4. Collaborating and Instagram TV posts 合作以及Instagram上的电视帖子

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4. Collaborating andInstagram TV posts

Welcome back. We are now on episode fourof how to grow on social media organically. And this is the Instagram series.So what I've talked about in the past three episodes was whether to use photosor videos, what type of niches that you can choose that are just some viralniches like to go with and also consistencies of posts and hashtags.

So if you haven't watched the other threevideos in the series right now, if you'd like somehow stumbled on video for gocheck them out right now, because what are you waiting for? You get to learnvaluable information. We're going to be talking about ID, TV, and videocollaborations with other creators, as well as shoutout for shoutout type ofways to go about growing your audience to

preface this.

Once again, this series is not to getsuper, super big, super fast, but really to actually just keep your growth.Consistent until you do have that, like takeoff, because everyone eventuallyhas that. Like takeoff, if they work hard enough and they have good enoughquality like videos, it just is, it takes a lot of reinventing yourself andtrying out new styles and all that stuff to see what really, really fits foryou.

Once you find something that fits for youand get you a good amount of views. What I mean by a good amount of use, I meanthe a hundred thousand, I haven't really touched on this in the other episodes,but say you get a video that gets a

hundred thousand views onit and you only have 2000 followers. Go and

duplicate that video.

I don't mean go and makethe same video. I mean, go and make a different

rendition, a different part to that video.I've done multiple parts to multiple series. One of my most prominent ones wasa kindergarten teacher back on vine days. The same rules still apply forInstagram is if it works one time, it will work again.

And so go and reinvent, do a part two partthree part four, you know, whatever. Honestly, floats your boat as many timesas you really feel like necessary. Eventually it'll get to a point to whereit's kind of like falling off and you're not as like, like you're not reallywanting to do those parts anymore.

That's when you retest again. But rightnow at that point, like once you start retesting, you'll already have a biggeraudience and you'll have like the chances of stuff going bigger, faster, andyou'll already know like what niche to stay in and what lane to stay in to getthose types of views. So.

That's just one big thing about like, onceyou have a really like a, have a video, like pop off and I'm probably going toreference that in other series as well, but it's, I figured I would referencethat here as well, because it's also a really big portion of why I've beensuccessful on social media and how you can be so successful on social media.

So I G T V. It's no surprise thatInstagram favors you when you use their components and their app. So usingtheir filters on your Instagram story can get you a lot of people just exploringand like finding your filters, just randomly. That is something that's not evenITV related, but literally you can get a random pickup in Instagram story viewsjust because you're using one of their filters and you're utilizing a componentof IgG.

Because it loves when you utilize their,like their components and everything. They just love it. Every app kind ofloves whenever you use they're like components, because it means that they'redoing a good job and it means that people are engaging with it and they wantpeople to engage with it. So they're going to push it out to a harder, or likebigger audience.

I GTV being no exception. I GTV I'll justgive an example. So I have videos on my page that I've posted that got like. Alot of use, a lot of use on like Tik TOK

and other social medias. And they gotmaybe like 20, 30,000 views on Instagram. And then I posted IGT videos withonce again, my, my views aren't

like crazy.

I would get like maybe at max 50,000views, I started posting ITV videos. And because of the one fact that I postedjust some IGT videos, almost all of those videos that I posted that were longerthan a minute and counted as high GTV.

We're favored and got120,000 plus views. You heard that right?

120,000 plus views. Some of them like werearound like the a hundred thousand Mark, but like a good amount of them. We'rehitting like a hundred thousand plus some of them also did not do as well asothers, but I, I really just put that on the fact that I was posting tooconsistently at the time and too fast.

So if I had posted like within a week,like difference, it probably would have been different most likely. I can't sayfor certain, but I do know that I saw a few increase and like a followerincrease just because of posting ICTV videos. That's not to say that regularvideos won't do well. That's just to say that ITV is just something that youcan utilize that no one utilizes really no one really like.

Tries to do ICTV because they think, Oh, alonger form on Instagram, all that's dumb when in reality, it's really notbecause the higher view retention you have and the higher engagement you haveon your posts is what makes posts viral. So if you're creating posts that havereally, really high retention rates and really, really high engagement rates,it's almost impossible not to go viral.

Because you're just creating this contentthat everyone wants to watch. And anyone that does watch it gets stuck on that.You know, that's why you'll go through like explore pages and you'll see thesevideos of like inspirational stories that are like four minutes long andthey're super viral. They have like a million, 2 million views on them.

It's because of the view retention rate.And, and that goes for pretty much. Every single platform. It's very like viewretention and an engagement rate on the post retention being the biggest, likefactor of it all. So that's why I believe ITV also gets favored because youhave a longer view retention.

And if people watch for. You know, ifpeople watch for two minutes, it's much longer than if you posted a minutevideo already raising your average time of view because it's a longer video. Sothat is probably one reason why ITV does so well, but that's only one aspect.So say you're posting on other social media.

So you post on YouTube for example, andyou have like a three minute long video. I'm not saying change your niche onyour Instagram. I'm saying, take those longer form videos that you willinevitably create. And go and turn them into a post on Instagram, or literallyyou can have all of your videos be I G T V videos.
例如,你在YouTube上发布,你会看到一个三分钟长的视频。我不是说改变你在Instagram上的定位。我的意思是,把那些你不可避免地要制作的较长形式的视频。去把它们变成Instagram上的帖子,或者你可以把你所有的视频都变成I G T V视频。

And you'll have just this growth happeningfrom the explore page because you're getting featured more often because you'reposting a and once again, that goes to consistency and all that stuff and howyou're like growing your following and everything, but you can do it all.Pretty much that no, you can do

it all for free.

