# 发音时舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前向硬颚抬起,气流从舌的旁边送出。
# /l/是舌端齿龈边辅音
# /l/是浊辅音、声带振动。
# /l/是l的发音
This is a consonant sound, you can hear it at the beginning of the word:light, in the middle of the word: valley, and at the end of word: bell,and at the beginning and end of the word:level, now you try, listen and repeat: light, valley,bell, level.OK
Similar sounds /l/ and/r/
Speakers of some language may find it difficult to tell the difference between this sound /l/ and another consonant/r/, listen carefully to hear the difference between the following two words and watch position of my mouth:light right, I make the /l/sound with the front part of my tongue behind my teeth, I make the /r/sound by making my lips come out and pulling my tongue back/r/, now listen to some examples and watch the shape of my mouth,led red// clash crash//climb crime//lice rice// lock rock//. Now you try, listen again and repeat after me, led red// clash crash // climb crime//lice rice//lock rock.
/l/ extra information
In English,/l/ at the beginning of the syllable is a bit different from/l/ at the end of the syllable,leaf feel,leaf feel// let tell ,let tell, Did you hear a little difference? listen again,/l//l/, for some speakers of English, this can change the vowel a little bit, listen again,loaf foal, loaf foal,loot tool ,loot tool, this can actually make the /l/sound disappear at the end of the syllable,so I can't say pal, I can say pill,mile milk, cold,to be careful these a bit difference.