【英文原声版75】Kaiama Glover: Discourse on Colonialism

【英文原声版75】Kaiama Glover: Discourse on Colonialism






Zachary Davis: The power of great art is its ability to reframe reality. It can shake us loose from our cemented beliefs and offer new perspectives. And that’s exactly what Aime Cesaire does in his 1950 essay Discourse on Colonialism.


Kaiama Glover: Discourse on Colonialism, is this, you know, essay manifesto shot through with poetry, very intellectual, very historical, very clearly an intellectual diatribe against colonialism. My name is Kayama Glover. I'm professor of French and Africana Studies at Barnard College at Columbia University.


Zachary Davis: In the 16th century, France began establishing colonies around the world. They justified their brutal imperialism by claiming they were civilizing savage peoples. But Cesaire saw through their lies. In Discourse on Colonialism, he exposed the truth.


Kaiama Glover: This is an extraordinarily poetic text, the way it's written. It is like singing songs. There is repetition. There is rhetorical flourish. There is ask and answer and call in response. He is not a stodgy colonialism who is back historically in the present moment. And this is why it is a call to arms that, like so poignantly, interpolates the reader by the sheer beauty of its style that it’s worth noting and really for listeners thinking, oh, I'll figure out it and read this anti-capitalist text that’s probably really smart. But what I can promise is it’s an exciting read, like it's an enjoyable, beautiful text to read.


Zachary Davis: Welcome to Writ Large, a podcast about how books change the world. I’m Zachary Davis. In each episode, I talk with one of the world’s leading scholars about one book that changed the course of history. For this episode, I sat down with Professor Kaiama Glover to discuss Aime Cesaire’s Discourse on Colonialism. Aime Cesaire grew up on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean.


Kaiama Glover: So he was born in 1913 to a black Caribbean family, sort of, I'd say middle class in contemporary parlance, family, but definitely on the lower socioeconomic scale. So threatened by poverty in his youth, his father and mother were both employed and educated, but he was not necessarily of the class that would have been expected to have a fancy future, let's put it that way. Nonetheless, he was a brilliant student and stood out and was rewarded for that under the colonial education system by being granted a scholarship to pursue his studies.


Zachary Davis: In 1931, 18 year old Cesaire left Martinque and headed to Paris to continue his studies under this scholarship.


Kaiama Glover: And he was enrolled in the École Normale Supérieure, which is a very prestigious education institution. This would be like getting into Harvard or Oxford. It was definitely the good students path and a very prestigious and auspicious beginning to his life as an adult.


Zachary Davis: Cesaire was one of many students who were offered this type of scholarship from the French government. At the time, France had colonies around the world in present-day countries such as Vietnam, Senegal, Algeria, The French West Indies, and Canada. The French government hand-picked the best and the brightest students from these colonies and offered them similar scholarships. Cesaire was one of the students they picked from Martinique.


Kaiama Glover: So he gets to Paris and enrolls in this course of study and this very prestigious institution where he's really being anchored in French literature and culture and history and getting French, and then meets all of these other students from other parts of the empire.


Zachary Davis: The French government wanted to unite their colonies around the world under one French identity. Through this scholarship program, they were attempting to replace these students’ pre-French identities with a new French one. They tried to present French culture as superior to these colonies’ native cultures. But France’s attempts at instilling a unified identity were not entirely successful.


Kaiama Glover: What Cesaire discovers upon arriving in Paris and meeting these other brown and black intellectuals is that kind of the bill of sale he's had going during his colonial education, notably the idea that Africa is uncivilized, that colonialism was a gift, that Martiniques and Caribbean folks are in a better position than their savage and uncivilized African brothers. The lie is exposed because he does, in effect, meet these brilliant and dynamic and fascinating characters from all over the French Empire. So in bringing together all of these people in Paris, the stage is set for this kind of realization among the best and the brightest who are saying, wait, hold on. I call untruth to this narrative.


