Day81 带读训练 More Was Never Enough (Excerp

Day81 带读训练 More Was Never Enough (Excerp


'Money↗ is 'NOT↗ 'EVIL by it'self, it’s 'just↗ 'paper with / per'ceived↗ 'value / to ob'tain↗ other↗ things↗ we value↗ in other↗ 'ways↘. IF NOT ∨MONEY—'WHAT↗ 'IS 'EVIL YOU MAY 'ASK↘?'Evil↗ is the un'quenchable, ob'sessive and 'moral↗ bending de'sire / for 'MORE↘.'EVIL↗ is the 'bottomless, 'soulless and ob'sessive-com'pulsive pur'suit /of 'some↗ pot of 'gold / at the end↗ of 'some↗ 'rainbow / which 'doesn’t ex'ist↘.'EVIL↗ is having a 'PRICE 'tag / for your↗ 'HEART / and 'SOUL / in ex'change↗ for Fi'nancial↗ Suc'cess / at 'ANY cost↘.'EVIL↗ is trying to 'BUY happiness, a'gain↗ and a'gain, un'til↗ 'all of 'those↗ 'fake↗, 'short↗ lived mi'rages↗ / of e'motions are ‘gone↘.

I’m 'not saying you 'can’t be / fi'nancially suc'cessful;I’m SAYING / HAVE A 'GREATER 'PURPOSE IN 'LIFE / 'well↗ bey'ond↗ the Pur'suit↗ of Fi'nancial Suc'cess↘.Your 'Soul↗ / is S'CREAMING for you to 'answer your 'TRUE↗ 'calling↘.You can 'CHANGE today↗ if you 'rede'fine what SUC'CESS / is to 'you↘.You can tran'sform your 'damaged re'lationships and build 'new ones↘.You can for'give yourself / and others↗ who’ve 'hurt you↘.You can become a 'leader / by 'mentoring↗ with 'others / 'who↗ you as'pire to 'be like↘.You can 'rebalance / your pri'orities in life↘.You can heal your 'marriage /and 'recre'ate a s'tronger LOVE than you 'ever thought 'possible↘.You can become / the 'best↗ 'parent 'possible / at 'ANY↗ 'age—'even↗ '86, but 'don’t↗ 'WAIT↗ un'til 'then↘…You’ll 'always be able to make 'more↗ 'money, BUT you 'CANNOT / make 'more ‘time↘.

