2. Viral vs. Niche 病毒与利基

2. Vir******************


2. Viral vs. Niche


Hello everybody. Andwelcome back. You have now made it to episode two of the Instagram series ofhow to grow organically on social media. Just to preface

a, before we startin case you somehow clicked on. Episode two without watching episode one, or youalready knew about episode one. So you were already kind of chilling, you know?
a、 在我们开始之前,以防你点击了。第二集没有看第一集,或者你已经知道第一集了。所以你已经有点不寒而栗了,你知道吗?



So in the event thatyou accidentally clicked on this episode without the other one, go check outthe first episode right now. It's nice to watch them all in order. Uh, but ifyou already know what I'm talking about in episode one, feel free to stay awhole lot longer. So today what we're going to be talking about is viralniches.



Like what type thatyou should have, what type you really want some of the biggest ones out thereright now? What works for me? What can work for you? Honestly, all of thatstuff. So let's just jump right into it before we like fully start though.Right before we jump right into it, please, please, please go check out all ofthe other courses, if you want to see how to get big on social media.



And it very much isa collaborative effort of all of these social media platforms. It's not justone. Okay. So it's consistency across. Now that we have that out of the waylet's get going. So the first like viral niche that I would say is probably thebiggest that everyone has seen on social media is you have.



I niche. That isyour own personal brand. That is like comedy, you know, say you want to get bigfor someone like, like being herself. Comedy is usually the most widely known.To make people famous. Obviously that's not to say that others like nicheswon't make you famous. It's just comedy. From what I've seen has been thebiggest factor in like making people really, really big because everyone likesto laugh.



Everyone likes tosmile. So if you have a good sense of humor already, and you want to go into acomedy nation, you probably already know what you like. However, it's alwaysnice to go through like different like, like portions. Of like stuff now forlegal purposes, I am not going to be able to show other creators niches.



Because I can'tlegally do that, but I can show you mine. And the type of comedy that I do iscomedy such as like personal, like skits. I've close to my face in the camera,having like a viral, like idea or like a funny idea that people just can kindof really resonate with. For instance, I've done a lot of stuff.



If you've known mefrom vine, Like five-year-old style, like, like, like five-yearold niche andstuff like that. That's just one example. There's a lot of stuff like you canlike do literally anything you want to do and come up with a funny concept andput it into a video. Mine consists of two characters and I'll have pictures upon the screen.



It consists of twocharacters made literally just turning my head with my phone and talking tomyself. However, there's more than that. There's also, you can do. Sketch stylecomedy, where you draw out a sketch, you literally go and act out the sketch infront of your camera, go and edit it on iMovie or on your computer, or howeveryou want to do.



And then you uploadit. Those are just two of the biggest formats to get really big sketches.Honestly, probably bigger on Instagram right now than anything else. Comedywise. However, I can't say that for certain. That's just what I've seen a lotof is a lot of sketch comedy on there. So honestly, comedy is a really, really,really big niche to jump into if you really want to, if you're funny, if yourfriends think you're funny, honestly, if you think you're funny, that's allthat really matters.



And you couldprobably go from that. Taking a look at another like viral niche, you have thescary niche, you have the niche, right? It's like you have paranormalconspiracy theories type of niches where you make informative videos about. Youknow, ghosts you'd make informative videos about like, like

I said, paranormal, like,like aliens, all that kind of stuff.



That's a really,really, really, really trending topic. Online right now. And just in general,because it makes people question and there's a really big audience of peoplethat just really believe in it, myself being included. And I've had a lot of,I'd say luck. It's not really luck being haunted and going to like hauntedplaces and seeing this stuff firsthand and filming it.



Because people wantto engage with that content. And the scary niche is just one of them. You know,that's just like a, like once again, just to like, get like, like, just becausepeople like to be scared for whatever reason, because it psychologically, itreleases some sort of like chemical in their brain to where they haveendorphins and all that stuff.



And it feels good.You know, it's like when you're going a roller coaster, you're scared of theride. Uh, so that is one viral Neisha as well. Um, you can have investigations,you can stay home and just talk about all that stuff. Conspiracy theories, big,big, big viral nature as well. People love that stuff.



