


Lesson Thirteen How to Grow Old  254

According to what Russell says in "how to grow old",why were some of his ancestors and he himself able to live to ag reat age?

4.1) Probably, these ancestors of Russell's all took an optimistic attitude towards life and had wide interests and activities His great grandmother whom he mentions in the article is a good example. They passed on "long life" genes.也许罗素的这些祖先们都有着乐观的生活态度,有着广泛的兴趣和活动,他在文章中提到的曾祖母就是一个很好的例子。他们遗传了“长寿”基因。

what,in your opinion,is the proper recipe for a happy old age?

4.2) I think an active life is the recipe for a happy old age. After retirement, old people can either go on doing the things that they like and in which they can still be effective, or develop new interests and find new activities. This gives old people the satisfaction of knowing they are still active and useful members of society.我认为积极的生活是幸福晚年的秘诀。退休后,老年人可以继续做他们喜欢的事情,他们仍然可以在其中发挥作用,或者发展新的兴趣和发现新的活动。这给了老年人一种满足感,因为他们知道自己仍然是社会上活跃和有用的成员。

what are some other passions that often oovern peple's lives?

3) Other passions that govern people's lives include hatred, the thirst for power, hunger for money, longing for progress, etc. Some of these are positive; others are negative.支配人们生活的其他激情还包括仇恨、对权力的渴望、对金钱的渴望、对进步的渴望等等。其中一些是积极的;有些是负面的。

in your pinion,what are the most important goals in life?  do you think a person's view of these goals changes sa he or she grows older?

4) I can't speak for others, but my goal at the moment is to pass all the required courses for the programme and get a college degree. My next goal is to find a good job-one that will offer opportunities to tap my potential and pays reasonably well. For me, the most important goal is to achieve something so that I will feel that life is worth living, though I'm not sure what exactly I want to do.我不能替别人说话,但我目前的目标是通过这个项目的所有必修课程,拿到大学学位。我的下一个目标是找到一份好工作,一份能让我有机会发挥自己的潜力,而且薪水合理的工作。对我来说,最重要的目标是实现一些东西,这样我就会觉得生活是值得的,尽管我不确定我到底想做什么。

I think people's view of their goals in life changes with age.At school, most likely their goal is to go to college. Then they probably would seek love. When they reach middle age, they might well strive for a certain degree of success in their career, for their own sake as well as for that of society. In old age most people tend to take life easy and pursue peace of mind rather than money or fame.我认为人们对生活目标的看法会随着年龄的增长而改变。在学校,他们的目标很可能是上大学。然后他们可能会去寻找爱情。当他们到了中年,他们可能会努力在事业上取得一定程度的成功,为了他们自己,也为了社会。在老年,大多数人倾向于安逸的生活,追求内心的平静,而不是金钱或名誉。


5  Old age is the last stage of a person's life. In/At this stage, person is faced with a number of problems. Physically/ Physiologically, old people suffer from the gradual loss of sight, hearing, memory, and strength. They may also lose their jobs, hobbies, friends, and loved ones. Psychologically, as they experience loneliness and hopelessness, many of them desperately cling to their children. Also, some old people are troubled by the fear of death.老年是人一生的最后阶段。在这个阶段,人们面临着许多问题。从生理上讲,老年人的视力、听力、记忆力和体力逐渐丧失。他们还可能失去工作、爱好、朋友和爱人。心理上,当他们经历孤独和绝望时,他们中的许多人绝望地依附着他们的孩子。此外,一些老年人被死亡的恐惧所困扰。

However, neither the pain of loneliness nor the fear of death is an essential part of growing old.The problem is the loss of meaning in life. The recipe for a meaningful life in old age is to involve oneself in suitable activities, and find a goal to live for and to achieve. In fact, anyone, old and young, needs something to live for, to give them strength in face of difficulties or disaster.Without that they may lose hope and simply give up. 然而,孤独的痛苦和对死亡的恐惧都不是衰老的重要组成部分。问题是生活失去了意义。年老时过有意义的生活的秘诀是让自己参与到适当的活动中,并找到一个生活的目标和实现的目标。事实上,任何人,无论老少,在面对困难或灾难时都需要有活下去的动力。否则,他们可能会失去希望,干脆放弃。

