Nick 不要放弃 Never Give Up

Nick 不要放弃 Never Give Up


Never Give Up



My parents always said, Nick, you don’t know what you can achieve until you try it. And the doctors looked at me and said, he’s not going to walk, he’s not going to go to school, he’s not going to do anything in his life.



And then my parents; They just loved me like crazy, and said you’ve got to try. Try this, try that, try this try that, and I’m thinking sometimes, like, mom and dad, you’re crazy, I have no arms and no legs, how would I ever be able to do this or do that? But they encouraged me, and they loved me. And as human beings, we’re waiting for stuff like that we all want love. Everybody say it - Love, very good.



The definition of tough means it’s strong. To show your strength, you need to do something that’s difficult. I would sound so stupid if I said hey guys, I got a Matchbox car one day, and I got some fishing line, and I towed that Matchbox car all around all day. How tough is my BMW?



That’s stupid. I don’t care if you end up being a janitor in this school, I’ll tell you why, because the janitor in my high school inspired me to be a speaker. He changed my life. He said, you should be a speaker, you know, and I said, you’re crazy! He said no really, you need to be a speaker. I said, stop it man. Four months later he twisted my arm, and I said yes.





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