


Lesson Fourteen The Listener  276

   what do you learn from the story about Rudolf sa a musician and as a man

4.1) Rudolf wasn't a very good musician; otherwise he wouldn't have had to make a living in such a way as to avoid competition. Perhaps he didn't understand the music he played very well. What he lacked seemed to be insight into human existence and emotions. But there is something to be said about his way of making a living. He was actually bringing music to ordinary people in remote areas. His meeting with the lighthouse keeper in a storm would surely deepen his understanding of music as well as of life. What he had experienced in the lighthouse would definitely help him improve greatly as a musician.鲁道夫不是一个很好的音乐家;否则他就不会以这种回避竞争的方式谋生。也许他不懂他演奏得很好的音乐。他缺少的似乎是对人类存在和情感的洞察。但关于他的谋生之道,还是有些话要说的。他把音乐带给了偏远地区的普通人。他在暴风雨中与灯塔看守人的相遇无疑会加深他对音乐和生活的理解。他在灯塔里所经历的一切肯定会帮助他成为一个音乐家。

As a man, what impresses me most is his courage to meet challenges and to experience an unusual way of life. He was also quick to see in the old lighthouse keeper the noble spirit of the human race.作为一个男人,最让我印象深刻的是他面对挑战的勇气和体验不寻常的生活方式。他也很快在老灯塔看守人身上看到了人类的高尚精神。

what do you interpret the title?

4.2 In my opinion, the title implies man's longing for communication and understanding. Rudolf had been giving concerts around Scandinavia for years, but no one seemed to understand his music until he performed for the lighthouse keeper. The old man had little contact with the outside world, and his life was so cut off from the civilized world that he didn't even know what a violin was. When the two men met, they didn't talk much, but they seemed to be able to see into each other's mind and heart. They appreciated each other's presence. It is exactly the relationship human beings have been seeking all along. The writer also wants to say that great music helps to bridge the gap that separates people of different ages and lifestyles. 在我看来,这个题目暗含着人类对交流和理解的渴望。多年来,鲁道夫一直在斯堪的纳维亚半岛附近举办音乐会,但似乎没有人能听懂他的音乐,直到他为灯塔看守人表演。这位老人与外界几乎没有接触,他的生活与文明世界是如此隔绝,他甚至不知道小提琴是什么。当这两个人见面时,他们没有说很多话,但他们似乎能够了解对方的思想和心。他们互相欣赏对方的存在。这正是人类一直在寻求的关系。作者还想说,伟大的音乐有助于弥合不同年龄和生活方式的人之间的差距。

write a charecter sketch of the lightthouse keeper in about 150 words写一篇关 于灯塔管理人的人物描素

you are expected to write these ghree parts:

1) introduction

2)body, list two or three qualities in the man,and support these with examples,

3) conclusion

5 The lighthouse keeper was born and had lived and worked in the same lighthouse all his life. Life in the lighthouse seemed quite dull and cut off from civilization, but he was obviously, content with his way of life. 灯塔看守人出生并在同一座灯塔生活和工作了一生。灯塔里的生活似乎很沉闷,与世隔绝,但他显然对自己的生活方式很满意。

The old man neither wanted anything he didn't absolutely need, nor did he wish to obtain what he did not have in his lighthouse. When Rudolf offered him tobacco, he knew it was a gesture of friendship on the part of his guest, but he politely declined it. He had no idea what music was and had never heard anyone playing the violin before. But he understood the music Rudolf played for him, because he found something in common between music and the forces of nature he lived with: both were works of nature, and both were works of wonder.老人既不想要他绝对不需要的东西,也不想得到他在灯塔里没有的东西。当鲁道夫向他递烟时,他知道这是客人友好的表示,但他礼貌地谢绝了。他不知道什么是音乐,以前也从来没有听过任何人拉小提琴。但他理解鲁道夫为他演奏的音乐,因为他发现音乐和他生活在一起的自然力量之间有一些共同之处:都是自然的杰作,都是奇迹的杰作。

The lighthouse keeper's values and his insights into life and music show the greatness of the human spirit.灯塔看守人的价值观和他对生活和音乐的洞察力体现了人类精神的伟大。