Zachary Davis: Cesaire became close with two other like-minded students. One was the poet Leon Damas who Cesaire knew in Martinique, and the other was writer and poet Léopold Sédar Senghor, who eventually became president of Senegal.


Kaiama Glover: And the three of them together start thinking, OK, so up till now we've been sort of immersed in this lie that's been told to us by the French colonial authorities via, you know, the construct of education. And this is something that is unacceptable and that we need to think about and vocally express about and moreover, that we need to write about. And so he gets there in 1931. And by 1935, he has fallen in with this crowd of brilliant scholars, intellectuals and now activists and starts a journal only has one issue, but it's an important one. In 1935, it's called L'Étudiant noir. Now, the Black student. And it's in this issue that Aime Cesaire uses for the first time the word Negritude Negritude.


Kaiama Glover: And as you can hear in the word negritude, it takes this word negra, which is kind of a colonial epithet, a pejorative term that was used to describe Black people and turns it into a positive, essentially an aesthetic, a philosophy that combines Black is beautiful with Black power, with the idea of an African diaspora, but essentially the notion that there is no superiority of white European culture and civilization and that it is time to turn inward and to think about what Africa has contributed to Caribbean being to the global world order, etc.. So this revolution is kind of intellectual and artistic revolution that happens in Paris among black men from the French Empire.


Zachary Davis: Who is reading these writings about Negritude and how did it start to spread among other thinkers and intellectuals in some of the colonial territories?


Kaiama Glover: So a few things. So, one, there is, as I said, the sort of intellectual scene happening in Paris in the 1930s where you have these students from Martinique especially, but also from sub-Saharan West Africa that are finding themselves in the hallowed halls of the French higher education system and are hanging out together who are in the cafes and in the salons and smoking cigarettes and having drinks and going to Caribbean dance halls together and really coming to a state of consciousness together about who they are.


Kaiama Glover: And I think most importantly, in sort of a precursor of sort of way to pan-Africanism, recognizing that there's more that unites them than divides them. So that's one incredibly important thing that's happening around the time of the emergence of Negritude in the 30s. A second thing that's happening is, I guess you could call it “the fact of Haiti”.


Zachary Davis: Haiti was an example of a nation that broke free from French colonialism, but ultimately paid a heavy cost for doing so. Europeans began settling Haiti as early as the 15th century. By the mid-17th century, it was a French colony. It soon became France’s most profitable and most valuable colony and earned the nickname “the pearl of the antilles”.


Kaiama Glover: It produced, you know, upwards of 90 percent of the world's sugar, some enormous percent, percent of the world's coffee, tobacco, cotton, all of these crops, all of these commodities that had become incredibly valuable on the global market and that put French in the position of being the dominant imperial power sort of neck and neck with the United Kingdom, with Great Britain at the time.


Zachary Davis: Like colonizers around the world, the French enslaved the local population and forced them to work on their plantations. But the French enslavers in Haiti were particularly vicious.


Kaiama Glover: It was so brutal and so deadly to the enslaved population that the determination had been made that it was more capitally expeditious to work slaves quickly to death than it would have been to keep them alive, allow them to reproduce established conditions wherein in a an indigenous enslaved population could grow. And the reason that's important is that an enormous percentage of the enslaved population in Haiti at the time was young, was male and remembered freedom. This was not a population that had been born into enslavement.


Kaiama Glover: And so what that meant is over time and with the demographics being what they were, meaning an enormous majority of Black enslaved nearly African people, a thin layer of mixed race people, so to speak, and what you would call pretty Black or which are like kind of lower class whites. And then an even thinner layer of colonial planters, many of whom didn't necessarily live in the colonies or back and forth, meant that you had this overwhelming majority of kind of barely enslaved and brutalized population that was able to come to political consciousness.


