谁动了我的奶酪5 文本已添加

谁动了我的奶酪5 文本已添加



Haw just shook his head in disbelief. He, too, hadcounted on finding Cheese at Cheese Station C. He stood there for a long time,frozen with shock. He was just not ready for this. 唧唧则站在那里,一个劲地摇头,不相信这里已经发生的变化。对此,他同样没有任何心理准备,他满以为在这里照旧可以找到奶酪。他长时间地站在那里,久久不能动弹,完全被这个意外给惊呆了。 Hem was yelling something, but Haw didn'twant to hear it. He didn't want to deal with what was facing him, so he justtuned everything out. 哼哼还在疯狂地叫嚷着什么,但唧唧不想听,他不想面对眼前的现实,他拼命地告诉自己,这只是一个噩梦,他只想回避这一切。The little people's behavior was not veryattractive or productive, but it was understandable. 他们的行为并不可取,而且也于事无补,但我们总还是能够理解的。Finding Cheese wasn't easy, and it meant agreat deal more to the little people than just having enough of it to eat everyday. Finding Cheese was the little people's way of getting what they thoughtthey needed to be happy. They had their own ideas of what Cheese meant to them,depending on their taste. 要知道找到奶酪并不是一件容易的事情。更何况,对这两个小矮人来说,奶酷绝不仅仅只是一样填饱肚子的东西,它意味着他们悠闲的生活、意味着他们的荣誉、意味着他们的社交关系以及更多重要的事情。对他们来说,找到酪是获得幸福的惟一途径。根据不同的偏爱,他们对奶酪的意义有各自的看法。For some, finding Cheese was havingmaterial things. For others, it was enjoying good health, or developing aspiritual sense of well-being. 对有些人而言,奶酪代表的是一种物质上的享受;而对另一些人来说,奶酪意味着健康的生活,或者是一种安宁富足的精神世界。For Haw, Cheese just meant feeling safe,having a loving family some day, and living in a cozy cottage on Cheddar Lane. 对唧唧来说,奶酪意味着安定,意味着某一天能够拥有一个可爱的家庭,生活在名人社区的一座舒适的别墅里。To Hem, Cheese was becoming A Big Cheese incharge of others and owning a big house atop Camembert Hill. 对哼哼来说,拥有奶酪可以使他成为大人物,可以领导很多很多的人,而且可以在卡米伯特山项上拥有一座华丽的宫殿。Because Cheese was important to them, thetwo little people spent a long time trying to decide what to do. All they couldthink of was to keep looking around Cheeseless Station C to see if the Cheesewas really gone. 由于奶酪对他们实在太重要了,所以这两个小矮人花了很长时间试图决定该怎么办。但他们所能够想到的,只是在奶酪C站里寻找,看看奶酪是否真的不存在了。While Sniff and Scurry had quickly movedon, Hem and Haw continued to hem and haw. 当嗅嗅和匆匆已经在迅速行动的时候,哼哼和唧唧还在那里不停地哼哼唧唧、犹豫不决。They ranted and raved at the injustice ofit all. Haw started to get depressed. What would happen if the Cheese wasn'tthere tomorrow? He had made future plans based on this Cheese. 他们情绪激动地大声叫骂这世界的不公平,用尽一切恶毒的语言去诅咒那个搬走了他们的奶酪的黑心贼。然后唧唧开始变得消沉起来,没有了奶酪,明天会怎样?他对未来的计划可是完完全全都建立在这些奶酪的基础上面的啊!The little people couldn't believe it. Howcould this have happened? No one had warned them. It wasn't right. It was notthe way things were supposed to be. 这两个小矮人就是不能接受这一切。这一切怎么可能发生呢?没有任何人警告过他们,这是不对的,事情不应该是这个样子的,他们始终无法相信眼前的事实。Hem and Haw went home that night hungry anddiscouraged. But before they left, Haw wrote on the wall:The More ImportantYour Cheese  Is To You The More You WantTo Hold Onto It那天晚上,哼哼和唧唧饥肠辘辘、沮丧地回到家里。在离开之前,唧唧在墙上写下了一句话:奶酪对你越重要,你就越想抓住它。


The next day Hem and Haw left their homes, andreturned to Cheese Station C again, where they still expected, somehow, to findtheir Cheese. 第二天,辗转难眠了一晚上的哼哼和唧唧早早地离开家又回到奶酪C站,不管怎样,他们抱着一线希望,他们不断地欺骗自己,假定昨天走错了地方,他们仍然希望找回他们的奶酪。The situation hadn't changed -- the Cheesewas no longer there. The little people didn't know what to do. Hem and Haw juststood there, immobilized like two statues. 奶酪站的位置没有变化,然而奶酪的的确确早已不复存在。两个小矮人顿时手足无措,不知道该怎么办 。哼哼和唧唧只是站在那里,一动不动,就像两座毫无生气的雕像。

