



66.TOPIC: What Kind of Person was the Lighthouse Keeper in the Story "The Listener"?(15分)

The lighthouse keeper, 83 years old, lived alone on a rock island, took care of the lighthouse and the treat lamp, which spoke majestic, silent messages of light to the ships at sea. He was a huge old man with a grizzled beard that came down over his chest. He was hospitable. He welcomed the stranger, Rudolf, warmly, offered him black bread, boiled potatoes, fish. cheese and hot tea, and talked with him earnestly. The lighthouse keeper loved his work and was devoted to his duty. When the storm was coming, he was busy preparing for the storm, attending to the great lamp in the tower that dominated the whole region. He was equable, deliberate. Even when the storm hammered like a battering ram on the walls of the lighthouse, he sat there, gentle and reflective, as if there was nothing happened. Generally, the lighthouse keeper was a deliberate, equable toiler. He lived a life without excessive demands.83岁的灯塔守望者独自生活在一座岩石岛上,负责照管灯塔和招待灯,它向海上的船只发出庄严而无声的光的信息。他是个高大的老人,灰白的胡子一直垂到胸前。他是热情好客的。他热情地欢迎陌生人鲁道夫,给了他黑面包、煮土豆和鱼。奶酪和热茶,和他恳切地交谈。灯塔看守人热爱他的工作,并对他的职责尽职尽责。当暴风雨来临的时候,他忙着为暴风雨做准备,照管着塔上的巨大的灯,这灯统治着整个地区。他沉着冷静,不慌不忙。即使当暴风雨像攻城槌一样敲打着灯塔的墙壁时,他仍然坐在那里,温和而沉思,好像什么也没有发生。一般来说,守灯塔的人是一个从容不扰、心平气和的劳动者。他过着没有过分要求的生活。


66. TOPIC: From the text "Go-Go Americans", what do you learn about Americans' attitude towards time and how does this attitude influence their life? You can use this outline:

Point out Americans' attitude towards time;

Give some examples to support this view;

Make a brief comment on this view.(15分) 

Americans believe that time is precious and should be saved carefully. They value time highly and do what they can to save time. This attitude towards time has affected their life greatly. For example, drivers are hurrying in the street and people are always in a rush. Time is divided into many segments and they strictly follow their schedules.


 In order to save time. Americans have invented a lot of time-saving devices, such as telex and telephone. They use telephone to conduct business. chat with friends and obtain information because it is quick. Businessmen don't take their partners out for dinner or have leisurely chats. They think it is a waste of time because the fulfillment of a job is not determined by the passage of time but by one's competence. Rapidity is always considered a priority. This view of time results in a nation of people with efficiency. 为了节省时间。美国人发明了许多节省时间的设备,如电传和电话。他们用电话做生意。与朋友聊天,获取信息,因为它是快速的。商人们不会带他们的伴侣出去吃饭或悠闲地聊天。他们认为这是浪费时间,因为工作的完成不是由时间的流逝决定的,而是由一个人的能力决定的。速度总是优先考虑的。这种时间观念造就了一个高效率的民族。


66.TOPIC: Compare the differences between Russell and his sister Doris when they were children.Base your composition on Selling the Post.(15分)

Russell and Doris were quite different when they were children. Though she was two years younger, Doris did more housework. She washed the dishes, made beds, and cleaned the house.Russell was quite inactive, and did not do these things unless his mother told him to.拉塞尔和多丽丝小时候很不一样。虽然多丽丝比她小两岁,但她做的家务更多。她洗盘子,铺床,打扫房子。拉塞尔很不活跃,除非他妈妈叫他做,否则他是不会做这些事情的。

Also Doris seemed to have more "gumption." When Russell was eight, he began to sell a magazine after school. But often he just stood at the roadside waiting for people to come over to him. Doris proved to be much better at the job. One rainy night when Russell returned home without selling a single copy, Doris went back with him. She would stride to a car as soon as it stopped at the red light and knocked at the closed window. When it opened she would thrust a copy at the driver. In this way she soon sold all the copies.



66.TOPIC: What kind of mother was Mrs. Baker in the story "Selling the Post"?(15分)

I think Mrs. Baker was a good mother. First, she was sensible. She loved her children, but never indulged them, She wanted her son to become a businessman. But when she found that the boy was not a bit interested in business, and that he had talent for writing, she encouraged him to become a writer我觉得贝克太太是个好母亲。首先,她很明智。她爱她的孩子,但从不纵容他们。她希望她的儿子成为一名商人。但当她发现这个男孩对商业一点也不感兴趣,而有写作天赋时,她鼓励他成为一名作家
Second. Mrs. Baker was very strict with her son, but she was not always criticizing him. She educated the boy in a proper way. She criticized the boy when he wanted to stay up late. When the boy failed to sell a single copy of the magazine, she encouraged him to try again. When he bought apples instead of candy with some of the money they had earned, she praised him, saying apples were good for children. She was the person who influenced the boy a lot in the course of his growing up.第二。贝克太太对儿子非常严格,但并不总是批评他。她用适当的方式教育这个男孩。当男孩想熬夜时,她批评了他。当那个男孩的杂志一份也卖不出去时,她鼓励他再试一次。当他用挣来的钱买了苹果而不是糖果时,她称赞他说苹果对孩子有好处。她是那个在男孩成长过程中对他影响很大的人。


66. TOPIC: How did Fotheringay's feelings about miracles change in the process of practicing his own unusual powers?(15分)

Mr. Fotheringay did not believe in miracles. But one day he first became aware of his own miraculous powers when he was trying to prove their impossibility. He commanded a burning lamp to turn upside down without breaking it, and it did as he ordered. He was puzzled and confused. However, when he was convinced that he could make miracles by doing a series of experiments, he was filled with mixed feelings of wonder and fear. Surely it was nice to have such powers, but he was not sure whether it was a blessing or a curse.佛泽林盖先生不相信奇迹。但有一天,当他试图证明这些事情是不可能的时候,他开始意识到自己的神奇力量。他命令一盏点着的灯翻转过来,但不能打碎它,灯照他的吩咐做了。他感到困惑和困惑。然而,当他确信他可以通过做一系列的实验创造奇迹时,他充满了惊奇和恐惧的混合感情。拥有这样的能力当然是件好事,但他不确定这是福还是祸。

 Later he began to take advantage of his unusual powers. He created, by his will, a delicious egg for his breakfast: he miraculouslv completed a whole day's work in the last ten minutes. When he realized that his powers were unusual and strong, he felt very proud and his feeling of wonder turned to delight. 后来,他开始利用自己不同寻常的能力。他按照自己的意志为早餐创造了一个美味的鸡蛋,在最后十分钟里奇迹般地完成了一天的工作。当他意识到自己的力量异常强大时,他感到非常自豪,惊奇的感觉变成了喜悦。

