A carnival of youth [福说英语][21-05-19]

A carnival of youth [福说英语][21-05-19]



Hello everyone, welcome back to English Panorama, this is welkin, nice to meet you ~ 好久不见,不知道大家的五一假期过得怎么样呢?我呢,去参加了一场音乐节。


今年的五一假期,音乐节就像赶趟子似的,扎堆地到来了。北京上海广州这种一线城市自是不必说,本身就拥有足够肥沃的商业音乐的土壤。而今年,在山东、海南的一些小县城,也都出现了音乐节进驻的身影。According to incomplete statistics, there were nearly thirty music festivals held in the past few days in the early May, and almost all of them were pretty well attended. Tickets for the Shanghai Strawberry Music Festival were sold out on the first day of the sale.一场场音乐节点燃了年轻人的五一黄金周;一场场属于年轻人的狂欢,也在炎热的春末夏初,开始了。


The history of the “ music festival” dates back to the Baroque music period. 1743年亨德尔曾在伦敦科文特剧院参加清唱剧演出,此后清唱剧演出就成为每年举办一次的节庆活动,音乐节的概念也就此诞生。In the 1960s, under the influence of modernist artistic trends(现代主义艺术思潮),the anti-war sentiment among American youths was intense, making rock music become a form of young people to cry for and call for peace. Meanwhile, assembly-style rock music festivals also enjoyed great popularity at that time. The Woodstock Music Festival in the United States was the most famous one.


音乐节引进国内后,吸引了众多乐队和歌迷的关注。国内的第一届音乐节发源于二十一世纪初的北京迷笛音乐学院的校园里。迷笛由此开创了中国户外音乐节的先河,并抓住时机,逐渐发展形成了“太湖迷笛“”深圳迷笛“等附属品牌。As an “ imported product”, the early domestic were obviously influenced by the West, with a simple style mainly focusing on rock music, and this is also the stereotype on the music festival held by many people .2007年以后,国内户外音乐节进入井喷式发展阶段,在逐渐为大众所接纳的过程中,形成了本土特色,商业模式也进一步完善。近年来,在政策推动和支持下,音乐节与文化旅游查产业和会展演艺行业互相渗透,演化成一种综合性的文化产业项目。







实质上,这是一个累积渐进的过程。It is not difficult to find that some bands who are active at the festival have already offered performances to their fans several years ago. Limited by the small audience group of electric music and rock, it is anticipated that the performance can not transit to mainstream culture. 而近些年,音乐题材的综艺节目频频火爆市场,这也成了音乐节能如此蓬勃发展的重要原因之一。充满个性的、特质鲜明的乐队拥有了在大众眼前活跃的舞台,作品“出圈“了,知名度提高了,以乐队为依托的音乐节自然也就完成了一次蜕变。


The reason why the music festival gains great popularity in the market is that it meets the demand of our young people.市场层面的原因是一方面,音乐节之所以能收获众多拥趸,还是因为吻合了当代年轻人的诉求。






The grass turns into a dance floor. People dance and cheer in the center, throwing reality and annoyance away. All the depression and difficulties melt in that field.就算日子过得再不顺遂的人,融入其中,也能够得到喘息与继续前行的气力。 Therefore, music festivals are gradually becoming a party and carnival for young people to release their pressure, and they are also popular as a new way of leisure and entertainment.




Although the music festival is developing rapidly, it is undeniable that there exists something imperfect. 盈利模式单一,衍生经济效益不明显;音乐节品牌创新不足,阵容同质化严重;运营管理不到位,服务配套亟待提高……这些与消费者体验紧密相关的部分一旦出现偏差,那么后果很有可能是音乐节市场的再度疲软。年轻人将躁动释放于音乐节的狂欢,并朝着它汇聚时,音乐节便被赋予了休闲旅游的禀赋。How to develop and build an industrial ecology requires us to explore constantly.







Save me—Alimee Allen

Stuck Like Glue——Lenka, Nick Howard

Traveling Light——Joel Hanson,Sara Groves

Hot Party(现场版)——刘雨昕

