A Kind father and a New Sister02

A Kind father and a New Sister02


A kind father and a new sister02

There were no signs of his coming, however, and at last the children got tired of running down to the gate to look. Then it grew dark. She would have put them to bed, but they begged to be allowed to stay up. At eleven o’clock the door opened and in stepped Mr. Earnshaw. He threw himself into a chair, laughing, and ordered them all to stand off. Opening his overcoat, he said, “See here, wife! I was never so tired in my life, but you must take her as a gift of God.”

    We crowded round him. And over Cathy’s head, I saw a dirty, ragged, black-haired child, big enough both to walk and talk. Yet, when she was set on her feet, she just stared round and repeated some odd words nobody could understand. I was frightened and Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to throw her outdoors. She did get angry, asking why he had brought that child into the house when they had their own children to feed and look after.

    Mr. Earnshaw tried to explain the matter though he was really tired. 
