Day86 带读训练 Fight For Liberty (2)

Day86 带读训练 Fight For Liberty (2)


'Soldiers↘! 'Don’t give your'selves↗ to b’rutes↗—'men↗ who des'pise you↗, en'slave you↗; who 'regiment your 'lives↗, tell you 'what to 'do↗, 'what to 'think↗ and 'what to 'feel↗;who 'drill you↗, 'diet you↗, 'treat you like 'cattle↗, 'use you as 'cannon 'fodder↗!'Don’t↗ give your'selves to 'these un'natural 'men↗—ma'chine 'men↗ with ma'chine 'minds↗ and ma'chine ‘hearts↗!'You are not ma'chines↗! 'You are not 'cattle↗! You are 'men! You 'have the 'love↗ of hu'manity in your hearts↘!You 'don’t↗ hate↘! Only the un'loved hate—the un'loved and the un'natural↘!

'Soldiers! 'Don’t↗ fight for s'lavery↗! 'Fight for 'liberty↘!In the '17th 'Chapter of 'St. 'Luke, it is 'written: “The 'Kingdom of 'God is wi'thin 'man”↘.'Not 'one 'man, nor a 'group↗ of men, but in 'all↗ men↘! In 'you↘!'You, the 'people, have the 'power—the 'power to c'reate ma'chines, the 'power to c'reate 'happiness↘!'You, the 'people, have the 'power to 'make↗ this life 'free and 'beautiful, to 'make↗ this life a 'wonderful ad'venture↘.

Then in the name↗ of de'mocracy, let us 'use↗ tha't power↘! Let us 'all↗ u'nite! Let us 'fight for a 'new↗ ‘world—a 'decent world that will 'give 'men a 'chance↗ to 'work, that will 'give 'youth a 'future and 'old 'age a se'curity↘.

By the 'promise of these things, 'brutes have risen to 'power↘.But they 'lie↘! They do not fu'lfil their 'promise↗. They 'never 'will↘!'Dictators 'free↗ them'selves↗ but they en'slave↗ the 'people↘!'Now let us 'fight / to fu'lfil that promise↘! Let us 'fight / to 'free the world, to 'do a'way with 'national 'barriers, to 'do a'way with 'greed, with 'hate and in'tolerance↘!Let us 'fight for a world of 'reason, a world where 'science and 'progress / will 'lead↗to 'all men’s 'happiness↘.'Soldiers↘! In the name of de'mocracy, let us 'all↗ u'nite↘!
