5. Livestreams and ViralPosts
Welcome back. And if you,you are new here and you've somehow stumbled to
episode five, first of all, go back andwatch the other four episodes. I mean, you can skip past the stuff you alreadyknow. Some of it's really basic. Some of it's very, just common sense, but it'sall necessary. This is all something that like, if you want to grow organicallyon Instagram and social media in general, you kind of need to know this stuff.
Uh, you need to know the basics. You needto know how to walk before you can run. And honestly, social media is prettystraightforward once you really know what to do, there's no real crazyalgorithm. That's going to blow you up all of a sudden, out of nowhere, unlessyou have like money to do it. That's when you're looking at like blowing up andsanely.
But right now we're going to focus onorganic growth. So, first of all, if you've watched episode one, two, three,and four, you would know that we've gone through whether they're post photos orvideos. You know, consistencies of posts, which niches to go through, how to docollaborations, you know, shout
out for shout outs,utilizing ICTV and utilizing story like filters and all that stuff.
Just to increase your following and justkeep stuff moving forward. Cause once again, It is not about gaining super,super fast. It is about getting in general. So the game, the super fast gamewill come over time. It's like a snowball effect. The faster, like, like themore you work at it, the faster you gain, the faster you gained, the more itbecomes like the snowball effect.
The more it like becomes like bigger andbigger. You get to reinvest, you kind of learn all this like different stuffand everything. You test out all these different strategies, what works for youand the best part about it all. Testing out these strategies on, on any one ofthese apps and seeing what works for you and test
really, really well.
We'll work on other apps too, that havesimilar formats specifically like Tik TOK, you know, Twitter, um, YouTube, evenif you're doing ICTV videos, you know, and vice versa, you know? So once youhave this like specific niche and you're doing really, really well with it,it's going to translate really well to other social medias too.
And you'll probably honestly have a lot offans that transfer over to. So what we're going to talk about though, and thisone is. Instagram live streams and viral style posts and how to kind of findthose viral style posts and really like delve into what, like how they reallykind of work, you know? And it, it's very, very hands-on.
You do need to be very hands-on with allthis stuff. If you're not hands-on and you're not really working towards it,you're not going to like do well with it. It's just how it is with everythingin life. If you're not consistently working towards stuff and, and reinnovating stuff and, and working on yourself to better your content in everyway possible, as much as you can, you're doing yourself a
disservice and you'rekind of giving yourself the ability to fail.
Because you are not trying to win anyways,though. Instagram live. So Instagram live is another component of the socialmedia platforms. It's not completely confirmed that it does like amazing, likefor helping you and all that stuff. It's just another component that if you'reusing all the components of Instagram and everything that Instagram gives you,it's most likely going to help on top of that.
因为你无论如何都不想赢。Instagram直播。所以Instagram live是社交媒体平台的另一个组成部分。这还没有完全证实它真的很神奇,像是帮助你之类的东西。这只是另一个组件,如果你使用Instagram的所有组件和Instagram提供的所有东西,它很可能会对你有所帮助。
If you ever have any influencers that comeinto your Instagram live. And they want to guests say they have 200,000followers and you have 2000 followers and then you guest with them, are yougoing to their live? And you cast with them, you're going to have thousands of followerspop into your stream, literally just to see that other creator as well.
如果你有任何有影响力的人进入你的Instagram live。你要和他们的追随者住一起,然后他们说你要和他们的追随者住在一起吗?当你和他们一起表演的时候,你会有成千上万的追随者涌入你的信息流,实际上只是为了看看另一个创造者。
But now that it's exposure for yourself.So it really like you can basically. Give yourself a following by just guestappearances on other people's live stream. And it's a way that people don'treally like think of whether they guessed you or try to guest into your streamis really up to them. And a lot of the times, a lot of people, unless they'realready on the live stream are not going to want to just.
