54.【精讲版】第九章-Chapter9-3 重返亡灵之地

54.【精讲版】第九章-Chapter9-3 重返亡灵之地


Chapter 9-3

As quickly as he had vanished from the Land of the Dead, he reappeared in Ernesto de la Cruz’s mausoleum in a swirl of petals.


As soon as the petals settled, Miguel ran to the window and looked out. “No skeletons!” he exclaimed, laughing.


Then he saw Ernesto’s guitar. Once again, he snatched it from its mount. “Mariachi Plaza, here I come!” He took two steps toward the door, and whoosh!


In another whirlwind of petals, Miguel appeared back at the clerk’s office in the Land of the Dead. His family turned, shocked to see him back so soon.


Miguel realized that his hands were still positioned as if he were holding Ernesto de la Cruz’s guitar, though the guitar had stayed in the Land of the Living. Apparently, Mamá Imelda’s conditions were enforceable.


Two seconds, and you already break your promise!” scolded Mamá Imelda.


This isn’t fair—it’s my life! You already had yours!” Miguel said. He grabbed another petal.


“Papá Julio, I ask for your blessing.” Papá Julio glanced at Mamá Imelda, whose brow hardened. Intimidated, he shook his head and pulled his hat down.


Miguel looked at his other relatives. “Tía Rosita? Óscar? Felipe? Tía Victoria?” They all shook their heads. None of them dared to cross Mamá Imelda.


Don’t make this hard, m’ijo. You go home my way or no way,” Mamá Imelda said.


You really hate music that much?” Miguel asked.


“I will not let you go down the same path he did,” she answered.


Miguel pulled out the photo. He focused on the man, his great-great-grandfather, whose face had been torn from the photo.


The same path he did,” Miguel whispered to himself, looking at the man. “He’s family...


Listen to your Mamá Imelda,” Tía Victoria pleaded.


She’s just looking out for you,” said Tío Óscar. “Be reasonable,” Tía Rosita added.


Miguel slowly stepped toward the door. “Con permiso, I need to visitthe restroom. Be right back!” He showed himself out.


The family watched Miguel leave, bewildered. The clerk glanced over at them.


Uh, should we tell him there are no restrooms in the Land of the Dead?” he said.



01. vanish [ˈvænɪʃ] v. 消失

      disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪr] v. 消失

      reappear [ˌriəˈpɪr] v. 再出现

02. snatch [snætʃ] v. 夺走,拿走

03. mount [maʊnt] n. 架子

04. Here I come. 我来了。

      Here I come for breakfast! 我来吃早饭了!

      Summer vacation,here I come! 暑假,我来了!

05. whirlwind [ˈwɜːrlwɪnd] n. 旋风

      whirlwind of petals 花瓣旋风

06. turn [tɜːrn] v. 转身

07. shock [ʃɑːk] v. 震惊

08. apparently [əˈpærəntli] adv. 显然地

09. condition [kənˈdɪʃn] n. 条件

10. enforceable [ɪn'fɔsəbl] adj. 可实施的,可强行的

11. break [breɪk] v. 打破

      break your promise 打破你的承诺

12. scold [skoʊld] v. 责骂,责备

13. fair [fer] adj. 公平的

14. ask for 请求

15. shake [ʃeɪk] v. 摇动

      shake his head 摇头

16. make this hard 变复杂,费周折

17. way [weɪ] n. 方法

      My way or the highway. 听我的就听,不听就走人!

18. hate [heɪt] v. 讨厌,恨

19. path [pæθ] n. 路径

20. restroom [ˈrestruːm] n. 公共洗手间

      visit the restroom 去洗手间

      bathroom [ˈbæθruːm] n. 洗手间

      toilet [ˈtɔɪlət] n. 厕所

21. Be right back. 马上回啦。


I need [niːd] to visit [ˈvɪzɪt] the restroom [ˈrestruːm]. Be right back [bæk]!


