demanding job.By the time I get home from work and we finish dinner, it's eight o'clock and the kids need to go to bed.But we haven't had any fun together. What am I going to do?Set up Monopoly or Risk?I need some fun games that we can set up, play, and put away in fifteen minutes.”
Aha! This job arose in this man's life at least five days a week.
Though Collins felt that the father's game was only mediocre, the valuable insight was the job itself. Millions of busy parents think about the same thing every evening.The identification of the job the inventor was trying to do led to a very successful line called “12 Minute Games.”It was only through living with a real problem that the dad had the in- sight to create a line of games that do a job important to millions of people.