Randomly, you know, hop on live, uh, andlike get out of whatever they're doing, because if they're just watching,they're probably just sitting and chilling, but you can see like prettyexponential gain, especially by like, like say you had a group of people andthis is something that is really, really huge online.
And I didn't actually think I would talkabout in this series, but having a group of people with a collective effort topush the same direction, the same like narrative, what you want to get likefamous. Likewise, whether you want to do a comedy or something else, having thegroup is huge because you can all feed off of each other's I game.
And that's been proven with, you know,like multiple big groups. I don't want to say names just in case of like legalpurposes, but like there's multiple big groups that have come from social media.A lot of them are still really pigging social media right now, and have gainedmillions and millions of followers just because they had the group mentalityand they executed better than other people.
And I honestly commend those people.Because if you can execute it, it's a lot to plan. It's a lot to say thatyou're going to do something, but once you can execute and you execute well,that's when you're going to really see like crazy gain. So having a group offriends that you're doing this stuff with to grow with, and you're really alllike, kind of building off of each other and collaborating with each other,jumping into each other's livestreams, all that kind of stuff, um, is a really,really, really good way of like growing.
So. Not saying to go become friends withpeople just to grow off of social media, but that is one way to do it. Um,okay. So now we're going to dive into the best part of this series. The partwhere I tell you how to go and see viral posts. And honestly it might be kindof anti-climactic because it's really, really, really, really easy Instagram asI've talked about in the other episodes has an explore page on that explorepage.
You'll see big like boxes and you'll see,you'll see videos. You'll see. Photos, all that kind of stuff. You'll see abunch of boxes about stuff, and the big boxes tend to all be videos. Now Iwould go through and click one of those videos on that box and scroll throughthe videos until you find something in your niche that you like that has over200,000, 300,000 views, preferably in the millions.
If you can see that style, learn thatstyle. Learn how to create videos like that. And just literally, even if youhave to go shot by shot and plan it all out from that one video that got amillion, 2 million views, that is a perfect way. To choose and just reallydissect that, you know, look at the hashtags.
They're using, look at the descriptionsthey're using look at like who's liking their posts because a lot of the timesyou'll have a lot of big pages like their posts, because if you have bigcreators liking your posts, you land on the explore page more, the more bigcreators you have liking their posts, the more that you can be seen by otherpeople on your explore page.
So like that is a big thing. Find a viralstyle from that. If you don't know what you want to do, you don't know whatniche you want and you're just out there, like choosing something now,literally just go through those videos, find something that you like that hasmillions of views or 500,000, like 200, 300,000 plus views.
Like that's like verifiably, like viral onInstagram. And then literally just go take that style of video. Don't steal thevideo that they did, but take that style of video. And go create that style ofvideo for your page and make that your niche. That is the biggest tip of adviceI can give you, because if you can do that correctly.
And you really, really study this stuff.You're going to see those viral style types of posts. Not only that, but like,and I want to talk and touch on this too. This is something that no one reallythinks about doing. Once you have videos that are doing really well, go takethose videos and go to pages that post similar content of yours.
Try send them your videos, DM them, youknow, email them go the extra mile, be like, Hey. This is my content it's doingreally well. I think I could blow up and I think it will help your page bygiving value to that page or that person, because
there's a person behindthese theme pages. And when I say going to those
pages, I mean like themepages, like you have like best laugh stuff like that.
That's just a random, like, Thing I'msaying, because it's not like copyrighted, but like, like theme pages onInstagram are basically pages that post content that are not themselves, butcontent that other people have posted go literally to their DMS spam as manylike theme pages as you want, or as you can, not spam, but make individual likemessages for all of these people saying, Hey,
Can you give me a chance,this is a good video.
This did well. I think it'll do well onyour post and just ask them like, all you want to return is you want to tagthose posts alone, those big posts alone, and you can do this with any postsyou have on social media that goes viral on like ticktock Twitter or likeYouTube or Instagram. You can go and you can push those clips to all thosetheme pages and really like ask them and see if they like, and just put it outthere.