Zachary Davis: In the late 18th century, the Haitian revolutionaries assembled under the guidance of a free Black Haitian general named Toussaint Louverture. But meanwhile back in France, another revolution was brewing. Many people across Europe were giving serious thought to human rights and individual liberty. The old monarchical systems of government were under examination. In France, the lower classes were rising up to the aristocracy and monarchy. They wanted liberty, equality, and democracy. These revolutionary ideals spread throughout the French Empire and into the colonies.


Kaiama Glover: So this is all kind of this powder keg of various political and social democratic demographic factors that are coming together such that you end up with the outbreak of the Haitian revolution in 1791, the coming piggybacking, let's say, on the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789. You have this key moment in 1794 where slavery is actually outlawed and we have the sense that things are sort of going to right themselves. Now at this point, Toussaint Louverture is not looking for independence in the late 18th and in the late 1790s and even up to 1802. What he's looking for is a measure of sovereignty within the French Empire. So to enjoy the rights and privileges of Frenchness without slavery.


Zachary Davis: But it didn’t work out that way. France at this point was in the middle of two revolutions: the Haitain Revolution and the French Revolution. Towards the end of the French revolution, the revolutionaries overthrew the monarchy and established their own government. But this was short lived. The French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the revolutionary government and became emperor of France in 1799.


Zachary Davis: Napoleon wanted to keep Haiti as a French colony, so he captured Toussaint Louverture and sent him to a French prison, where he died. In 1802 Napoleon reinstated slavery in the French colonies. At first, it looked like Napoleon’s plan was going to succeed.


Kaiama Glover: He was able to do so in Martinique. He was able to do so in Guadeloupe. He was able to do so in Guyana, but he was not able to do so in Haiti. And it was all out continuation of the war under a new general, by the name I was deciding. And this time it was not going to be a battle for some sort of negotiated freedom with France. It was for the whole shebang. It was for absolute sovereignty of an independent French state.


Zachary Davis: The revolution was successful, and on January 1st, 1804, Haiti declared its independence from France. This was a huge threat to European colonialism.


Kaiama Glover: As you can imagine, a free Black republic in the middle of an enslaved hemisphere was a deeply avant garde and problematic entity, which meant that France and the United States would then go ahead and do all in their power to contain that revolution in by all means, any means necessary. So that meant several things. That meant commercial isolation. So we're going to starve you out or we're going to reduce the possibility to engage in trade relations that would sustain this independent nation.


Kaiama Glover: It meant military threat. French warships just outside of Haiti that were put there to make the point that Haitian independence would not be acknowledged until and this was a plan that was negotiated as late as 1825 until a debt of one hundred and fifty million francs was paid by the new nation to France to indemnify the planters in that lost property, including land and obviously slaves. And then it also meant kind of a narrative creation of Haiti as a cautionary tale for what happens when Black people try to rule themselves.


Kaiama Glover: And so what that means is a place like Martinique where Caesaire is from. Part of this kind of colonial education is about vilifying Haiti, about making an example of Haiti, of, well, you may think you have it bad as a colony of the French Empire, but it could be worse. Look what's going on in Haiti. And in effect, at first glance, you have the scent of a banana republic that got independence but hasn't been able to make it work. Narrative, the kind of conveniently overlooks the extent to which the wider world was absolutely insistent on the failure of that Black Republic, the people like me said there would not have been duped by this kind of narrative.


Zachary Davis: Over a century after Haiti gained its independence from France, the United States began to occupy Haiti. The Haitian president was assassinated in 1915, and the U.S. entered Haiti to restore political and economic stability, and remained there until 1934. This was all happening during Cesaire’s life up through his education in Paris. Cesaire, like many other students and people living under French rule at the time, grew up with this Haitian narrative as a cautionary tale.


