12/25 ShanghaiLive丨“反转”英文怎么说?孙杨还能赶上东京奥运会吗?

12/25 ShanghaiLive丨“反转”英文怎么说?孙杨还能赶上东京奥运会吗?


NEWS ON 12/24

Chen Xuan / News Anchor:

Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I'm Chen Xuan.


我是陈璇 / ICS新闻主播


The Swiss Federal Tribunal(瑞士联邦最高法院)has overturned 推翻 the Court of Arbitration for Sport's(CAS 国际体育仲裁法庭)ruling on Chinese swimmer Sun Yang, who had been banned(禁赛)for eight years for doping violations.(违反反兴奋剂条例)


The CAS found the three-time Olympics champion, 29-year-old Sun Yang guilty in February of refusing to cooperate with sample collectors during a visit to his home in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in September, 2018. Sun then turned to the Swiss Federal Tribunal for appeal.


The main question of the Swiss Federal Tribunal, concerns the Chairman of the 3 judge panel over the CAS hearing(听证会), 62-year-old former Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, who, according to Sun's lawyers, has posted several allegedly racist comments on social media. This has led the Swiss Federal Tribunal to believe that it is possible Frattini did not run(举行) the hearing fairly or impartially. The CAS was then asked to reopen the case.(重新审理此案)



In a public hearing held by the CAS in November 2019, Sun said the Doping Control Officer(兴奋剂检查官) and her assistants lacked sufficient authorization and credentials. One lawyer said the overturning of the Swiss tribunal has gained some precious time for Sun to possibly compete at Olympics.


If the results of the hearing come after the Tokyo games, and the results of the second hearing also find Sun guilty of doping,  Sun's scores at Tokyo Olympics will be invalidated(使无效), and he'd be stripped of(被剥夺)any medals he would have won.


  • 夏玥耳
