The Shape of Language[福说英语][21-03-31]

The Shape of Language[福说英语][21-03-31]



Hello everyone,welcome back to English Panorama.I’m your old friend, Ryan.各位好啊,欢迎各位再次来到福说英语,我是你们的老朋友,Ryan.What a great pleasure to see you guys again. New term, new beginning.新的学期,我希望能继续和大家一起,探索语言的奥妙,在学习英语的旅途中不断前进。

Speaking of language, I want to start today’s program with a question. Doyou know how many languages are there in the world? The answer is that there isapproximately 7000 languages spoken in the world right now.Meanwhile, 23 ofthem account for half of the world’s population.令人吃惊的数字对不对?But have you everconsidered that? With so many different languages in the world, do differentlanguage speakers also perceive the world differently?

It’s an interesting question and that’s what the 2016 Oscar-winning sci-fifilm Arrival attempt to discuss.

Arrival tells a story that someday in the future, twelve extraterrestrialspacecraft hover over disparate locations around the Earth. Affected nationssend military and scientific experts to monitor and study them.The leadingcharacter, linguist Louise Banks (portrayed by Amy Adams) , during the processof communicating with the aliens and learning their language, comes tounderstand their perception of time and therefore acquires the ability to seethe future and the past.

在电影中,语言学家路易斯通过学习外星人的语言,掌握了他们看待时间的方式,从而获得了看见未来和过去的能力。Is this really possible?这就要提到一个语言学概念,TheSapir-Whorf Hypothesis,萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说,也称语言相对论,这也是本部电影的理论基石。

The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis is a principle suggesting that thestructure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition,and thus people's perceptions are relative to their spoken language.该假说认为,语言与其使用者对于世界的认知紧密相连,因此,学习一门新的语言,将会在一定程度上改变你的思维方式。

举一个最简单的例子,我们都知道彩虹有七种颜色,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫。But assuming there is a culture, the language of which is withoutthe color orange, then, to the speakers of this culture, they see rainbows ashaving only six colors.

人类的语言,无一例外都是线性的,因此我们说话时,从第一个字说到最后一个字,阅读时,从上读到下,从左读到右。但是影片中的外星人,他们的语言则是环形的,无始也无终,当他们书写时,一个圆环一体成型,从哪一笔开始阅读都可以。The distinctive natures between two languages reflects the differentperceptions of time of their speakers.对于人类来说,时间也是线性的,有过去、现在、将来之分。而对于外星人们而言,时间就像一副铺开的画卷,他们的一生,从生到死,如同全景图一般展开在他们眼前。通过学习他们的语言,女主角也理解了他们看待时间的方式,从而获得了人类概念中“预知”的能力,这便是萨培尔-沃尔夫假说。



According to The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, how we speak is closely related tohow we think. 从另一个角度来看,语言在改变了我们的同时,也反映了我们的身份。You can always form an obscure figure of someone’s identity based ontheir accent and wording.我们常常会打趣说:“哇,你说话有台湾腔诶”或者“你的东北口音真魔性,要把我给带跑啦”。这其实就是一种从语言中获得的身份认同。And in the context of English, we sayWow,your accent sounds posh.or “He sounds like a NewYorker.”

常看欧美剧的同学们对于英语的口音肯定是很熟悉的,台词是一个优秀的演员和编剧塑造角色的重要元素。You can tell by the accent of a character whether he grows up in awealthy area in West London or a small town in Missouri. In this case, ourlanguage is like our fingerprint.


The following is an audio clip from the TV show Manhunt:Unabomber. Inthis clip we’ll hear about how the investigatorsidentify a serial killer by analyzing his letters and manifesto.



Natalie: My question was never answered. Is it “Corrections” or “Errata”?

Fitzgerald: It’s, uh, “Corrections.” Why?

Natalie: Come look at the format. It’s weird. To you, it’s weird. To me,these numbered paragraphs, the numbered end notes, and the corrections page.Imean this is a dissertation. This is standard formatting for a PhD.

Fitzgerald: I asked everyone about the format.

Natalie: Well, that’s the thing. Modern dissertations look totallydifferent now. The word processor changed everything. This is in the style ofan older graduate thesis paper. I noticed these kinds of things, and this styleof end notes was only used before 1972-ish when they changed to footnotes.

Fitzgerald: The corrections page?

Natalie: It was called “Errata” before 1967.

Fitzgerald: Meaning he learned this formatting between ‘67 and ‘72.