Kaiama Glover: And so at the time of Caesar's arrival in France, you have this incredibly poignant and despicable reassertion of or like a reinvestment in colonialism that's happening in a country that for all of its, you know, arguably dystopian failures since the 19th century revolution, nonetheless stood out as an example of the possibility of Black sovereignty in the wake of slavery and colonialism. So to have that be being crushed and oppressed by a new imperial power in the power, notably the U.S., is something that's in the hearts, the minds and in the intellectual thinking of these students and in France.


Zachary Davis: What happened in the 19th century up until the 30s in terms of colonial resistance?


Kaiama Glover: There is not any moment in that time that was not violently, adamantly anticolonial, not any one you can't find a moment in any part of any of the colonial world that was not in constant refusal and resistance of what had happened.


Kaiama Glover: The example of Haiti, then again, the resistance to the American occupation that happens in nineteen in the 1915 through 1920 period in Haiti, in addition to punctual revolution, anticolonial moments throughout both the British and the French Empire are going to make plain from beginning to end the extent to which colonialism has to constantly perform acrobatics to assert itself rhetorical acrobatics, intellectual, moral, governmental acrobatics in order to convince itself in the world of its legitimacy.


Zachary Davis: Two years after Cesaire and his fellow students published their journal called The Black Student, he got married. And then two years after that in 1939, he moved with his wife back to Martinique and began teaching at the prestigious French high school he himself had attended.


Kaiama Glover: He's there in 1939 with his wife and their child at the time. And while he's there, he found a literary journal called Tropiques with two other intellectuals, which was essentially runs from 1941 to 1945. So exactly during the time of the war. And it this journal does a couple of things. It kind of puts into practice the idea of Negritude as a point of departure for kind of both at once historical, cultural, social and political organization among Black people in the Americas and more broadly.


Zachary Davis: Cesaire had to be careful with what he published because at the time Martinique was occupied by France which was occupied by Hitler and the Nazis. In a way, Hitler was doing to Europe what Europe was doing to their colonies. Because of Hitler’s occupation in France, the media in Martinique was heavily monitored.


Kaiama Glover: The other thing that happens in this period of the late 1930s into the 1940s, as he writes his masterwork, arguably what's his masterwork, which is called Notebook of a Return to My Native Land, which is this extraordinary prose poem, maybe about 50 pages long.


Zachary Davis: In addition to his journals and political writings, Cesaire was also an accomplished poet.


Kaiama Glover: He publishes this poem, which essentially becomes the rallying cry and the most heartfelt expression of negritude, of global blackness, and I'd say of thinking about Black victimization and marginalization as a phenomenon that is and isn't about race.


Kaiama Glover: So Negritude literally has the word “black” in it. But this poem makes plain that Negritude is a mantle that can be born by Jews persecuted by Hitler, by Kafia being persecuted by the South African government, by Valette in India, that it is the mantle that can be worn by people who are persecuted, by white supremacy, by Western Europe, by bourgeois capitalism in ways that do and do not have to do with blackness. So in this sense, his writings during the 1930s and 40s are really pivotal and foundational to global Black studies and to post-colonial studies today.


Zachary Davis: By 1945, Cesaire’s journal had been shut down by the government, but he continued writing. Around this time, Cesaire met another highly influential person, the French surrealist poet Andre Breton.


Kaiama Glover: Andre Breton, who, like so many other intellectual, is intellectuals has fled Vichy France and finds himself in the Caribbean, finds himself in Martinique at a point and discovers in that weird sense of the term, discovers Aime Cesaire and falls in love with his work and declares him, you know, the greatest French Black poet.


Zachary Davis: This was a crucial moment because through Breton, Cesaire was able to join the white anti-colonial movement.


Kaiama Glover: Black people can rage against the machine as much as they like, but it really gets the ball rolling when you have white intellectuals and activists on your side.


Zachary Davis: Breton helped Cesaire establish his name in the white intellectual world. And it enabled him to go to Haiti.


Kaiama Glover: And he goes to Haiti with his wife, Suzanne, for a period of about six weeks in 1944. So still during the war where he gives a bunch of lectures to Haitian students there, all of which turn on the extent to which poetry and sort of political consciousness go hand in hand.


