103.【纯享版】第十九章-Chapter19-2 歌神的成名真相

103.【纯享版】第十九章-Chapter19-2 歌神的成名真相


Chapter 19-2

Those were my songs that you took. MY SONGS that made YOU famous.”


Wh-what?” Miguel asked.


If I’m forgotten, it’s because YOU never told anyone that I wrote them!”


That’s crazy!” Miguel interjected. “Ernesto wrote all his own songs.”


Hector looked hard at the singer. “You wanna tell him, or should I?”


Hector, I never meant to take credit,” Ernesto said. “We made a great team, but you died, and I only sang your songs because I wanted to keep apart of you alive.”


Oh, how generous,” Hector said sarcastically.


You really did play together?” Miguel said.


Look, I don’t want to fight about it. I just want you to make it right. Miguel can put my photo up—”


Hector,” Ernesto said softly.


“—and I can cross over the bridge. I can see my girl,” Hector said.


Ernesto gazed at the photo, deliberating.


Remember what you told me the night I left?” said Hector.


That was a long time ago,” said Ernesto.


We drank together, and you told me you would move heaven and earth for your amigo. Well, I’m asking you to do that now.”


Heaven and earth?” Miguel asked. “Like in the movie?”


What?” Hector said.


That’s Don Hidalgo’s toast. In the movie El Camino a Casa.”


I’m talking about my REAL life, Miguel,” Hector said.


No, it’s in there. Look,” Miguel said, pointing to the movie clip being shown across the room.


Don Hidalgo was in the middle of his speech to the peasant Ernesto: “Never were truer words spoken. This calls for a toast! To our friendship! I would move heaven and earth for you, mi amigo.”


But in the movie,” said Miguel, “Don Hidalgo poisons the drink.” He was starting to put the clues together.


Salud!” shouted Don Hidalgo from the film. The two men drank.


Then Ernesto’s character spit his out. “Poison!” he shouted, and the men tussled.