Natalie: More than that. Only PhD candidates use this style. So if he’sstill using this format 20 years later.

Fitzgerald: He must have written a dissertation.He must have written adissertation between 67’ and 72’. Very nice.

Natalie: Comparative linguistics, not as useless as the Unabomber thinks.















《炸弹追凶》改编自真实的案件。During 19781995, a series of packedhomemade bombs were mailed or hand-delivered to several locations, resulting incasualties and three deaths. 由于犯人所选择的地点多为大学和航空中心,因此FBI把他称为Unabomber, which stands for University and Airline Bomber.在很长的时间里,FBI对这位狡猾的连环罪犯毫无头绪,传统的刑侦方式不适用于这个案件。而在80年代,犯罪行为学、罪犯侧写等新的探案途径开始兴起,而这正也是本剧的背景。

Of course, the process of the investigation and the involvement of forensiclinguistics were exaggerated in the series. But language is indeed the veryreason why the Unabomber got caught.

为了寻找UnabomberFBI在报纸和网站上出版了他寄来的文稿《Industrial Society and Its Future》,这种行为在当时被认为是疯狂的,是对罪犯的妥协。But publication of the manifesto led, as the FBI had hoped it would,to his capture. David Kaczynski, a counselor living near Albany, New York, readit and recognized the language, the arguments. And he’s the Unabomber’sbrother. After months of consideration, he shared his suspicions with thepolice.大卫.卡钦斯基,一名住在阿尔巴尼的律师认出了文稿的用词和论调,在数月的考虑后,他把自己的疑虑分享给了警方,最终使FBI锁定了Unabomber,他的兄长,特德.卡钦斯基,一名毕业于哈佛,据有反社会人格的高智商罪犯。


音频中的女性Natalie是一名linguist,语言学家。语言学长期致力于研究语言的结构、运用、社会功能和历史发展。And with the evolution of linguistics, it is more widely appliedinto other subject areas,包括刑法学、历史学、心理学等等。


公元5世纪左右的时候,早期斯拉夫人开始遍布欧洲,但困扰20世纪的历史学家的是:How did this massive and diverse ethnic group emerge, and how didthey, in a few centuries, go from being a barely mentioned footnote to one ofthe most significant ethnic groups in early medieval Europe?斯拉夫人的起源在哪?历史学家们至今没有一个精确的答案。

In 1908, Józef Rostafiński, a Polish botanist who had become interested inlanguage and folklore, published his work, On the Homeland and the EconomicLife of the Slavs in Prehistory.Rostafinski drew some radical conclusions aboutthe Slavic homeland based on language. He noted that in all of the modernSlavic languages like Polish, Czech, and Serbian, there were words for treesthat had been borrowed from Germanic languages, suggesting that the languagemust have developed in an area where there was no larch, beech or yew.



It’s only a theory but it reveals that language reflects not only what wehave but also what we don’t have.Every language has its unique features andways of allowing those who speak it to identify objects and experiences.


One of the profound examples of linguistic relativity is the language ofEskimos. Do you know,depending on whom you ask, there are from seven to fiftydifferent words for snow in the their language. For example, there are wordsthat differentiate falling snow (gana) and fully fallen snow (akilukak). TheEnglish language has fewer words for snow and no terms for many of thedistinctions made by Eskimos.



语言是一种了解他人的工具,是我们探知世界的钥匙。我们有时会思索,what’s the need of learning a new language? 当然,我们可以非常功利地说,这是为了考证,为了未来工作的需要。But to me, learning a new language is an interest, a passion. 根据语言相对论,学习一门新的语言,将会在不同程度上改变你对于世界的看法,帮助你理解不同的文化。 So instead of looking at the world through a one-sided mirror,you’re looking through a telescope.And you will realize, the world is morecomplicated yet beautiful than you think.

That’s the beauty of language.It’s more about understanding thanlearning.语言,是沟通的桥梁,掌握一门语言,你就不再只是一个信息的接收者,而是甄别者和传播者。语言没有形态,但却能触动人心中最柔软的地方。四下张望,大千世界,五彩斑斓。

Ok.That’s the end of today’s program. 希望我们能够在学习语言的道路上一同进步,我们下次再见。

Background Music

1、Ton Visage - Fréro Delavega

2、Days Aren’t Long Enough - ThomasDydahl/Lera Lynn

3、You Speak - Audrey Assad

4、Moonlight Call - Racoon Racoon

5、Dieci - Annalisa