Zachary Davis: Cesaire’s time in Haiti would prove incredibly influential. Haiti’s president at the time was a man named Elie Lescot. He was essentially a dictator, and he was supported by the United States. He ruled Haiti with force and intimidation and heavily censored the media. Cesaire’s lectures inspired many students to become more politically conscious. Two years after he left Haiti, a number of the students he taught were part of a massive student strike.


Kaiama Glover: That becomes a national strike that within a period of five days in January of 1946, overthrows the dictatorial government in Haiti. And they do so declaring the allegiance of surrealism and communism as their kind of their mantra, their motive force and their call to arms. So there's this incredible series of dominoes that lead from this poet in Martinique to a revolution that happens in Haiti all during the period of and after the Second World War in Europe.


Zachary Davis: The pen is mightier than the sword. That is amazing.


Kaiama Glover: It's a fascinating history. This other thing happens while that revolution is happening in 1946 in Haiti, a kind of different a little bit opposite thing is happening in Martinique in 1946. We've got the Second World War. France is essentially on its knees. We've got the United Nations, which is formed in 1945, essentially saying colonialism has to end after this war.


Kaiama Glover: France is super nervous. In 1945, it'll have to give up its colonies. So it goes on this campaign of kind of seduction of the soon to be former colonies by saying, hey, so listen, sorry about some of the stuff that happened with slavery and colonialism, but here's what we were offering. Why don't we rethink this and rejigger this relationship and create what we're going to call the French Union or Françafrique or something along like, you know, we can work on the label.


Kaiama Glover: But basically the ideal would be we'll still be united and we'll still sort of be in charge. But you guys will be sovereign, like you'll be sovereign within our empire. Let's figure out a relationship that means you still belong to us. But we're not going to treat you like second class citizens.


Zachary Davis: At this point France had colonies in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Carribean. By 1954, North Vietnam gained its independence from France. The majority of France’s colonies among the African nations did not want to stay under France’s rulership and by 1960 all of France’s colonies in Africa were independent.


Kaiama Glover: But what happens in 1946 in Martinique is that Aime Cesaire believes that this is possible and he negotiates a transformation of Martinique from a colony of France into what's called a Department of France, which it remains to this day, Mayotte, Guadeloupe and a few other former French colonies. This is part of what's understood to be or has long been understood to be the unfortunate legacy of Aime Cesaire, but has more recently been recognized as essentially the only thing that he could have done at that time.


Zachary Davis: Martinique’s economy was so devastated by colonialism that in a way, they saw this was their only hope. By this point, Cesaire’s name was well established in the political world, and the new Martinique government offered Cesaire a position.


Kaiama Glover: And it made Cesaire the mayor of Fort-de-France, the capital of Martinique in 1945 and an elected official in the French National Assembly, etc. He ultimately became the head of the French Communist Party in Martinique until he broke with the Communist Party in 1956 over communist racism, at which point he founded the Progressive Party at Martiniuk, which he was the leader of until his death.


Zachary Davis: Cesaire first published his essay Discourse on Colonialism with a small French publisher in 1950 in Paris. Five years later he further edited the essay and republished with the anticolonial publishing house Presence Africaine.


Zachary Davis: Let's now talk about Discourse on Colonialism. What is he arguing and how does he make these arguments?


Kaiama Glover: Well, he's arguing in an explicitly anti-colonial stance to start there. This is not some sort of neutral history or account of colonialism. It's a text that's meant to be adamant and radically opposed to the colonial project.


Zachary Davis: Many of Cesaire’s earlier writings were geared towards those who were being colonized by France. But he wrote this text specifically for the French.


Kaiama Glover: What he is essentially arguing is that there's no decoupling of capitalism and colonialism or specifically racial capitalism and colonialism, and that these two things are, in fact, incompatible with the very idea of the civilizing mission that arguably undergirds the colonial project.