这个做得很好。我想在你的帖子上会做得很好,只要问他们,你想返回的只是你想单独标记那些帖子,那些大帖子,你可以用你在社交媒体上发布的任何帖子,比如ticktock Twitter,YouTube或Instagram这样的帖子。你可以去,你可以把这些剪辑推到所有的主题页面,然后问他们是否喜欢,然后把它放在那里。
You never know if you don't try. So thatis a huge, huge piece of advice that a lot of people don't do. And a lot ofpeople kind of lose out on, you know, and it's like, you like, like say you getone page, even if the page is a hundred thousand followers and they only get15,000 views and you push it out to a bunch of those smaller pages and they insome pages like pick it up and then you show how well they're like posted onanother page and then another page posts you.
And then before, you know, it, you havelike a hundred different pages that are literally all posting your content. Andfirst of all, they post one. Posts from you.
And it does really well. They're going touse more of your content in the future. You're going to start seeing rapidgrowth. This is kind of like the insider hack
type of stuff.
This is like the stuff where like, oncethose theme pages are posting you a lot and you're getting on all of thesedifferent theme pages, and this is something that like, this is very exclusiveand people don't ever talk about, but once all those people are posting, you.All those team pages are posting you and you
get like a big network ofthat.
That's how you become asuperstar on Instagram. That's how you become
huge on Instagram. Honestly, you'reutilizing the power of other audiences that you wouldn't normally be able toget to just by the explore page and stuff that like already has like people onit. One thing I will say as well, once you start getting really big onInstagram is do not read the comments.
For every hundred good comments you'regoing to get for every a hundred fans you're going to have, you'll have thatone hate comment. You'll have that one hate coming. That's going to ruin anddestroy your self-esteem no matter how big you are, because we're all humansand no one wants to be treated like their content is good.
And it's really demoralizing. No, I'm notsaying don't read any comments that are like constructive criticism on how toget better and not follow what your fans like. And listen to the suggestionsI'm saying don't read. The bad comments and the comments that you do read. Makesure that they're constructive, like comments, make sure like, like it's likesomething that like, you know, that your fans are liking, you can tell by howmany likes are on the comment.
If it's something that everyone would want.But in all reality, honestly like the views on your video and the videos thatdo better views wise and do better likes wise is in reality what your fansactually want, because you could have one person say that they want something,get a hundred likes on it, go and make the video.
And then there's thousands of people thatdon't want it. But. Also vice versa. You could make the video. And then there'sthousands of people that loved it. And they were like, like you hit the nail,like spot on with that stuff. So it's really, really, really all just kind oflike up to just paying attention to your social media, paying attention to whatdoes well, focusing on a viral niche, focusing on like viral videos andstudying everything you watch.
Don't just study, like the videos that youpost study, everyone else's videos that do well, because you want to know thisinside and out, because once you know this inside and out, no one can ever kindof tell you you're doing it wrong because you will just be consistently goingviral. That is kind of it for the fifth episode.
I hope you guys enjoyed the next series.That's going to be coming out. Is a, I think YouTube. So get ready for that.That's going to go over a lot of SEO, how to make thumbnails, all that kind ofdifferent stuff. And I hope you guys are prepared. It's a lot of things thatlike no one really talks about. No one really understands, but all of it reallymatters.
I'm going togive you helpful tools to also use on YouTube and all of that good stuff. Stuffthat I use that like helps with my SEO and everything. SEO is a big thing. It'scalled search engine optimization. If you didn't know what that is, butbasically that is going to end it for episode five. I hope you all enjoyed.
I had a great time making this series. AndI hope that you really got a lot out of it. And even if you already know allthis stuff, this is just good refreshers on like best practices to do, to groworganically online. I hope you got a lot of value out of this course, and Ihope you stick around for the next ones.
So I hope you all have agreat day and thank you for watching. Bye.