Day82 带读训练 Youth

Day82 带读训练 Youth


'Youth↗ / is 'not a 'time↗ of 'life; it is a s'tate↗ of 'mind;it is 'not↗ a matter of 'rosy 'cheeks↗, 'red↗ 'lips↗ and 'supple 'knees↗;it is a matter of the 'will, a 'quality↗ of the imagi'nation↗, a 'vigor↗ of the e'motions↗; it is the 'freshness of the 'deep↗ s'prings↗ of life↘.'Youth↗ / means a 'tempera'mental pre'dominance↗ / of 'courage↗ over ti'midity↗, of the 'appetite for ad'venture↗ / over the 'love↗ of 'ease↘.'This↗ often exists in a man of ∨60 / 'more↗ than a ‘boy↗ of '20↘.

'Nobody grows 'old / 'merely by a number of 'years↘. We grow 'old↗ / by de'serting our i’deals↘.'Years↗ / may wrinkle the s'kin, but to give up en∨thusiasm / wrinkles the 'soul↘.'Worry↗, 'fear↗, 'self-dis'trust↗ 'bows↗ the 'heart↗ / and 'turns↗ the s'pirit↗ back to ‘dust↘.

'Whether '60 or '16, there is / in 'every human being’s 'heart / the 'lure↗ of 'wonder↗,the un'failing 'childlike 'appetite for 'what’s↗ 'next / and the 'joy↗ of the 'game↗ of 'living↘.In the 'center of 'your↗ heart↗ and 'my↗ heart↗, there is / a 'wireless s'tation;'so↗ long as it receives messages of 'beauty↗, 'hope↗, 'cheer↗, 'courage↗ and 'power/ from 'man↗ and from the 'infinite, 'so↗ long / are you ‘young↘.When the 'aerials are 'down, and your s'pirit is 'covered↗ with s'nows↗ of ∨cynicism / and the 'ice↗ of ∨pessimism,'then↗ you are grown 'old, even at '20;but as 'long as your 'aerials are 'up, to 'catch↗ waves of 'optimism,there is 'hope↗ / you may die 'young↗ at '80↘.