Zachary Davis: I'd love to know, especially this idea of the civilizing mission and how that was articulated, because what's so powerful about Caesar's journey is that he sort of bought into it was the star of the civilizing mission goes over and then sees that it was hollow the whole time. So how would you characterize how Europeans as a whole, maybe even the French Empire in particular, was describing their motivations regarding their colonies in the, let's say, height of their empire.


Kaiama Glover: The short and pithy answer would be, you know, racism. Racism is this beautifully elastic concept that really in the end allows for the justification of actions that one might otherwise call out for what they are, which is exploitative, abusive, inhuman or anti- humanist.


Kaiama Glover: The easiest way to answer that, which was is partially an answer is that capital and its successes don't necessarily need a nice story if they're working well in the sense that, yes, of course it is great if the horrible things that are being done can have some nice packaging around them. But at the end of the day, when France becomes a growing industrial nation, is really in a neck and neck relationship of competition with the U.K., a lot can go on without needing a nice narrative to accompany it.


Kaiama Glover: So let's just say in some ways it's not as hard as one might imagine to out of one side of one's national mouth, be saying there's a certain understanding of human rights, brotherhood and universal principles of humanism that we dearly hold to except when it comes to Africans. That's fine. That really is fine. And that has been fine since time immemorial. It has had different iterations, but I don't think that it's lessened as a real factor in resolving what might seem to be incommensurable.


Zachary Davis: The other important element was how racism allowed the colonizers to write off people of color as not human or less human.


Kaiama Glover: It's a really nice loophole that allows for nations to be completely full-throated in advocating for Liberté, Égalité, liberty, equality and brotherhood among men. And we see the way that among men clause has existed in relation to women, certainly, which is a kind of lesser man. But in quotes, obviously. But imagine then we're talking about peoples and ethnicities that don't even make it. You know, they don't get to put their toe on the scale of what actually counts as a species in the human race.


Kaiama Glover: And let's not forget that much of the 19th century science, things like phrenology, for example, the measurement of heads and skulls is the most well-known example. Much of the 19th century science was about showing Black peoples as some sort of missing link between apes and Europeans and white men and white people.


Kaiama Glover: What we shift to, I think and this is in France as elsewhere in the North Atlantic, what we shift to is the idea of, OK, we may all be humans, but certain kinds of humans and we can call it race or we can call it things that are more palatable, like, you know, culture, that these things make those humans incapable of self-control, self-governance, rational thought, all of the things that, again, cement the legitimacy of a European project of civilizing that rather than admit to what it is, which is capitalist exploitation leads with, it's prettier face, which is we are here to help. We see a mess and we're going to fix it. And if that comes with some advantages for France or for Europe more broadly, well, that's great. I mean, after all, who are we? But at the same time, there's a trade off because what we're offering is some measure of compensation for what we're extracting.


Zachary Davis: When Cesaire published Discourse on Colonialism, he was able to take advantage of the rawness of Europe in the aftermath of WWII. Europe was no longer the great civilizing, enlightened continent. Cesair was able to show the parallels between what happened in WWII and what was happening with European colonialism.


Kaiama Glover: So he's writing in this moment following the Second World War, where France in particular in Europe more broadly, has been something of a lesson in terms of what occupation feels like, what being colonized feels like, and where there was this near miss vis a vis the Nazism and Hitler. And so the sort of main thrust and what I see is and many see as the brilliance of this text is that he hit he harnesses that recent memory, that recent European memory of this near miss and near very evident degradation and humiliation to insist in Discourse on Colonialism that what happened with Adolf Hitler was, in fact, not an aberration with respect to the Enlightenment cum colonial project, but rather its culminating force.


