




In November 1947, the defeat report from the battlefield came much earlier than expected, as did the wet and cold winter in Shanghai.一九四七年十一月,国民党前线传来的失利战报和沪地湿冷磨人的冬季一样,来得比预期早了许多。

天欲雪,先纷纷扬扬下起小雨,雨丝浸不透披在身上的氅,倒能渗入脑袋上的厚厚一层发油,如同迎头浇了一盆水。恩浦叼着烟仰脸去看灰蒙蒙的天,The smoke was spread out like a net, and it was unclear whether it was because the clouds were thick, or because the smoke from the mouth was blindfolding.

He squinted at the procession, passing by countless armed soldiers and agents.


——The procession went away, and he looked around, but there was no one around him, only the gale was blowing with rain and snow.



A pot of precious flowers,during wartime, the valueof which appears very scarce.这是军统上海情报站行动队队长赵恩浦托人寻遍了上海城才觅来的一株花。她给养在土盆里不说,如今只因军统的抓捕行动扰了她好眠,便将花盆从楼上扔了下去。






她转头看着他,人人皆形容他是“皎如玉树临风前”,Especially those affectionate eyes, how to look at him is not like a murderous devil.

可他转身披上了那身皮,站在党国大旗下。Once upon a time he was known as a hero,现在同从汪伪政府牵来的走狗撕咬多了,连他自己也分不清自己杀的是人、是匪,还是狗。

“你当然听得见他们在笑。这里可是夜上海,全中国最繁华的地方,上午你们在这抓了人,只消片刻他们就能忘记少了谁,因为谁都不能耽搁他们来寻找快乐。”In the morning you have caught people here, and in a moment they will forget who is missing, for no one can delay them to find happiness.

他们在笑,就代表他们真是在笑吗?“那你会记得吗?”Will you…remember me?

“我会记得是赵队长抓了他们,为党国劳心尽力的赵队长值得被永世不忘。”Because we do not know where to get real protection, we can only kneel to each Buddha.




He hurried away, leaving no more words, and, carrying the stump of the flower, hurried back to the office to deliver the newspaper,也没留意令之的扣子,从第一颗十字纽扣开始就系错了。


When he came out of the station master's office, he happened to meet the relatives of the deputy station master, and the two nodded to each other as greeting.这时一旁的遗孀匆匆迎上来,对恩浦感激涕零,随后低声询问道,“方才站长是否跟您提起过上面安排好的撤退名单?”

撤退名单?原来他们都在关心所谓的撤退行动。He looked around in a trance and finally realized that everyone was talking about "the retreat"——没有人关心死人何去何从,党国在人们眼中也只是这一般的存在。


He sat in the back seat, closed his eyes,令之说得对,沪地的天再也不能是个晴天,囿于沪地的人行不了千里。



恩浦也同令之提过几次,可这一次语气明显和之前说玩笑的时候不同。She woke up and saw him leaning against the window, smoking slowly, and the gray smoke mingled with the gray snow outside the window,而这个人逐渐从立行天地间变得踯躅不前,她隐约觉得眼前踽踽独行的恩浦因为坚持着而更孤独。


“I love you still among these cold things.

Sometimes my kisses go on those heavy vessels.

That cross the sea towards no arrival.

I see myself forgotten like those old anchors.”








从前恩浦都是吓唬令之要将她卖去台湾,还会装模作样地念几句酸诗说,Eternal love between us two. Shall withstand the time apart.“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮?”而今恩浦再说起这件事,仿佛是承认了党国无数将士的唯一退路,他把自己摘出去,却不得不把令之送进来。


The first list was the list of family members, the second was the list of confidential personnel, and she was in the first list he submitted.当整个上海站乃至军统上下知道某站副站长执意将一个戏子报为亲属的时候,无一不在嘲笑谩骂和喟叹——党国就是毁在这样纵色于酒池肉林之中的鼠辈手中。


“I've become your weakness, and they' ll hold you back and keep you committed.”

“你会记得我吗?”(旁白:Will you remember me?)

令之转过来,她的眸中倒映着恩浦的五官,His face was soft, and he had converged many of the first-time edges. Anyway, the firmness of his eyes was still hidden in his smile.他柔和的面目比初见时敛去了太多的锋芒,为官当兵数十年英气不减,目光中的坚定隐匿在笑容之中。茕茕孑立的人,他还要在风雪中四望多久?

“我会永世不忘。”(旁白:I will never forget.)

恩浦捉住令之的手,有很多话不知从何说起,他仿佛又回到了初到黄埔军校的那日。沦为背景的人们见状皆道赵副站长被戏子下了蛊,大难临头也不忘带着飞。At the time of parting, their separation was silent. She smiled softly, reaching out a hand to touch his cheek.There seemed to be something burning in his eyes, and in a twinkling, the ashes shone brightly, reflecting the dawn of the sky.这时候,令之踮起脚尖伏在恩浦肩头,语气坚定说了一句话。

言罢,恩浦缓缓把手放在令之的背脊上,拥着怀里的人,越过她的头顶看着排队陆续登机的人们。这样难得一见的热闹同自己的命比起来似乎又不值一提,那些士兵和特务此时忙着和家人临别温存,一点都不面目可憎。Such a rare excitement did not seem to be worth mentioning in comparison with the life, the soldiers and agents were busy parting with their families , not abominable at all.令之转身登上飞机,恩浦默默走进人群中,他们都不回头。






首先给大家介绍第一个单词:blow,blow在文中是“吹风”的意思,它其实还有“打击、演奏”的意思,像Listen to him blow the trumpet.

第二个是一个词组:hold back,是有隐瞒、控制的意思,比如Shecouldn’t hold back the tears.意思是“她不可抑制地哭了出来”。

那今天的节目到这里就结束啦,播音力彬、小顾,感谢您的收听,see you the next time,bye~

