


欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事!(未经授权,切勿转载)

1 / Bionic eye with better sight


The world's first 3D artificial eyeball - capable of outperforming the human eye in some ways - may help droves of people who are partially or fully blind in five years, according to experts. 


Researchers from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have devised an electrochemical eye whose structure and performance mimic those of the ones humans are born with. 


"The device design has a high degree of structural similarity to a human eye with the potential to achieve high imaging resolution when individual nanowires are electrically addressed," researchers of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology wrote in a paper published in the journal Nature. 


Aside from helping individuals improve their vision, experts claim the technology may help create biomimetic photosensing devices that could be used in a "wide spectrum of technological applications."




英 /baɪˈɒnɪk/ 美 /baɪˈɑːnɪk/

adj. 仿生学的;利用仿生学的


英 /ˌaʊtpəˈfɔːm/ 美 /ˌaʊtpərˈfɔːrm/

vt. 胜过;做得比……好

2/ Lego unveils Monkey King set


Following popular Western film and television works such as Harry Potter and Star Wars, the Monkey King from the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West" has become the first Chinese hero to get his own Lego model. The Lego company launched Monkie Kid, its first series based on Chinese culture, in Shanghai on May 15. 


The series created by a Chinese team consists of eight play sets and an animated film. Based on the story of the Monkey King in "Journey to the West", the series introduces a new character, Monkie Kid, who is a young noodle shop delivery boy. 


The introduction on the company's official website says that Monkie Kid finds himself and his friends entangled in adventures full of action, mystery and magic as they fight the Bull Demon King with the help of the Monkey King's goldenbar. After gathering sales data, the staff at Lego found that Chinese elements have been increasingly accepted by consumers in Western countries. 




英 /ɪnˈtæŋɡl/ 美 /ɪnˈtæŋɡl/

vt. 使纠缠;卷入;使混乱

3/ Vaccine trial promising 


The first COVID-19 vaccine to undergo a clinical trial in China has been found to be safe and able to generate an immune response against the novel coronavirus in humans, based on the results of a preliminary trial, according to research published on Friday night in the medical journal The Lancet. 


The phase-one clinical trial of the vaccine involving 108 healthy adults, which lasted 28 days, showed promising results, although further trials are required to determine whether the immune response it elicits can effectively protect humans against novel coronavirus infection, according to the researchers of the vaccine. 


"The trial demonstrates that a single dose of the vaccine produces virus-specific antibodies in 14 days, making it a potential candidate for further investigation," said Chen Wei from the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, a leading researcher in the study. 


"However, these results should be interpreted cautiously. The challenges in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine are unprecedented, and the ability to trigger these immune responses does not necessarily indicate that the vaccine will protect humans from COVID-19. We are still a long way from this vaccine being available to all."




英 /prɪˈlɪmɪnəri/ 美 /prɪˈlɪmɪneri/

adj. 初步的;开始的;预备的

n. 初步行动;准备工作;预赛,预试

4 / US COVID-19 dead near 100,000


The front page of Sunday's New York Times features the names of 1,000 people who have died of COVID-19 in the US. Calling it "an incalculable loss", the newspaper clarified that "the 1,000 people here reflect just 1% of the toll".


 "They were not simply names on a list. They were us," the paper said. "Numbers alone cannot possibly measure the impact of the coronavirus in America, whether it is the number of patients treated, jobs interrupted or lives cut short." 


Over 96,000 people have died of the coronavirus in the US, the largest toll among all the countries in the world, according to the Center of Systems Science and Engineering of Johns Hopkins University as of Sunday morning.




英 /ɪnˈkælkjələbl/ 美 /ɪnˈkælkjələbl/

adj. 无数的;不可计算的;不可预料的


Hi everyone, here are words and phrases you should know from today's news.

No.1 bionic

Bionic eye with better sight

No.2 outperform

The world's first 3D artificial eyeball - capable of outperforming the human eye in some ways - may help droves of people who are partially or fully blind in five years, according to experts. 

No.3 entangle

The introduction on the company's official website says that Monkie Kid finds himself and his friends entangled in adventures full of action, mystery and magic as they fight the Bull Demon King with the help of the Monkey King's goldenbar. 

No.4 incalculable

The front page of Sunday's New York Times features the names of 1,000 people who have died of COVID-19 in the US. Calling it "an incalculable loss", the newspaper clarified that "the 1,000 people here reflect just 1% of the toll".

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 Thanks for listening! See you tomorrow!

  • 高理里


  • 我是雷峰家


  • 静静与你分享

    Day 1

  • 听友216537070

    in five years 应该是五年后吧?

  • 叶若邻

    droves of people 成群的人 mimic vt. 模仿,摹拟 nanowire n. 纳米线,纳米丝 a degree of 一定程度上的 resolution n. 分辨率;决议;解决;决心 photosensing n. 感光器,光电传感器 spectrum n. 光谱;频谱;范围;余象

  • 星雨_茉


    涂糊塌 回复 @星雨_茉: 什么啊

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    phase 英l#feɪzr# 美l#feɪzr# n. 阶段; 时期; 月相; (月亮的) 盈亏; v. 分阶段进行; 逐步做; This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project 今年秋天,将有6000名居民参加该项目的第一阶段。 第三人称单数:phases 复数:phases 现在分词:phasing 过去式:phased 过去分词:phased

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    lancet 英l#ˈlɑːnsɪtr# 美l#ˈlænsɪtr# n. (医生用的) 柳叶刀,小刀; The growing problem is underlined in the latest issue of the Lancet 最近一期的《柳叶刀》杂志中强调了这一日益严重的问题。

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    preliminary 英l#prɪˈlɪmɪnərir# 美l#prɪˈlɪmɪnerir# adj. 预备性的; 初步的; 开始的; n. 初步行动(或活动); 预备性措施; Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote 初步结果显示共和党获得了11%的选票。 复数:preliminaries

  • 1370555rsia