Kaiama Glover: And so with this, this is an incredibly provocative thing to be saying. Five years after the close of World War II, it's toe's right up to the line of you brought this on yourselves, right. He never goes so far as to say this. But what he does do is take the space created by France's vulnerability to say, really, let's look at history and let's look at the treatment of colonized subjects, brown and black and Asian in the Americas, in the Far East, in Latin America, in Africa, et..


Kaiama Glover: And let's look practically at what was happening under colonialism and see if we don't notice some similarities to what was happening under the Hitlerian project of Nazism. And this is an incredibly, as I said, provocative and risque narrative to be presenting in 1950 and then again in 1955.


Zachary Davis: So after World War II, how does the discourse of colonialism change? What were those years after World War II looking like?


Kaiama Glover: I mean, I would send you straight to the opening discourse by Charles de Gaulle in 1944 at the conference in Brazzaville, where he gets together, a group of colonial administrators, all white Europeans that come together to puzzle through precisely what you just asked, notably, OK, it's 1944, we're meeting here in Bronzeville because, well, France is occupied. So that's already saying quite a bit. But we're meeting here, more importantly in some ways, to think about what our colonial future is going to look like.


Kaiama Glover: And so that discourse talks about colonialism. You know, it had its hiccups and there were things that were done that very likely shouldn't have been done. But they were done in a spirit of generosity and fellow feeling that they were done to bring a people encased in darkness into light. They were done with the best intentions apart, as we talked about earlier, for some bad apples that that made the whole thing look bad, perhaps.


Kaiama Glover: But it is not only our hope, but it is our obligation not to release our colonies into the wide, wide world of geopolitics. They are not prepared. They are not capable. No more so than they were really since we found them. It is our responsibility to facilitate some sort of transition for them that will involve re-educate adamant re-education, the establishment of clear liaisons between a colonial indigenous elite and French newly or differently colonial power. So these are commercial relations, social, political and other relations.


Kaiama Glover: In other words, we need to refigure a relationship that we want to remain rooted in the paternalistic ideals of the civilizing mission and colonialism. But without all of the yuckiness that we now know, you know, isn't going to work for the second half of the 20th century and beyond because of the whole Hitler situation.


Zachary Davis: So was Cesaire’s work intended to help colonial subjects say no? How much of his intention was to foster this consciousness that you are in fact free?


Kaiama Glover: There is a way in which Cesaire holds fast to the belief that the colonial ship can be turned around or at least holds fast to the efficacy of trying to work in that direction, as opposed to radical independence that would divorce the former colonies from their former imperial rulers. And he, in this respect, is something of a pragmatist. We have to keep in mind the extent to which the centuries of colonialism had absolutely devastated local economies, cultures, ethnicities, tribal relations, understandings of self and a history that it had really—some not annihilated entirely, but certainly deeply disturbed and, yes, devastated. And so the world that Cesaire seems to be imagining is a world that requires first acknowledgement of the crime of that of that project. Really importantly, it involves having the North Atlantic in the former empire recognized what it had done.


Kaiama Glover: And I would argue in a really prescient way he does that so that those things are not repeated. So there is a way in which Discourse on Colonialism and so there's attitude more broadly is an appeal to France to do better for the sake of everyone.


Zachary Davis: Yeah, it does seem that an important part of this text, it isn't just making a kind of moral claim against racist attitudes, but it's looking closely at the role of capitalism. And what is his argument about the particular way there's exploitative relationships because of the racial dimension?


Kaiama Glover: He ends with the assertion that civilization as a whole, in a sense, not just a civilization in the neutral sense that a civilized humanity is one hundred percent incompatible with capitalism, that there is no such thing as a not exploitative capitalism, that there is no such thing as some countries providing resources and labor and others providing management, that that is a system that is absolutely broken and de facto not humanist and problematic.


