Gratitude and giving thanks is really one of the most powerful things you can practice every day, if you are committed to achieving anything in life. 如果你试图在生命中的任何事上有所成,那么报以感恩之心并善于表达谢意就是你可以进行的最有效的日修。 It's no secret almost all truly successful people talk about the power of gratitude. 几乎所有成功人士都在谈论感恩的力量,这已不是什么秘密。 It's that feeling of being blessed. It's getting grateful with those things you do already have that attract more great things into your life and really just give you the drive to get more, to go out and work for more. 这是一种被赐福的感觉。感恩就是指对那些你已拥有的东西满怀感激,对那些能为你生命带来更多美好、能激励你获得更多做更多的东西满怀感激。 When I write down what I'm grateful for, it's always for things money can't buy. 当我落笔写下感恩时,我所感恩的往往都是金钱买不到的东西。 You know, thank you for my drive. Thank you for my mental strength. Thank you for giving me the courage not to give up, all those times when it seemed impossible when I know 99% of people would have given up. THANK YOU for giving me that strength. 感谢你给了我干劲儿。感谢你给了我意志力。感谢你在99%的人会选择放弃的困难时刻给了我坚持的勇气。感谢你给了我那样的力量。 Thank you for the character to keep going for months, for years and years without any progress until I turned it around. 感谢你给了我即使毫无进展也能月复一月、年复一年坚持的品格。坚持,直到出现曙光。 Thank you for my health! Thank you for my family! 感谢你给了我健康! 感谢你给了我家庭! You see, these are my real blessings. 你看,这些都是我实实在在得到的恩赐。 Money is easy. It's easy to make; it's easy to spend. And when it comes to the end, we can't take any of it with us. Let's make truckloads of it, but let's not stress over it. 钱好挣,也好花。当生命走到尽头,我们却带不走它。我们大把大把挣钱吧,但别因为它产生焦虑压力过大。