2020年9月4日版 学记团 Voices 1

2020年9月4日版 学记团 Voices 1

学记团 Voices 1 第2672期
Nobody is born with nothing but shortcomings. Take my good friend Justin (on the right in the picture) as an example. At first, we didn’t like him because he has a big mouth with his front teeth sticking out(突出) — just like a clown(丑角) in Peking Opera. But one day, in a Chinese class, our teacher asked a difficult question. Only Justin answered it correctly. It turned out that Justin had reviewed his Chinese lessons carefully. What a hardworking boy he was! People like Justin, you and me look ordinary, but each of us has a unique(独一无二的) side.
王思成 上海市金山区世界外国语学校