Kaiama Glover: Capitalism will capitalize, capitalism will transform honest relationships of labor and production into a skewed hierarchy is mastery and exploitation. And there's no way around that. And if you go through this document, through Discourse on Colonialism, the buzzwords are there throughout. It's incredibly important. And he hits the note proletariat, bourgeois, capitalists over and over again to make clear that enemy number one for him and what must be done away with immediately is capitalism, particularly the kind of capitalism that is coming up through the United States.


Kaiama Glover: It’s a kind of undignified, steam rolling capitalism that is full with its own successes of the recent war and really ready to globalize on a scale that hasn't been seen. And so he's closing this document by trying to strike the fear of on would otherwise say god, but in this case of America, into the hearts and minds again of the French.


Zachary Davis: Does he have a vision of or a way to organize an economy and a political community that he can articulate? Can you give us a name to a way of life that supports that human flourishing in his view?


Kaiama Glover: What we have consistently is the condemnation of capitalism that is explicit and clear. There’s a belief in what he calls in Discourse on Colonialism “ante-capitalism”—“ante” as opposed to “anti”, which he attributes to an African or at least non-white European world view that preexisted capitalism. And that might be a resource for rewriting geopolitics in the coming world. But he doesn't he's not explicit about it in any way.


Kaiama Glover: The work that he ends up doing because he does become a politician as he’s mayor. He's then the deputy of the French Communist Party, then starts his own political party in Martinique. So he is invested in a politics. But in as much as this is a never a politics of explicit independence, it has its limitations in that respect. And there is no sort of political agenda that's made clear beyond radical revolution, which is arguably about deconstructing, so a process of burning it all down in order to lay the terrain for something else, but that something else is not necessarily articulated with great clarity in his work.


Zachary Davis: How did the book land and what would you say has been its legacy?


Kaiama Glover: It's at the root of a genealogy of anti-colonialism. It provides like a theoretical base, a political base and a point of departure for, I'd say, debates in the present moment about different forms of colonialism and of neo-colonialism, about blackness and to what extent blackness is a racial category or metaphor for a social class or culture. It continues to be utilized as a helpful way of thinking about how otherness is constructed, even against reason, how what are the discourses and rhetorics that have to be put into place to justify the things that we were talking about earlier in terms of exploitation and inhumane treatment and inhuman treatment of the so-called other.


Kaiama Glover: So Cesaire, this is not a relic or an artifact. That's part of a history of anti-colonialism. It's very much in the present. It's still discussed not just within the walls of the academy. I would say, but it's a familiar text in the realms of activism and well beyond the Francophone context. It is a part of Latin American discourses of anticolonialism as well. That happened much later.


Zachary Davis: Cesaire passed away in 2008. He was 94 years old. After Discourse on Colonialism, he continued writing and published many plays, poetry, and other post-colonial literature.


Kaiama Glover: But this text, this and I'd say two or three of his other texts, but this one really stands on its own, as Cesaire’s offering to the desire for truly universalized human and global freedom to this day. It's wonderful that a poet wrote this influential text because it means that it's a delight to read.


Zachary Davis: Capitalism has profoundly shaped the world. But for a long time, those who benefited most from it ignored the destruction it left in its wake. In Discourse on Colonialism, Aime Cesaire turned our global gaze away from the mere profit and wonder of capitalism and towards its more brutal realities.


Kaiama Glover: It makes it impossible in such an explicit way for certain lies of imperialism to hold and the explicitness with which he does deconstructed, those lies are still deployable today like you can still use the words that Cesaire gave us. Colonialism does not equal civilization, but equals brutalization and de-civilization of the colonized subject and of the colonizer. This idea that it is a perversion of our humanity had not been said in that way before and can continue to be said.


Zachary Davis: Writ Large is a production of Ximalaya. Writ Large is produced by Jack Pombriant, Liza French, and me, Zachary Davis. Script editing is by Galen Beebe. We get help from Feiran Du, Ariel Liu, and Monica Zhang. Our theme song is by Ian Coss. Don’t miss an episode. Subscribe today in the Ximalaya app. Thanks for listening. See you next time.