However, I don't seethat as much on Instagram as I do on other social media platforms. However,that doesn't mean that there's not an audience for it on Instagram. It justmeans that you could be one of the first, you know, or there's a big niche forit. There's a big following for it. And I just have not seen it yet.



So I don't knoweverything about social media. I just know a good amount. Other than the scaryniche you have the singing, you know, arts type of niche where you are mostlylike just making like music or you're doing like any type of artistry, whetherit be like painting or stuff like that. If say you were an artist

and you wanted toput music videos on your account, uh, it really all comes down to consistencyof how often you're posting.



And later on the course, you'll learn of likeviral hashtags, all that kind of stuff, like viral trends and everything. Andwe're going to talk about that more in later episodes, but for now posting evensnippets of your best songs that like you think would blow up, it's kind ofdefinitely a given, making a viral video of across like about your art usinglike someone's song, like a popular song as well is

really, really big.



And keeps peopleengaged for long periods of time. And that's really what you're looking forwith any of these niches. It doesn't really matter which niche you want to gointo. As long as you choose a niche, you can always be like the

WTF, like the, what, theheck type of niche, like where it's super, just random.



That's a possibilitytoo. You can do that as well. And you'll grow. You will grow. However, once youchoose a niche, you are usually stuck with that. It takes around on the twomonths, maybe three months to change up how people see you for each certainniche in some niches are just better than others. For instance, I started withcomedy and then I went to like the niche of like more
这也有可能。你也可以这么做。你会长大的。你会成长的。然而,一旦你选择了一个利基,你通常会被困在那里。这需要两个月,也许三个月的时间来改变人们对你的看法,因为在某些利基市场,人们对你的看法只是比其他人好。例如,我从喜剧开始,然后我去了like more的利基市场




Lifestyle is a hugeone out there. I was like lifestyle, like blogging and that's referencingYouTube, but I would take some of those clips and they would be put all overlike Instagram by fans of mine, you know? So that's also like a big one, youknow, like there's travel, like the niche like that. You can go places, takephotos, even get paid to go places people will pay.



Like, as you getbigger and you're taking like these like cinematic photos and taking these likecinematic videos of these places, people will pay you to travel for them. Yeah.Like companies will pay you to go take photos with their products. There's alot, there's a lot of demand for that right now with COVID.



If you're watching duringCOVID right now, there's not as much demand

because no onereally should be traveling right now because we are on a stay at home order.However, it doesn't mean that there's not a big niche for it, and you can getpaid to do that. Some of like, and once again, I can't say really any namesjust because legal purposes, some of the biggest like, travel, like.



Bloggers slash likeInstagram stars make hundreds of thousands of dollars a month just by travelvlog. Like, like, like by traveling and taking photos, that obviously is thebiggest of the biggest people. And, uh, and you'll see that as you'd like growon social media. Um, but that's also a huge niche where people

like really like it.



You know, anotherniche is makeup. Makeup is massive. Massive the brand deals on makeup alone.And we'll talk more about brand deals in this course, too, just because that'sa large source of income. The brand deals on makeup L alone is just huge. Likeyou can get paid. First of all, a lot of like the people that I know thataren't even travel pages, the people that like are just makeup pages will getpaid to travel.



To where certainlike beauty products and make reviews on certain beauty products. And they'llpay you to go to certain locations that comes on case by case. And it's, as youget bigger, it'll become like a whole thing. You can reach out to differentcompanies. And I'll actually include that in this course too, to where you canlike reach out to different companies and get paid and like kind of have likebrand deals, like set up for yourself.



Just so you're notwaiting for someone to come in. Obviously makeup's a big one. What a niche literallyboils down to is the fact that it's just something that a large majority ofpeople enjoy. That's really all a Nisha. So if you love scuba diving, that's aniche. You could go into scuba diving, you know, and honestly people wouldprobably be intrigued and you would probably make a lot of people scuba divers,just because of that, which means you could get brand deals with scuba divingcompanies.



