5月25日午间双语新闻:英王室因疫情收入大减 工人恐面临工资冻结

5月25日午间双语新闻:英王室因疫情收入大减 工人恐面临工资冻结


欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事!(未经授权,切勿转载)

Jordan's sneakers sell for $560K

Michael Jordan mania is taking over the auction world, as a pair of Nike Air Jordan 1s sold for $560,000 and became the most expensive sneakers ever sold. The sneakers, which were worn in a game by Jordan and autographed, sold for more than three times their original estimate, after a frenzy of bidding that saw the value go up by $300,000 in the final 20 minutes. 
迈克尔·乔丹热潮正席卷拍卖界,近日一双耐克"Air Jordan 1s"以56万美元(约合人民币398万元)的价格售出,成为有史以来售出的最贵运动鞋。乔丹在一场比赛中曾穿过这双运动鞋,鞋上还有他的亲笔签名。经过最后20分钟的疯狂竞价,这双鞋的价值上涨了30万美元,最终成交价是预估价的3倍多。

The final hammer price beat the previous record holder, a pair of 1972 Nike Waffle Racing "Flat Moon Shoes" that went for $437,500 in 2019. Sotheby's didn't disclose the name of the buyer or seller, but said bidding came from four continents. The sale coincided with the last episode of the popular ESPN documentary about Jordan, "The Last Dance."

英 /ˈmeɪniə/  美 /ˈmeɪniə/ 
n. 狂热;狂躁;热衷

英 /ˈɔːtəɡrɑːf/  美 /ˈɔːtəɡræf/
n. (名人的)亲笔签名;(作家或音乐家的)亲笔,手稿;笔迹,字迹
v. (名人)亲笔签名于……
adj. 亲笔的;(画等)真迹的

英 /ˈsniːkə(r)/  美 /ˈsniːkər/ 
n. 运动鞋;卑鄙者;鬼鬼祟祟做事的人

英 /ˈfrenzi/  美 /ˈfrenzi/ 
n. 狂怒,暴怒,狂暴
v. 使发狂,使狂怒

英 /ˈhæmə(r)/  美 /ˈhæmər/
n. 锤子;链球;击锤;锤骨;音槌;沉重打击
v. 锤击;反复敲打;击球;轻松击溃;灌输;(非正式)严厉批评;(股票交易)宣布(某人或公司)无力偿债

英 /dɪsˈkləʊz/  美 /dɪsˈkloʊz/ 
vt. 公开;揭露

Royal budget to lose £18M

The British royal budget could lose millions of pounds in revenue while residences remain closed to tourists during the coronavirus crisis. Members of staff in the royal household face pay freezes and projects have been halted amid the closures. These include Buckingham Palace, which usually welcomes visitors during summers when the Queen is at Balmoral. 

Last year, tourism earned the royal household more than £70 million. According to the Sun, an email from the Lord Chamberlain warned staff that income is expected to fall by a third this year, nearly £18 million. In the email, the Lord Chamberlain Earl Peel said the royal household was "not immune" to the impact of the pandemic.

It was last week confirmed Buckingham Palace would remain shut to visitors for the remainder of the year, while those who have booked to explore the Queen's London home will be refunded.

1、pay freeze

Robot dog patrols parks 

Singapore is trying a new way to get its residents to stay away from each other. Spot, Boston Dynamics' famous yellow and black canine robot, has been deployed to patrol the parks in Singapore and to encourage residents to social distance amid the novel coronavirus outbreak. 

The four-legged robot "dog" broadcasts a pre-recorded message to visitors to remind them of the importance of social distancing. The device is also equipped with cameras that can scan the surroundings and help officials estimate the number of people gathering in parks. "These cameras will not be able to track or recognize specific individuals, and no personal data will be collected," the government said in a statement.

英 /ˈkeɪnaɪn/  美 /ˈkeɪnaɪn/ 
adj. 犬的;犬齿的;犬科的;似犬的
n. 犬;[解剖] 犬齿

英 /dɪˈplɔɪ/  美 /dɪˈplɔɪ/ 
vt. 配置;展开;使疏开
vi. 部署;展开
n. 部署


adj. 预录的;预制的

Plastic pavement to curb waste

Ninety percent of the plastic we use ends up in landfills, or in the world's oceans. Now, a Scottish firm has invented a way to recycle that hard-to-use plastic for a role that requires durability: paving roads and highways. 

The driveway at Christopher Boyle's 17th-century English estate used the equivalent of 750,000 plastic bags and bottles ground up along with other hard-to-recycle plastic. "It has all the ecological, environmental benefits, but to your ordinary punter, you don't see any difference at all," Boyle said.

1、ground up
adj. 碾碎的
v. 磨滑

英 /ˈpʌntə(r)/  美 /ˈpʌntər/ 
n. 船夫,用篙撑船的人;(主英)赌博者;顾客;主顾;客户

No.1 mania
Michael Jordan mania is taking over the auction world, as a pair of Nike Air Jordan 1s sold for $560,000 and became the most expensive sneakers ever sold. 

No.2 autograph
The sneakers, which were worn in a game by Jordan and autographed, sold for more than three times their original estimate……

No.3 canine
Spot, Boston Dynamics' famous yellow and black canine robot, has been deployed to patrol the parks in Singapore and to encourage residents to social distance amid the novel coronavirus outbreak. 

No.4 pre-recorded
The four-legged robot "dog" broadcasts a pre-recorded message to visitors to remind them of the importance of social distancing. 

No.5 punter

"It has all the ecological, environmental benefits, but to your ordinary punter, you don't see any difference at all," Boyle said.

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  • 罗伯特夫人哦

    CathyChen_61 回复 @罗伯特夫人哦: Nice work. Just check - Where's the zebra coming from?

  • 1590260ivul

  • Yining


    甜茶伦 回复 @Yining: 应该是欧洲美洲亚洲非洲

  • 罗伯特夫人哦


    1582675rfqx 回复 @罗伯特夫人哦: 你自己的公众号吗?

  • 听友45976683

    Day 13

  • 尼禄王朝


  • 咿咿是JY


    0o6ndxekf62of9rnk6rd 回复 @咿咿是JY: 21考研英语阅读吗?

  • Joy666

    to your ordinary punter这个用法有大神讲解下吗,主要是为什么用punter而不是people

    房檐下的莺 回复 @Joy666: 你可以理解为是一种约定俗成的用法或者习惯

  • 仙境海岸

    27. pavement 人行道 28.landfill废物填埋地 29.durability耐久(用)性 30.estate 庄园 31.ground up adj. 碾碎的 32.ecological生态的; 33.punter顾客;主顾

  • 椰蓉蓉有感
