E34【纯英朗读】 It was Cliffside Asylum

E34【纯英朗读】 It was Cliffside Asylum


E34 It was Cliffside Asylum

Nick and Judy found the mysterious road and followed it.

They stopped and watched from a distance as a van drove past a gated checkpoint.

Beyond the gate was a creepy old building called Cliffside Asylum that perched high on a cliff over the ocean.

“Why couldn’t you be a Beaver Renaissance Faire?” Nick said quietly.

The two slowly ventured toward the asylum, sneaking up to the guarded gate. They could see two wolves stationed inside.

Nick motioned that he was going to try and tiptoe past. He started off, but as he got closer, one of the wolves sniffed the air, picking up on his scent.

Nick grabbed a piece of driftwood to use as a weapon as the wolf began searching for the source of the scent. But before the wolf could find Nick, a howl sounded in the distance, grabbing the wolf ’s attention. “Ooooooooo!”It was Judy, hidden beneath the cliffs!

Hearing the sound, the wolf couldn’t help but howl back.

Another guard approached and said sharply, “Quit it, Gary. You’re gonna start a howl.”

“I didn’t start it. Ooooooooo!” said Gary.

Unable to control it, the other guard howled back. Soon more and more wolves joined in, howling away.

Judy whispered to Nick, “Come on!”

They used the distraction to jump the fence and sneak by the guards.

“Clever bunny,” said Nick, impressed.

As they scrambled over the slippery rocks, Nick nearly slid down a waterfall. 

They searched for a way into the building and spotted a large pipe.

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