It's all for free. Like at that point. AndI think everyone is able to use LGTV. I don't think you have to have to have aminimum follower account. I could be wrong, but ICTV is a huge component of IgGthat people kind of sleep on and

people don't really focus on, but that isa huge portion to fall into like look at and work with.

On top of that. My second point is thereis collaborations. Most of you guys already know about collaborations. I wouldbe surprised if you guys did not know about collaborations, collaborating isjust whenever you go and get along with other creators or their brands and worktogether with them. For a common goal, usually it's to make something funny andput it out there so you can grow

your following still.

Especially if you create with othercreators, you get tagged on their page and then you tag them on your page. It'skind of a win-win for everyone. Everyone gets very organic feeling of growthbecause people that see you on this other creators page are most likely goingto follow you, especially if they find you funny and you're entertaining inthat content.

And so collaborations are a huge, hugeportion. And it's not, they're not super complex. It's not really complex atall. It's just any creators, like as you build up, the more collaborations inthe beginning is the better until you get to be really, really big onInstagram. You're going to be looking at you should go and try to at leastreach out to other creators around the size that you are at.

You probably want to be around like, youknow, 10, 20,000, uh, before you can have like any substantial growth, but anygrowth in the beginning is better than none. So it's just utilizing those toolsto organically grow and just build a little by little until you eventually justpop off. So collaborations is a big thing.

Another thing that a lot of people do, andyou probably have seen this. If you watch watched Instagram stories is peoplewill do shout out for shout out. They'll do it for Instagram stories. They'lldo it for feed posts, all that kind of stuff. I don't like this method as muchbecause it makes your page look really.
另一件很多人都会做的事,你可能已经看过了。如果你看了Instagram的故事,人们会大喊大叫。他们会为Instagram的故事做这件事。他们会为feed post做这些事。我不太喜欢这种方法,因为它让你的页面看起来真的。

And like not organic and it makes it looklike you have a bunch of ads and all that kind of stuff. Instagram stories isnot as big of a deal because it's gone away in like 24 hours. And no one reallycares, but you know, the shout out for shout out with like your specific, likeniche that you're around can be a really, really strong thing to grow.
就像不是有机的,它让你看起来像是有一堆广告之类的东西。Instagram stories并不是什么大事,因为它在24小时内就消失了。没有人真的在乎,但你知道,像你这样的特定的利基,你周围的呼喊是一个非常,非常强大的东西来发展。

You. There was like, like it's kind oflike a retweet for a retweet type of thing. Whenever you do shout out for shoutout, you will see a lot of growth, but a lot of people won't really be superstrong fans of you because you got them from literally just having someone say,go follow this person. And there's better ways to do it to where it looks moreorganic, but it's also, it's it's, it's like people are not dumb and they cansee right through that light.

Like that. So shout out for shout out is agood thing. Especially when you're first starting out, you can see like a lotof growth, but once you start going and you, once you get into like the higherlike ranges, it might be tempting to do shout out for shout out, but you willsee honestly, less dedicated fans and less growth if you're doing it because noone will want to follow you because of the shout outs.

So. Keep your shout outs to a veryminimum. If you're going to do shout out for shout out, at least in the end,once you get bigger, but in the beginning, whenever you're doing it, that'smore okay. Because less people will know you and you're just trying to grow anytype of fan base at all. So you can get traction on your videos to hit thatexplore page.

So shout out for shout out. It's a bigthing. I G T V is a huge thing. We're going to go over in the next episodeabout live streaming and, you know, viral posts and stuff that like, like howto kind of find these viral posts and see what's working on Instagram right nowand how to really like dig into those posts to see.
所以大声喊出来。这是件大事。I G T V是一件大事。我们将在下一集中回顾一下关于流媒体的内容,你知道的,病毒性的帖子和类似的东西,比如如何找到这些病毒性帖子,看看Instagram现在在做什么,以及如何真正喜欢挖掘这些帖子来看看。

Like what's going to do well, what shoulddo well? Like what over time, if you're pushing it out enough, should do well,all of that kind of stuff. That's going to be all in episode five. And that willconclude the Instagram series. I know this might be kind of boring for youguys, but it's really necessary to know if you're going to get into socialmedia and try to grow organically without spending any money.

Because a lot of people, at least like me,Didn't really have the money to spend in the beginning. We didn't have themoney to grow organically. And so I had to figure out ways around it and I hadto figure out best practices and all that stuff. Um, and I think my Instagramis kind of like shows it now, because now

I'm at 540,000 onInstagram.

Very blessed that a lot of people reallywant to like engage with my content and really like it. I grew up. A lot of myfollowing, however, and I'll talk about this in future portions of the seriesas well. Like the YouTube portion as well, really pushing your audience fromyour other platforms as you grow all of them.

If you can do that effectively and youwork at that effectively, then you will see insane growth on all yourplatforms. It will take awhile. It's not really fast. It took

me, you know, three, fouryears, you get to 500,000 on Instagram, which I

honestly, if I had followed these tipsthat I'm literally saying right now, I would be a whole lot bigger.

Because I would have continued to postconsistently. I just have not been as consistent on Instagram as I've been onother platforms recently, because for me, I know how to do the growing and Ihave done the growing. It's just, I don't like to take the time to try to pushit. It doesn't like I, I like to focus on one platform at a time and then growmy other platforms from that one.

Tic-tac being my main platform now. And that'sgoing to also be a series too, that you guys will learn in the future. So Ihope you guys enjoyed, I know this was. Once again, a lot of information and itmight be a lot information that you guys know. It might be a lot of informationthat you guys maybe didn't know, regardless.

All of this information is necessary toknow, even if you already did a, to grow organically on Instagram and othersocial media platforms. So I will see you guys in episode five and thank youfor watching. Have a great day.