You could get branddeals with all that kind of stuff. There's lots and lots of niches. I justlisted a few of some of the biggest ones. You know, makeup. I cannot stressenough is one of the biggest niches. In the world, especially on Instagram, oneof the biggest niches and one of the most profitable niches comedy is good.



Comedy is profitableand comedy is really, really big, but unless you're pulling those millions ofviews, you're not going to be getting giant brand deals. And even thensometimes you won't be getting these like massive brand deals, or you couldeven get paid less than like maybe a smaller like makeup, Instagram

star with half of youractivity is getting paid.



So these issues areall good and whatever you want to go into most of the time, if you're alreadywanting to get famous on social media. You kind of already have a niche andplan, you kind of already have like something that you like a good way to choosea niche and something to do, like for your social media

profile is to just takethe stuff that you like.



If you findsomething that you like go and search those niches, see what videos are gettingmillions and millions of likes, and you don't have to recreate the wheel. Youdon't have to like change what style of video like you make. You can go take astyle from what people do. It's not plagiarism. Uh, to go take a




I'm not saying copythe video word for word, but take a style that you like and just go start doingmakeup reviews. Uh, I apologize if you hear my dog in the background, he likesto run around, but you can just go start doing makeup reviews. Right away. Italk later on in the course about like hashtags and like how to like stay ontrends and all that stuff.



We'll get into thatas well. But for like one of the very first things that you really need to boildown and figure out for yourself is what niche to use and what niche you want.Because if you don't even like the niche that you're doing, people will seethat the biggest part about social media and the reason that people get sofamous on it so fast is because they feel so organic to other people.



People feel likethey know them, they feel like they can relate to them. They're like, Oh, I'mlike this person, this is cool. Oh, I like this. This is cool. If you're goingon about it, like, you can go about it in a professional way. If you want withlike your own like style and everything. It's just, I, myself personally, onceagain, these are all just tips.



To get back on social media.It's not a guarantee. It's usually a win. If you stick with it. Most of thetime and just, you really reinvent yourself to just continually try to getbetter and better and make better content and stick on trends and all thatstuff. This is not a guarantee that you're going to get famous.



It's just best practices.From what I have seen though, is organic is the best

because people want to beable to relate to you. We're all human

psychologicallywise. People just want to be able to relate to you and people want to followpeople. They can relate to. So choosing a niche. Is obviously the first thingto start with, regardless of whether you choose a niche or not.



If you stray fromthat niche and you post say, I make a video and then a travel photo, and thenyou're posting a comedy skit. You're most likely not going to grow as fastbecause it's variety. It's not saying that you're not going to grow.

You could grow over timedoing like following a specific formula.



And if you weregoing to do a variety of posts, I would schedule out the certain types ofposts. And it's just going to take you longer to grow. It's always easier tojust change your niche. To a different niche and like work at that for like twoor three months with the following you already have. And you'll lose somefollowers, obviously, because they didn't follow you for like that certainniche, but you'll also have a better fan base.



Like you'll have achange like fan base and you can do it. I've done it multiple times. Sometimesyou won't even lose followers. I went from comedy to singing

to scary stuff, tolifestyle, all those like different, like nice changes and stuff. And I didn'tlose followers. But I was also only pushing the specific niche one at a time.



So that's not to sayyou can't ever have any variety. It's just, if you, in the very early stages,you should focus on having one style that fits you and works for you. Obviouslygo test out like other stuff. If you have something that does really, reallywell then go really like. Like look at that video and try to duplicate how thatvideo was made and that style of video.



And that should probablybe your niche. The biggest thing in the very beginning is just choosingsomething to start with to try and test if you like it. Good. Keep going withit. Consistency is key. That is going to be it for this video. It's a lot totake in and there's a lot to learn from all of this stuff.



And we have more togo. We have about three more episodes to go, but thank you for watching. And Ihope that you're learning a lot. If you're not, and you already knew all this.Then, congratulations. I'm glad you did, but, but once again, this is like abeginners course, so that people that don't know about this can like learnabout this.



