11月17日早间英文播报:Yangtze regions urged to seek quality growth

11月17日早间英文播报:Yangtze regions urged to seek quality growth


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President Xi Jinping, also generalsecretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairmanof the Central Military Commission, chairs a symposium on comprehensivelyadvancing the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Nanjing, eastChina's Jiangsu province, Nov 14, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

Xihails areas' contribution to economic recovery, emphasizes focus on ecology

President Xi Jinping has underlined theimportance of developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt to promote thecountry's high-quality socioeconomic development as proposed in a blueprintadopted by a key Party meeting last month.

Xi, who is also general secretary of theCommunist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central MilitaryCommission, made the remark at a symposium in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsuprovince, on Saturday.

The seminar was held after he concluded atwo-day inspection tour which brought him to Nantong and Yangzhou, cities alongthe Yangtze River. Xi visited places including the waterfront along the YangtzeRiver and the Grand Canal, a key water control project and cultural heritagesite.

It was Xi's first domestic inspection tourafter the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, which setChina's major social and economic development targets for the 14th Five-YearPlan period (2021-25).

Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemicand flooding disasters this year, the Yangtze River Economic Belt has made aprominent contribution as China takes the lead in economic recovery among majorworld economies, Xi said.

He urged the region to become a major forcepromoting the country's green development that gives priority to ecology,promotes the establishment of a new development paradigm and advanceshigh-quality development. The new "dual-circulation" developmentparadigm takes the domestic market as the mainstay while the domestic andinternational markets boost each other.

The Yangtze River Economic Belt covers the11 provincial-level regions of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan,Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Shanghai. It accounts for nearly halfof the country's population and total economic output.

Xi urged efforts to build the region into ademonstration area that advances green development and promotes harmoniouscoexistence between people and nature, a key element in formulating China's14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and future targets for 2035. The restoration ofthe Yangtze River's ecological environment should be a top priority, he said.

He also called on the region to define itsown position in the country's overall development and explore effective ways tostimulate the domestic market. Efforts should be made to combine demand withsupply and push forward coordinated development in the upper, middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River, Xi said.

To build the Yangtze River Economic Beltinto a new platform of high-level opening-up, Xi said efforts should be made tofoster more opening-up platforms in inland areas.

According to Xi, provinces and cities alongthe Yangtze River should find their own positions in the new developmentparadigm and proactively open their markets to the world. He urged efforts topromote the integration of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt andjointly building the Belt and Road by expanding investment and trade as well aspromoting people-to-people exchanges.

He also stressed efforts to protect thecultural relics and heritage of the river, deepen study of the Yangtze Riverculture and promote its creative transformation and development.

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播报:Nelly Min




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