Linguaphone 11.2.3 hot dogs

Linguaphone 11.2.3 hot dogs


Hot dogs
Simon: Dad, may I buy a hot dog?
Mr. Hunt: Yes, you may. Buy Tim one and buy me one, too. 
Simon: May I have some money?
Mr. Hunt: Here’s fifty pence.
Simon: Thanks. Do you want mustard on your hot dog?
Mr. Hunt: Yes, please, I do. 
Tim: No, thank you, I don’t.
Mr. Hunt: One with mustard, the other without mustard.
Simon: May I buy an orange squash, too?
Mr. Hunt: Yes … what kind do you like, Tim?
Tim: I don’t want any squash, thanks … I’ve brought us beers, Uncle Guy.
Simon: Tim, which man sells soft drinks?
Tim: I don’t know. Some sell soft drinks; others sell hot dogs.

