基督山伯爵47 文本已添加

基督山伯爵47 文本已添加



"You arewrong; you should always strive to see clearly around you. You seem a worthyyoung man; I will depart from the strict line of my duty to aid you indiscovering the author of this accusation. Here is the paper; do you know thewriting?" As he spoke, Villefort drew the letter from his pocket, andpresented it to Dantes. Dantes read it. A cloud passed over his brow as hesaid, --“你错了,你应该随时尽可能地看清你周围的环境。你看来倒象是一个可敬的青年,我愿意破例帮你查出那个写这封信的发信人。信就在这儿,你认识这笔迹吗?”维尔福一边说一边从他的口袋里拿出了那封信,递给了唐太斯,唐太斯看完信。一片疑云浮上了他的眉头,他说;"No, monsieur, I do not know thewriting, and yet it is tolerably plain. Whoever did it writes well. I am veryfortunate," added he, looking gratefully at Villefort, "to beexamined by such a man as you; for this envious person is a real enemy."And by the rapid glance that the young man's eyes shot forth, Villefort saw howmuch energy lay hid beneath this mildness. “不,先生,我不认识这笔迹,这是伪装过的,可是写的很流利。不管是谁写的,写这信的人很灵巧。”他感激地望着维尔福说:“我很幸运,能遇到象您这样的人来审问我。至于这个嫉妒我的人,倒真是个仇人。”从那青年人眼里射出来的急速的一瞥,维尔福看出来在温和的表面下蕴含着惊人的力量。"Now," said the deputy,"answer me frankly, not as a prisoner to a judge, but as one man toanother who takes an interest in him, what truth is there in the accusationcontained in this anonymous letter?" And Villefort threw disdainfully onhis desk the letter Dantes had just given back to him. “现在,”代理检察官说:“坦白的告诉我——不是一个犯人面对法官,而是一个受委屈的孩子面对关心他的人。——这封匿名的告发信里究竟有多少是实情?”于是,维尔福把唐太斯刚才还给他的那封信轻蔑地扔在了他的办公桌上。"None at all. I will tell you the realfacts. I swear by my honor as a sailor, by my love for Mercedes, by the life ofmy father" --“没有一点儿是真的。我可以把实情告诉您。我以水手的名誉,以我对美塞苔丝的爱,以我父亲的生命向你发誓——”"Speak, monsieur," saidVillefort. Then, internally, "If Renee could see me, I hope she would besatisfied, and would no longer call me a decapitator." “说吧,先生,”维尔福说。然后,心想假如蕾妮看到我这个样子和场合,她一定很满意,一定不会再叫我刽子手了。"Well, when we quitted Naples, CaptainLeclere was attacked with a brain fever. As we had no doctor on board, and hewas so anxious to arrive at Elba, that he would not touch at any other port,his disorder rose to such a height, that at the end of the third day, feelinghe was dying, he called me to him. `My dear Dantes,' said he, `swear to performwhat I am going to tell you, for it is a matter of the deepest importance.'“唔,我们离开那不勒斯以后,莱克勒船长就突然得到了脑膜炎。我们船上没有医生,而他又急于要到爱尔巴去,所以沿途没有停靠任何港口。他的脑子愈来愈不清楚了,在第三天,快要过去的时候,他知道自己快不行了,就叫我到他那儿去。‘我亲爱的唐太斯,’他说,‘我要你发誓完成我将要你做的这件事,因为这是一件非常重要的大事。’"`I swear, captain,' replied I. “‘我发誓,船长,’我回答说。"`Well, as after my death the commanddevolves on you as mate, assume the command, and bear up for the Island ofElba, disembark at Porto-Ferrajo, ask for the grand-marshal, give him thisletter -- perhaps they will give you another letter, and charge you with acommission. You will accomplish what I was to have done, and derive all thehonor and profit from it.'“‘好,你是大副,我死后,这条船由你来指挥,把船驶向厄尔巴岛去,在费拉约岛靠岸,然后去找大元帅。把这封信交给他。也许他们会另外给你一封信,叫你当次信差。你一定要完成这本来应该是我去做的事,并享受它所带来的一切荣誉和利益。"`I will do it, captain; but perhaps Ishall not be admitted to the grand marshal's presence as easily as you expect?'"`Here is a ring that will obtain audience of him, and remove everydifficulty,' said the captain. At these words he gave me a ring. It was time --two hours after he was delirious; the next day he died." “‘我一定照办,船长,但也许我去见大元帅时不象您预期的那样顺利,万一不让我见到他呢?’“‘这儿有一只戒指拿着他求见,就不会有问题了,船长说完就给了我这只戒指,他交给我的正是时候,两个小时后,他就昏迷不醒,第二天,他就去世了。’”"And what did you do then?" “你当时怎么办了?”"What I ought to have done, and whatevery one would have done in my place. Everywhere the last requests of a dyingman are sacred; but with a sailor the last requests of his superior arecommands. I sailed for the Island of Elba, where I arrived the next day; Iordered everybody to remain on board, and went on shore alone. As I hadexpected, I found some difficulty in obtaining access to the grand-marshal; butI sent the ring I had received from the captain to him, and was instantlyadmitted. He questioned me concerning Captain Leclere's death; and, as thelatter had told me, gave me a letter to carry on to a person in Paris. I undertookit because it was what my captain had bade me do. I landed here, regulated theaffairs of the vessel, and hastened to visit my affianced bride, whom I foundmore lovely than ever. Thanks to M. Morrel, all the forms were got over; in aword I was, as I told you, at my marriage-feast; and I should have been marriedin an hour, and to-morrow I intended to start for Paris, had I not beenarrested on this charge which you as well as I now see to be unjust." “我做了我应该做的事,不论谁处在我的位置上,他都会那样做的,不论在那里,一个人快要死的时候,他的最后请求,都是神圣的,对一个水手来说,他的上司最后的请求就是命令。我向厄尔巴岛驶去,第二天就到了。我命令所有的人都留在船上,而我自己一个人上岸去了,不出我所料,我想见大元帅却遇到了一些麻烦,我把船长交给我的那个戒指拿了出来,元帅看过之后,马上就获准了。他问了一些关于莱克勒船长去世的事。而且,正如船长所说的的那样,大元帅给了我一封信,要我带去给一个住在巴黎的人。我接过了那封信,因为这是船长命令我这样做的事。我在此地靠岸,安排了船上的事,就赶快去看我的未婚妻了,我发现她更可爱,比以前更爱我了。但得谢谢莫雷尔先生,一切手续都在以前办好了,一句话,很顺利再就是我请人吃喜酒了。再过一个小时,我就已经结婚了,我本来是预备明天动身到巴黎去的,由于这次告密,我就被捕了,我看您现在和我一样,是很鄙视这次告密的。”

