Linguaphone 11.2.1 the teams

Linguaphone 11.2.1 the teams


Part 2

The teams
Tim: Look, Simon. The teams are coming onto the field. Have you ever seen Arsenal? 
Simon: No, I haven’t. 
Tim: What about Jane? Has she ever seen a football match?
Simon: No, she’s never seen one. She doesn’t like football. Have your parents ever seen a professional game?
Tim: No, they haven’t seen any professional games. 
Simon: Which ones are Arsenal?
Tim: They’re in red and white. 
Simon: Who’s kicking off?
Tim: Liverpool.
Simon: Are both teams good this season?
Tim: Yes. 
Simon: Which one’s better?
Tim: Liverpool are usually better than Arsenal but this year Arsenal are the best in the division. 
Simon: Do they ever lose?
Tim: Oh yes. They sometimes lose but they usually win. They don’t often have a bad day. 
Simon: Which team do you support?
Tim: I’ve always supported Arsenal.
Simon: Me too. Dad’s never liked Arsenal.

