集中注意力 Focus your mind

集中注意力 Focus your mind


Focus Your Mind



What is controlling your thoughts? What is enslaving you? Is it the television set? Feeding your mind images of what life should be? Is it the internet drawing you in and controlling your time? Is it drugs or alcohol numbing your brain and diminishing your desires? Or is it weakness?



A lack of discipline that prevents you from accomplishing what you want to accomplish? And we get very caught up in instant gratification. We want the shortcut to the winner’s podium. We want results now. And when we don’t get the short term glory, sometimes we lose sight pf those long term goals. They fade. We lose focus. So we stop the daily tasks and the daily disciplines, that will allow us to achieve our goals.



And a day slips by. And then another day. And a day turns into a week and a week into a year, and you look up in 6 weeks or 6 months or 6 years, and you’ve made no progress. None. You lost sight of the long term goal and it faded.



And you began to rationalize. “Maybe I can’t. Maybe I don’t really want to. Maybe this goal isn’t for me.” And so you give up. You settle for the status quo, you settle for the easy road, you settle for, oh well.



No, don’t do that. Embed that long term goal in your mind, burn it into your soul. Think about it. Write about it. Talk about it. Hang it up on your wall. But most important, do something about it. Every day.



Every day, do something that moves you toward that goal, that keeps that goal alive and in sight and in focus. However, small or insignificant that step might seem, take it. Do it. Make it happen. Because that goal isn’t going to achieve itself. It is all on you.


Make a damn schedule, and stick to it. So that you have the day you want. That’s the trick. It’s like, okay I’ve got tomorrow, if I was gonna set it up so it was the best possible day I could have, what would it look like? Well then you schedule that.






  • 听友443434814


  • 苏苏Grace

    Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand,the sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus. Always remember, your focus determines your reality☕

  • 听友60974403


  • xxxx1ao


  • 韓鬻