105.【纯享版】第十九章-Chapter19-3 埃克托死因大白 米格被困亡灵之地

105.【纯享版】第十九章-Chapter19-3 埃克托死因大白 米格被困亡灵之地


Chapter 19-3

Hector looked from the film to Ernesto standing in front of him. His mind raced. “That night, Ernesto. The night I left... ”


He remembered it well. They had been on tour, but he had missed his family too much, so he had packed up his songbook and grabbed his guitar case.


You wanna give up now?” Ernesto asked. “When we’re this close to reaching our dream?”


This was your dream,” young Hector said. “You’ll manage.”


I can’t do this without your songs, Hector,” Ernesto said, reaching for Hector’s suitcase.


I’m going home, Ernesto,” Hector said. “Hate me if you want, but my mind is made up.”


Ernesto had grown impatient, but he composed himself and switched on a charming smile. “Oh, I could never hate you,” he said. “If you must go, then I’m...Im sending you off with a toast!” The singer poured a couple of drinks and handed one to Hector. “To our friendship. I would move heaven and earth for you, mi amigo. Salud!” They both drank.


Ernesto had walked Hector to the train station, but when Hector stumbled, Ernesto simply took his suitcase. Hector had thought the pain in his stomach was from something he had eaten.


Perhaps it was that chorizo, my friend,” young Ernesto said.


Or something I drank,” Hector said, snapping back to the present. “I woke up dead.” He directed a steely gaze at Ernesto. “You...poisoned me.


You’re confusing movies with reality, Hector,” Ernesto assured him.


Suddenly, visions of Ernesto’s betrayal flashed before Hector like old film clips on a continuous loop. Hector remembered that as he had lain collapsed on the cold street, his suitcase had been opened. A hand had reached in and stolen his songbook.


All this time, I thought it was just bad luck,” Hector said. “I never thought that you might have...that you... ” He clenched his jaw, then lunged at Ernesto, tackling him to the ground.


Hector!” Miguel shouted.


How could you!” Hector yelled at Ernesto.


Security! Security!” cried Ernesto.


Miguel looked on in shock as the two men scuffled on the floor. He struggled to understand everything Hector had said about the toast, the songbook, and waking up dead. Could it be true? Could Ernesto have poisoned Hector?


You took everything away from me!” Hector shouted as security guards rushed in. He resisted as they pulled him off Ernesto, but it was no use. “You rat!”


Have him taken care of. He’s not well,” Ernesto ordered.


I just wanted to go back home!” Hector cried. Miguel felt a lump in his throat as the guards dragged Hector out of the room. “No, no, NO!”


Miguel was left alone with Ernesto. His mind raced as he tried to figure out what to do next.


I apologize. Where were we?”


You were going to give me your blessing,” Miguel said, unsure after everything he’d just heard. Was his great-great-grand father responsible for Hector’s death?


Yes. Uh, sí,” Ernesto said. He plucked a marigold petal, but hesitated. “Miguel, my reputation, it is very important to me. I would hate to have you think—”


That you murdered Hector for his songs?” asked Miguel, a knot growing in his stomach.


You don’t think that. Do you?”


I...No. Everyone knows youre the...the good guy, Miguel said, but doubt had set in, and it oozed in his voice.


Ernesto abruptly shoved the photo of Hector into his suit pocket.


Papá Ernesto? My blessing?” Miguel asked.


Ernesto crumpled the marigold petal. “Security!” he shouted. His guards appeared at the doorway. “Take care of Miguel. He’ll be extending his stay.” The guards grabbed Miguel by the shoulder.


Miguel’s face burned with anger. “What! But I’m your family!” he yelled. He couldn’t believe what was happening.


And Hector was my best friend,” Ernesto said coldly.


Miguel went pale. “You did murder him.”


Success doesn’t come for free, Miguel. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes— to seize your moment. I know you understand.”


