基督山伯爵53 文本已添加

基督山伯爵53 文本已添加



"There areonly," said the gendarme, "a governor, a garrison, turnkeys, and goodthick walls. Come, come, do not look so astonished, or you will make me thinkyou are laughing at me in return for my good nature." Dantes pressed thegendarme's hand as though he would crush it. “那儿,只有一个典狱长,一个卫队,一些囚卒和厚厚的墙。好,好别装出一副吃惊的样子了,不然我真要觉得你在用嘲笑来报答我的好意了。”"You think, then," said he,"that I am taken to the Chateau d'If to be imprisoned there?" “那么,这么说,我也要被关在这里面?”"It is probable; but there is nooccasion to squeeze so hard." “或许是吧。不过,你这样紧紧地捏着我的手也无济于事呀。”"Without any inquiry, without anyformality?" “不经过任何手续了吧?”"All the formalities have been gone through; theinquiry is already made." “一切手继已经办齐啦。”"And so, in spite of M. de Villefort'spromises?" “这么说,也不用考虑维尔福先生所许的愿了吗?”"I do not know what M. de Villefortpromised you," said the gendarme, "but I know we are taking you tothe Chateau d'If. But what are you doing? Help, comrades, help!" “我们不知道维尔福先生曾许过你什么愿。”宪兵说,我知道我们是押你到伊夫监狱去,咦,你想干什么,朋友,抓住他!By a rapid movement, which the gendarme'spracticed eye had perceived, Dantes sprang forward to precipitate himself intothe sea; but four vigorous arms seized him as his feet quitted the bottom ofthe boat. He fell back cursing with rage. 宪兵那训练有素的眼睛只看见了急速一动,那是唐太斯正跃身准备投入海里的一瞬间,但是,四条强有力的手臂已经抓住了他,以致他的脚好象给钉在了地板上一样,他疯狂地叫着跌进了船舱里。"Good!" said the gendarme,placing his knee on his chest; "believe soft-spoken gentlemen again!Harkye, my friend, I have disobeyed my first order, but I will not disobey thesecond; and if you move, I will blow your brains out." And he levelled hiscarbine at Dantes, who felt the muzzle against his temple.  好几个宪兵用膝头顶着他的胸膛说“你们水手的信用原来是这样的!别在相信这些甜言蜜语了!听着先生,我的朋友,我已经违背了我的第一个命令,但我不会违背第二个命令,你要是动一动,我马上就叫你的脑袋开花,”他的枪对着了唐太斯,后者觉得枪已顶住了他的头。For a moment the idea of struggling crossedhis mind, and of so ending the unexpected evil that had overtaken him. But hebethought him of M. de Villefort's promise; and, besides, death in a boat fromthe hand of a gendarme seemed too terrible. He remained motionless, butgnashing his teeth and wringing his hands with fury. 这时,他很想故意就此了结那些忽然降临到他头上的恶运,但正因为那恶运是不期而致,唐太斯认为它不会坚持太久的。他记起了维尔福先生的许诺,于是希望又复活了,而且他想,如果这样在船上死在一个宪兵的手里,似乎他觉得太平庸,太丢人的脸了。所以他索性倒在船舱里,怒吼了一声,恨恨地咬着自己的手。At this moment the boat came to a landingwith a violent shock. One of the sailors leaped on shore, a cord creaked as itran through a pulley, and Dantes guessed they were at the end of the voyage,and that they were mooring the boat. 这当儿,一个剧烈的震动使小船全身摇晃了一下,他们已经到达目的地,一个水手跳上岸去,一条铁索拖过滑轮,水手们已经在用缆绳系住小船。His guards, taking him by the arms andcoat-collar, forced him to rise, and dragged him towards the steps that lead tothe gate of the fortress, while the police officer carrying a musket with fixedbayonet followed behind. 宪兵们抓住他的手臂,硬拉他起身,拖他踏上石级,向城堡走去,那个警长跟在后面,拿着一把上了刺刀的火枪。Dantes made no resistance; he was like aman in a dream: he saw soldiers drawn up on the embankment; he knew vaguelythat he was ascending a flight of steps; he was conscious that he passedthrough a door, and that the door closed behind him; but all this indistinctlyas through a mist. He did not even see the ocean, that terrible barrier againstfreedom, which the prisoners look upon with utter despair. 唐太斯没做什么反抗,他象是一个梦游的人,看见士兵排在两旁,他也知道在有石级的地方不得不抬脚迈上去,他觉得他过了一道门,那道门在他走过以后就关上了,他看到的所有的东西都象是在雾里似的,一切都是模模糊糊的,他甚至连海都看不见了,——海景在犯人的眼里是这样的令人沮丧。他只能带着痛苦的回忆望着犯人眼前那一片浩瀚的海洋了,知道他再也不能纵横驰骋了。They halted for a minute, during which hestrove to collect his thoughts. 他们停了一下,乘这个时候也竭力使自己集中一下思想。

