E38【纯英朗读】 It would be nice to have a partner

E38【纯英朗读】 It would be nice to have a partner


E38 It would be nice to have a partner.

An hour later, the ZPD burst into Lionheart’s office.

“Mayor Lionheart, you are under arrest for the kidnapping and false imprisonment of innocent citizens,” Judy said as she cuffed him.

“You don’t understand!” shouted Lionheart. “I had to do it!”

“You have the right to remain silent,” Judy continued.

“I did it for the city!” Lionheart exclaimed.

Later on, Bogo addressed the press. Behind him were posters of the savage animals—each one of them sporting a muzzle.

“Ladies and gentle mammals,” said Bogo. “Fourteen mammals went missing, and all fourteen have been found by our newest recruit, who will speak to you in a moment.”

“I am so nervous,” said Judy as she and Nick stood off to the side.

“Okay, Press Conference 101,” said Nick. “You wanna look smart, answer their questions with your own rhetorical questions. Then answer that question. Okay like this, ‘Was this a tough case? Yes. Yes, it was.’”

“You should be up there with me. We did this together,” said Judy.

“Well, am I a cop? No. No, I’m not,” answered Nick.

“Funny you should say that...because I’ve been thinking. It would be nice to have a partner,” said Judy, handing Nick an application to the ZPD.

She offered the carrot pen to him. “Here. In case you need something to write with.”

Bellwether gestured to Judy to come up to the podium. “Officer Hopps, it’s time.”

Nick looked down at the application, clicked the pen, and began filling it out.

