11月23日早间英文播报:Xi: China to share more development benefits

11月23日早间英文播报:Xi: China to share more development benefits



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President Xi Jinping delivers the keynotespeech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Dialogues via video linkfrom Beijing on Thursday. LI XUEREN/XINHUA

Nation'spolicy of opening-up 'will not change at any time', president tells APEC event

President Xi Jinping reiterated China'scommitment to opening-up on Thursday, and said the new development paradigmthat the country strives to build for high-quality growth will create moreopportunities for it and other countries to seek common development for sharedbenefits.

In the keynote speech delivered at theAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Dialogues via video link in Beijing, Xialso called on the international community to act in the spirit of partnershipto beat the COVID-19 pandemic and promote recovery of the global economy.

In today's world where economicglobalization has become an irreversible trend, no country can develop itselfby keeping its doors closed, he said, adding that China's fundamental policy ofopening-up "will not change at any time".

Noting that unlocking China's marketpotential will create greater demand, he said it will also create vast businessopportunities for other countries, as well as a stronger impetus formaintaining the stable growth of the global economy.

"China will further cut tariffs andgovernment instituted transaction costs, and open a number of demonstrationzones for the creative promotion of import trade to increase imports of qualitygoods and services," Xi said.

He stressed the importance of building anopen world economy, saying that China will improve its system for foreigninvestment management based on pre-establishment national treatment andnegative lists.

"The lawful rights and interests offoreign investors will be protected," Xi said. "China will open upthe service sector in a well-planned way, and foster a market-oriented,world-class business environment underpinned by a sound legal framework."

At the same time, Xi added, the countrywill continue to firmly support the multilateral trading system, get moreactively involved in reforming the system of global economic governance, andplay its part to make this system fairer and more equitable.

He stressed China's commitment to pursuinghigh-quality Belt and Road cooperation with its partners, and vowed to make theBelt and Road "a model of cooperation, health, recovery and growth anddeepen cooperation on green development".

In his speech, Xi explained the newdevelopment paradigm-with the domestic market as the mainstay and the domestic andinternational markets reinforcing each other-which will be a strategic priority in China's new developmentblueprint for the next five years and beyond.

He said the new development paradigm is astrategic decision China has made based on the current stage and conditions ofdevelopment it enjoys and with full consideration given to economicglobalization and changes in the international environment.

Noting that domestic consumption has becomethe main driver of China's growth, Xi said fostering the new development paradigmwill enable China to better adjust its economic structure and achievehigh-quality development.

While stressing that China will vigorouslymake scientific and technological innovations to foster new growth drivers, healso pledged that the country will continue to deepen reform and energize themarket.

"We will fully leverage the demand ofour super-sized domestic market and the strengths of its complete industrialsystem and redouble efforts to turn research outcomes into realproductivity," he said.

"We will accelerate the building of amodernized economy, strengthen protection of property and intellectual propertyrights, set up a high-standard market system and improve mechanisms for faircompetition."

China's economy resumed positive overallgrowth in the first three quarters of this year despite the pandemic. Xi saidthis hard-won achievement speaks volumes about the resilience and vitality ofthe Chinese economy. "The fundamentals sustaining China's steady andlong-term economic growth remain unchanged."

Xi expressed concerns about the currentinternational landscape, in which the pandemic has accelerated changes unseenin a century in the world, the global economy finds itself in deep recessionand industrial and supply chains are disrupted.

Mounting unilateralism, protectionism andbullying as well as a backlash against economic globalization have added torisks and uncertainties in the world economy, he said.

"To beat the virus and promote globalrecovery, we in the international community must close ranks and jointlyrespond to this crisis and meet the test," Xi said.

He called on the international community tostep up policy communication and coordination, intensify all-around globalcooperation against COVID-19 and keep the global economy open. "By doingso, we can defeat the virus at an early date and achieve robust, sustainable,balanced and inclusive growth for all," he said.

Xi will take part in the 27th Asia-PacificEconomic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting via video link on Friday.

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