Day84 带读训练 Order of the Day

Day84 带读训练 Order of the Day

Day84 带读训练 Order of the Day

'Soldiers↗, 'Sailors↗, and 'Airmen / of the 'Allied 'Expeditionary Force!

'You↗ are about to em'bark↗ upon the 'Great↗ Cru'sade, to'ward↗ 'which↗ we have s'triven these 'many↗ 'months↘.The 'eyes↗ of the 'world are 'upon you↘.The 'hopes↗ and 'prayers of 'liberty-'loving people 'everywhere / 'march↗ with you↘.In 'company with our 'brave↗ ∨Allies / and 'Brothers-∨in-arms on 'other F'ronts↗,'you↗ will 'bring↗ about the des'truction of the 'German 'war machine,the e'limination of 'Nazi 'tyranny over the op'pressed↗ peoples of 'Europe,and se'curity for ourselves↗ in a 'free↗ 'world↘.

Your 'task↗ will 'not↗ be an easy one↘.Your enemy↗ is 'well↗-'trained↗, 'well↗-e'quipped↗, and 'battle-hardened↘. He will fight↗ 'savagely↘.

But 'this is the year '1944↘! 'Much↗ has 'happened since the 'Nazi ∨triumphs of 19'40-'41↘.The U'nited 'Nations have in'flicted↗ upon the 'Germans↗ 'great↗ defeats, in ‘open 'battle, 'man↗-to-'man↘.Our 'air↗ of'fensive↗ has 'seriously re'duced / their s'trength↗ in the 'air↗ / and their ca'pacity to 'wage↗ war↗ on↗ the 'ground↘.Our 'Home Fronts / have 'given us an 'over'whelming↗ su'peri'ority↗ / in 'weapons↗ and mu'nitions↗ of 'war,and 'placed↗ at our dis'posal↗ 'great↗ re'serves↗ of 'trained↗ 'fighting men↘.The 'tide↗ has 'turned↘! The 'free↗ men of the 'world↗ are marching↗ to'gether to ‘Victory↘!

I have 'full↗ 'confidence in your 'courage, de'votion to 'duty↗ and s'kill↗ in 'battle↘.We will ac'cept↗ 'nothing 'less↗ than 'full ‘victory↘!

'Good↗ luck↘! And 'let us 'all↗ be'seech the 'blessing of Al'mighty↗ 'God uponthis 'great↗ and 'noble ‘under'taking↘.
