基督山伯爵45 文本已添加

基督山伯爵45 文本已添加



As he had nowarrived at the door of his own house, which adjoined the Palais de Justice, heentered, after having, coldly saluted the shipowner, who stood, as ifpetrified, on the spot where Villefort had left him. The ante-chamber was fullof police agents and gendarmes, in the midst of whom, carefully watched, butcalm and smiling, stood the prisoner. Villefort traversed the ante-chamber,cast a side glance at Dantes, and taking a packet which a gendarme offered him,disappeared, saying, "Bring in the prisoner." 这时,他已走到了自己的家门口,他的家就在法院隔壁,他态度冷淡地向船长行了个礼便进去了。那船主呆呆地立在维尔福离开他的地方,客厅里挤满了警察和宪兵,在他们中间,站着那个罪犯,他虽然被严加看管,却很镇定,而且还带着微笑。维尔福穿过客厅,瞥了唐太斯一眼,从一个宪兵手里接过一包东西,一边向里走,一边说:“把犯人带进来。”Rapid as had been Villefort's glance, ithad served to give him an idea of the man he was about to interrogate. He hadrecognized intelligence in the high forehead, courage in the dark eye and bentbrow, and frankness in the thick lips that showed a set of pearly teeth. 维尔福刚才那一瞥虽然急促,但对那个即将要审问的犯人却已经有了一个初步的看法,他已从他那饱满的前额上看出了他的聪慧,从那黑眼睛里和弯弯的眉毛看出了勇敢,从那半张着的,露出一排洁白的牙齿的厚嘴唇上看出了他的直率。Villefort's first impression was favorable;but he had been so often warned to mistrust first impulses, that he applied themaxim to the impression, forgetting the difference between the two words. Hestifled, therefore, the feelings of compassion that were rising, composed hisfeatures, and sat down, grim and sombre, at his desk. An instant after Dantesentered. He was pale, but calm and collected, and saluting his judge with easypoliteness, looked round for a seat, as if he had been in M. Morrel's salon. Itwas then that he encountered for the first time Villefort's look, -- that lookpeculiar to the magistrate, who, while seeming to read the thoughts of others,betrays nothing of his own. 维尔福的第一个印象很不错,但他也常常听人讲。切勿信任第一次的冲动,他把这句格言也用到印象上了,而且不顾这两者间的差别了,所以他抑住心头的怜悯感,板起脸来,在他的办公桌前座了下来,过了一会,唐太斯进来了,他的脸色也很苍白,但是很镇定,还是带着微笑,他从容有礼的向法官行了个礼,四下里看了看,象找个座位,好象他是在莫雷尔先生的客厅里似的,就在这时,当他的目光接触到维尔福的目光——那种法官所特有的目光,似乎象要看透嫌疑犯脑子里的罪恶思想似的。"Who and what are you?" demandedVillefort, turning over a pile of papers, containing information relative tothe prisoner, that a police agent had given to him on his entry, and that,already, in an hour's time, had swelled to voluminous proportions, thanks tothe corrupt espionage of which "the accused" is always made thevictim. “你是干什么的?”维尔福一边问,一边翻阅着一堆文件,那里边有关于这个犯人的材料,就是他进来时那个宪兵给他的。"My name is Edmond Dantes,"replied the young man calmly; "I am mate of the Pharaon, belonging toMessrs. Morrel & Son." “我叫爱德蒙·唐太斯,”青年镇定地回答说,“我是法老号船上的大副,那条船属于摩来尔父子公司所有。”"Your age?" continued Villefort. “你的年龄”维尔福又问。"Nineteen," returned Dantes. “十九岁”唐太斯回答。"What were you doing at the moment youwere arrested?" “你被捕的时候在干什么?”"I was at the festival of my marriage,monsieur," said the young man, his voice slightly tremulous, so great wasthe contrast between that happy moment and the painful ceremony he was nowundergoing; so great was the contrast between the sombre aspect of M. deVillefort and the radiant face of Mercedes. “我是在请人吃喜酒,先生。”青年人说着,他的声音有点儿微微颤抖,刚才那个快乐的时刻与现在这种痛苦的经历对照起来,差别实在是太大了,而维尔福先生阴沉的脸色和唐太斯满脸红光对照起来,也实在是反差太大了。"You were at the festival of yourmarriage?" said the deputy, shuddering in spite of himself. “你在请人吃喜酒?”代理检察官问道,不由自主地打了个寒噤。"Yes, monsieur; I am on the point ofmarrying a young girl I have been attached to for three years." Villefort,impassive as he was, was struck with this coincidence; and the tremulous voiceof Dantes, surprised in the midst of his happiness, struck a sympathetic chordin his own bosom -- he also was on the point of being married, and he wassummoned from his own happiness to destroy that of another. "Thisphilosophic reflection," thought he, "will make a great sensation atM. de Saint-Meran's;" and he arranged mentally, while Dantes awaited furtherquestions, the antithesis by which orators often create a reputation foreloquence. When this speech was arranged, Villefort turned to Dantes.

"Go on,sir," said he. “是的,先生,我正要娶一位我爱了三年的姑娘。”维尔福虽然仍面不改色,但却为这个巧合吃了一惊。唐太斯颤抖的声音告诉他在他的胸膛里引起了一阵同情的共鸣。唐太斯是在他的幸福时刻被人召来的,而他自己也快要结婚了,他也是在自己的幸福时刻被人召来的,而他又是来破坏另一个人的幸福的。这种哲学上的相似之处,,在圣·梅朗侯爵家里倒是一个极好的话题,大谈而特谈一通。他这样想着,当唐太斯等待他往下问的时候,他起码在整理着他的思绪,他越想越觉得这是很好的对称话题,而演说家们往往用对称话题来获得雄辨之誉,当这篇演讲整理好之后,维尔福想到他可能产生的效果,不禁微笑了一下,然后他,转过来向唐太斯说“往下说,先生。”

