2020年9月11日版 专栏小作家 Never Accept the Fate

2020年9月11日版 专栏小作家 Never Accept the Fate

Never Accept the Fate 第2674期(“专栏小作家”第2期 我最喜欢的二次元作品)
Did you watch last year‘s popular Nezha film directed by Jiaozi? Were you impressed by it? I was. Nezha’s quote, “What is written in the stars can be rewritten,” moved me greatly. Nezha wants to take back control over his own future. He is determined to become “who he is,” instead of “who he is meant to be.”
Fate(命运) has doomed(使注定) Nezha to be a demon(恶魔), to destroy(摧毁) all life and to die a painful die. But in the end, he becomes a hero in everybody’s heart. In his battle against fate, he finds himself to be considerate(为他人着想的), courageous and, above all, conscientious(尽心尽责的). With is his great efforts, he becomes who he truly is.
One may be born with a bright path to follow or a dark one. But our futures lie in our own hands. All of us can become who we truly want to be.
褚诗语 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校
